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johnloves850's last won the day on August 11 2009

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1 Follower

About johnloves850's

  • Birthday 05/10/1990

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    Nazareth, PA

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  1. Hopefully I'll see this at H2o if my boss gives me off on Friday/Saturday...
  2. This car is so awesome dude. I love it :wub:
  3. righteous profile picture

  4. So much want, so little time/money. Story of my life thus far :lol:
  5. i have an oil-pump for you

  6. I will ship cluster in the morning and send you a tracking #.

  7. cluster is from a 1998 S70 NA

  8. Exact mileage is 132,765 from a 1998 S70 NA. my paypal is rshakat1@yahoo.com shipping will be around $15 max

  9. +1. Dump it on columbas/tritons! Nom nom nom. Whiteblock swap would be ideal :D
  10. I'd like to see what happens with this. It's not like I'll be buying a 2010+ Volvo for a few years, but who knows. I'd love to see a return of RWD. But I'll keep my dreams to myself.
  11. When I was a 7 year old, I mostly thought about what kind of person I would be. Not really being in a career or anything, but if I was going to turn out cool, or what I would look like. Although, even at 7 I was suuuuper into taking pictures at car shows, dog shows (with my mom), cool artsy shots, and things like that. Not like I knew what I was doing, mostly just turning the camera at odd angles and snapping a pic. But, it was only a matter of time before I switched to capturing video. And now I am about to graduate college with a degree in Videography/digital film editing. Two good friends of mine and I are starting a production company within the next few months. So yea, as far as right now goes, I love where I'm at. Except for my part time job, ugh. But I try to work as little as possible, and make some cash doing side jobs.
  12. What's this? Always been a fan of tiny Porsches...
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