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About mizuno8750

  • Birthday 09/15/1987

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  • Location
    Atlanta, GA

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  • Interests
    Cars, golf, and girls

mizuno8750's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I'm in, I was in this type of thing on a golf website It was $100 (yeh, a little steap), but we got first dibs on deals and exclusive pix and info. Also there was just a separate section to talk about anything. If you want to rant, or rag on other members, go for it. It was well received and I think this would be, too. -walt
  2. Too bad Fahrenheit 9/11 was Bush footage twisted around to make him look bad. You could do the same thing for Kerry, but a whole lot more revealing. Fahrenheit 9/11 is propaganda, not a documentary. -walt
  3. Can you liberals think of nothing better against Bush than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan? We may be in a huge deficit because of tax cuts, but that is the only way we could get our economy going again. Who knows how long we would've waited for the economy to start if we didn't do the tax cuts? And to think that Bush knew of 9/11 before it happened is just absurd. Bush knowing about 9/11 and still letting 2000 people die? Give me a break. If you want to know how much John Kerry flip flops on issues, check out www.senatorflipflop.com , or www.johnfkerrysucks.com those sites will give you an idea about what kind of guy he is. -walt
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