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About VAVolvo

  • Birthday 05/20/1980

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  • Location
    Richmond, VA

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  • Interests
    College, college girls, cars, scuba, Army National Guard, and comic books

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  1. hmmmm, good marketing at work here. :D
  2. HOLY $#!T!!! At my current rate, I'll finally make Elite in 7.4 years from now!!! I'm too busy actually working on the car to just sit around and talk about it all day!!!
  3. SWEET!!! If they haven't sent me to war by then... BTW: I think Kansas City would work better on us East Coast guys, esp. up in Penn. and New York and all.
  4. IwishIremeberedwherethespacebarwas...Icantseemtofindit...oh there it is ! COOOOOOLLLL!!! wow....farout! yayayayayayayayayayayayaya wathc tyhis....ECHO... echo.... hic*
  5. I never said it would be easy, I feel that it is the right thing to do, avoid abortion at all costs. It is a last resort. A more efficent type of murder, killing people at the source. Vote Pro-life and keep procreation a sacred thing!
  6. I had a major typo in my last post here, I hope this clarifies my position: Pro-life. The freedom to choose gives US a moral responsiblity. Having a abortion to escape having a child is abusing your moral agentcy and backing away from any responsibilty facing having a child. If the mother was raped, then I feel that it is better to put the child up for adoption. There are many loving families willing to adopt. I also feel that abortion is only right if the unborn child endangers the life of the mother after everything has been done to preserve it. Liberals want more gun laws but do nothing on the practice of regular abortions, murdering people at the source. Vote pro-life! Peace!
  7. BUSH As a American soldier, I feel that George W Bush would do better to defend and preserve our nation's freedom. Soldiers in Iraq understand the gift of freedom, enough to put their lives on the line and also gives the Iraqis a chance to have it for themselves. As a American soldier, I know for a fact that we ARE winning the war on terrorism dispite what you might see on TV. This is a strong country and a strong administration. Kerry has tried and failed establish peace with other nations during his time in the Senate. We cannot win hearts and minds through simply just talking, it is time to take action. Vote for Bush to continue to build our nation stronger!
  8. Pro-life. The freedom to choose gives us a moral responsiblity. Having a abortion to escape having a child is abusing your moral agentcy and backing away from any responsibilty facing having a child. If the mother was raped, then I feel that it is better to put the child up for adoption. There are many loving families willing to adopt. I also feel that abortion is only right if the unborn child endangers the life of the mother after everything has been done to preserve it. Liberals want more gun laws but do nothing on the practice of regular abortions, murdering people at the source. Vote pro-life! Peace!
  9. Let's just blow them both up. Bye-bye Iran, bye-bye N. Korea, simple as that. Then we can worry about more important things like "world peace" or "save the whales", etc. ..l.. ..l..
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