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  1. Lol, the world is full of these paradoxes. And they work both ways. Just have to know how these things affect you and whoever else you want to define as "you" and go from there.
  2. I am a broke ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD college student right now, however i do not even use a car in college. My brother and mother on the other hand, would def. be screwed by this policy, so i would be against it.
  3. This is a very efficient policy but it is not really equitable. What this will accomplish is that people who value driving (or in this case the fact that they are going to work) most, i.e rich people since they get paid more, will be the ones on the road. The poorer people will be forced to carpool or take public transportation which will lead to longer commute times. If the city has a good PT system, however, this might also work in their favor as these people could sell their car and avoid all of those expenses. It all depends on the infrastructure of the system, as well as how accessible and readily available it is.
  4. You are correct good sir, Reno and Clinton mandated that Fannie and Freddie stop their redlining practices and basically make loans to unqualified borrowers.
  5. We became the strongest country in the world because of the free commerce clause in the constitution...
  6. drunik like a mothamonkeya...thats all i can type right now....great now....college...
  7. Lol, i think you misunderstood the sarcasm there. Your logic is flawed in the first statement. Re-read what i wrote and try again. If you are not for legalizing marijuana at least decriminalize it. Or, we can get the gov. to watch peoples diet, tell them where they can live and when they can go outside, and...prohibit alcohol. One of those, didn't work out to well. Im sure the rest will be immensely successful. And yes, cocaine is just like marijuana. You win!
  8. Whats the point of buying marinol if you can just smoke the real deal? Legality?
  9. Oh man, let me go grab my listening ears. Please justify that last sentence...with...omg...FACTS!
  10. Thank you for your guidance in this thread. Instead of telling people to stay on topic, which i did btw (this has to do with cletus's post about off shore drilling), take some time and post something coherent.
  11. Another interesting article to read about the price of oil...For you Cletus!
  12. To give you a brief overview about the conflict in Georgia: (ill answer your other points in a little bit...) Found this on another forum and it explains it quite well
  13. Lol, i have as much bias for the NY Times as a whole as you, but Krugman knows what he is talking about. Speculation has no real influence on the price. Heres an excerpt about the price of onions for examples, which have no futures trading : As for the alternative fuels: I know they arent close, so whats your point. Pump out all the oil we can from where ever we can (to beat China, or Saudi, or whoever else) and then when absolute necessity kicks in, when we have no other choice, then start building the infrastructure for other sources of energy? Do you change your timing belt in the volvo after it breaks and messes up your stuff, or do you do preventative maintence and change it before everything goes haywire? The comment about your affluence for Allah was meant to be sarcasm. Next time ill make that more clear. And what will happen if there is free market in Saudi Arabia? A bigger monopoly. Think of the days of Rockeffeler. Short term price drops and huge buyouts. About the Georgia Invasion: I am not typing this from Belarus, if i was, regardless of what the real situation was, the media in Belarus would be all over Putins testicles. Belarus is a dictatorship. In every sense of the word. Now, as for the real conflict. Russia has indeed cause a ton of havoc in the world, but i would argue no more than any other economically or politically powerfull nation...like the U.S for example. That being said, the Georgia conflict is not one of those times. Georgia does not have a blooming democracy. Ossetia has for a long time wanted to become a part of russia and it was indeed agreed upon in 1992 that this would become a relaity. The current president of Georgia, however, disagress with this. He has massacred many people in that region for their desire to be a part of russia. The reason for this specific conflict, the reason Russia is defending Ossetia is probably rooted in economics. Lets face it, countries dont really help one another unless they can profit from the exchange. This does not change however, that georgia is in the wrong. As for your theory about Russias weakness, this is not the cold war, their light bulb building technologies have improved...just a little bit. But your last statement is correct except for one thing, a massive influx of wealth into the country because of the policies directly attributed to Putins totalitarian regime. Pardon the spelling, btw!
  14. First of all, your point about speculators being the cause of high oil prices is wrong. Read This, This, and This,. Second, I am completly for Nuclear power, lumping it in with petroleum technologies is...interesting? And yes, us knucklehead want to invest billions of dollars on energy that can be renewed, and would in turn be less harmfull to the enviornemnt, and divert power and influence from the "allah" countries you have such an affluent affection for. Try not to look at things so much in the short term, usually not the best way of doing things.
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