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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/2010 in all areas

  1. Seems to me that the Tea Party isn't make believe.
    2 points
  2. I am still waiting on a sound debate on how Obama and his administration are not Socialist.
    1 point
  3. wow not even close to flat. notice them ehem reflections in the paint.... something different, not for everyone but its mean
    1 point
  4. Reality!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL thanks for the laughs. Pelosi- "the Obama middle class tax cuts" HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA OMG my sides hurt from laughing at your myopic view of politics. There is no reality in DC. All those dick head are living on fantasy island, with fantastic pay, benefits, power and insulation from American reality. Keep writing the check and listen for the flushing sound... And the peasants carry pitchforks. Mine is getting sharpened right now. WRONG DBAG. ive been listening to the left press and news orgs for 35 years, and the mantra is the same. and there are no conservatives with any intellect or education? hmmm 50% of the population wants to debate you on that. madison- intellectual ghetto? jefferson? franklin? you dont know history. they were conservatives.
    1 point
  5. Instead of clicking edit, I accidentally clicked the delete button on my previous post. Trying to re-write the same as I wrote a minute ago is surprisingly challenging. I think thats a gigantic and unfair assumption. And the same is true for many left-wingers in the country. I'm a minority in RI, MA, the schools I grew up in and the college I went to. Not being an Obama supporter automatically meant I was a mccain loving republican I can't put to words the feeling the obama support gave off, but it was almost like you weren't cool if you didn't like obama, you weren't for change, you were just one of them fat white gun loving americans. It's too extremist. At the end of the day you have to remember, everyone is dumb. On all sides of the fence.
    1 point
  6. I would have to disagree with you 100%. We currently live in a Socialist society. As Proof I give you some very important facts. 1. We have redistribution of wealth like welfare,financial aid, tax rates based on income levels. 2. We have a government controlled marketplace. They make the rules for the market place. (The banking system or Health care are great examples) 3. We have government controlled companies competing in the marketplace. (Think GM, Freddy, Fanny, Post Office, Amcrack) Now, to say we have not made a move towards socialism even further under this President and Congress is to simply put your head in the sand with ignorance 1. Bailouts of Banks & Automakers (As well as general stimulus) 2. Healthcare Reform (Government says you have to buy this etc.. etc.. ) 3. Whats the deal with the Czars? Oh that is right they are there to "Regulate" (Like Warren G I think) 3. Also, what agendas are they trying to push through currently? Net Neutrality! *Socialist to the core* No, its not your network you can't do what you want we the government should have control! YAR YAR YAR! Sorry, but I have to disagree with you on this
    1 point
  7. Oh thats right because a rich white guy in the hills of Connecticut is a different demographic? Im guessing your income, according to Obama and COngress believe me your rich! HAHAHA. No but really, WHO reads those ? Their readership is in the toilet and the Times is looking to sell out. Outta touch thats what they are. And the Tea Party has as much right to advance their ideas as the NAACP. But hey who am I to get in the way of a good boogie man story. The fact that they have caused so much furor means they have hit a big nerve. And thats OK by me if it shakes up a few wonks. How was that Kev?
    1 point
  8. Government spending cannot boost the economy. The government has no money. Government spending money it does not have=bad. Really what the debt issue boils down to. Tea Party wants to take the government back from these flagrant spending policies. With government and O approval at an extreme low, it's blatantly obvious the government is not representing the will of the people. And with regards to saying a human is not an asset, but rather a human being in the business world, you need to really look at the way the business world works. You're fighting for the rights of the low level workers, and it is indeed a tragedy for them, however companies must stay alive. Companies provide jobs, they stimulate their local community at a minimum, and they provide opportunity. This "boo big business" nonsense is irrational. Commissar is on point regarding when and where the government needs to intervene. This is not the time.
    1 point
  9. The only bigotry and hatred is for people too lazy to help themselves to anything but the Government pie handouts! This is not about race, or sex, or national origin, or religion, or handicap, it is about responsibility to ourselves and each other.
    1 point
  10. The Tea Party is not make believe. But it is also not a "political party". It is a grass roots association of like-minded individuals with no leader, who believe that government is too big, socialism is wrong, and the law of the land should be based solely on the amended constitution of the United States. With core values of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets, Tea Party Patriots are conservative in nature but not closely aligned with the Republican Party. Needless to say they are not liberals or Democrats in any way. How can anyone support either republicans or democrats? These fools are converting our country to socialism and bankrupting her at the same time??? If you personally spend more than you make what happens??? Should our government be allowed to continue this trend to the ruine of our country??? Think about it... Maybe you should be a Patriot
    1 point
  11. nah and here and there... I'm leaning towards this..
    1 point
  12. does anyone know if that bumper would fit on an s70?
    1 point
  13. 0 points
  14. Sorry, but nobody at the "grass roots" level thought this up. This is a radically 'conservative,' big business agenda disguised as a populist movement. I don't doubt for a second that there are many millions of people out there frustrated by the federal government protesting under the "tea party" banner, but the tea party itself was invented by big business to further their own agenda. Who knows, the inmates may yet take over the asylum, but it hasn't happened yet.
    -1 points
  15. This is a complete regurgitation of fake news talking points. There is nothing remotely socialist about the United States based on any traditional definition of that word. Anyone who believes Obama is a 'socialist' is a fool. The only thing wrong with the stimulus plan is that it wasn't big enough, and too much of the money it did spend was given to the major financial institutions who caused this economic crisis. Why shouldn't they go under if they fail? If nothing is done to boost this economy via increased government spending, then our current economic troubles are only going to get worse.
    -1 points
  16. I think their biggest problem is the transparent bigotry and hatred for "others" that kills any broad-based support for necessary change.
    -1 points
  17. All this talk about socialism, and yet the government hasn't done anything socialist. Plllllease look up the definition of socialism and then site specifically what the administration has done that is socialist. I shall prepare my rebuttal.
    -1 points
  18. Sure. I'm rich. I heat the house with wood and drive a 12-year old Volvo. Don't let any facts get in the way of a good rant, though. People who can read, and enjoy doing it? And I'm guessing nearly every guest on Fox 'News' reads the Times, too, because they sure enjoy plugging their books as a "NY Times best-seller" when they make the list. Sure, because everybody knows that white people were brought over as slaves, then systematically denied their rights for over a century after emancipation, right? Really, how do you rationalize the need for a group comprised entirely of white people as a political party in 2010? Entertaining as usual.
    -1 points
  19. There it is in a nutshell. Your sole power in the workplace is the 'freedom' to quit and take another job with the same working conditions. Pretty sad. Try this: Go up and ask your boss for a change in your working conditions, like flexible hours, or something similarly minor. When your request is declined, then try to organize your workplace to get some worker input for working conditions. Uh oh! Now you've done it! You're a union agitator, now, and your days as an employee there are up. Good luck finding another job, now, with your history as a trouble maker! :lol:
    -1 points
  20. No, it's just that the right-wingers on this forum (and in the country) live in an intellectual ghetto and aren't used to hearing anything they disagree with. They spend so much time agreeing with people who think exactly like them that they seem genuinely shocked to encounter any difference of opinion.
    -1 points
  21. Tell me who's leading the "conservative party," then.
    -1 points
  22. Speak of the Devil.... The Onion and The Daily Show are my most trusted news sources.... :lol:
    -1 points
  23. I always wondered why I had to ride the short bus......
    -1 points
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