I still dig stanced cars, the scene is just becoming oversaturated and boring IMO. However, I think there is a rise of people stancing out cars, and not doing much else, the opposite of what you've stated. A perfect example of boring is the C30 on CCW's at H20. It was slammed on nice wheels, big deal. There are a lot of stanced cars out w/ pushing big horse power, but they seem to be becoming much less common. It's also not all about stance and power though, it seems it used to be a lot of people were stancing cars and doing a lot of subtle mods to the exterior/interior of the cars well and that as well doesn't seem to be the norm. Thus why it's getting boring. higuysijustslammedmynewcaron3kdollarwheelswithairrideomg yawn
Exactly. I really dig rusty though.