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Everything posted by TIZIO AKA 1 HND MEC

  1. Hey Greg, did you sell the 855 or just the OZ"s??? 


  2. Playing a bit with my camera... Nikon only.
  3. Just found out about that Hell of the Moose you just started, Congrats Matt!!!
  4. where are you located mate? PM me....

  5. yep, take my spot my friend, I need to talk to you, I PM'ed you!!!
  6. Please occupy a virtual spot for my BlackS70!!! lean a flag on the ground so we can drone picture it!
  7. Val, we are all brothers lol. We all work right in the middle of the shop haha!!!
  8. I have some nice plans, one of them includes a ride on the best road of Europe ---Transfagarasan and more than sure in a VOLVO..turbo! keep in touch as I have friends around Europe!!! I have some nice plans, one of them includes a ride on the best road of Europe ---Transfagarasan and more than sure in a VOLVO..turbo! keep in touch as I have friends around Europe!!!
  9. You all better get some Sun and Fun this Year,cause I will not attend this one! My retirement bell just rang and I will enjoy your pic with some volvonuts in Europe! The new owner of the Blacks70 might attend ( and with it a part of me)!!!
  10. Welcome to the"Club", another Olive up northeast , nice NJ plates!!! Manual swap +AWD on your plans??? You lucky that George I ▲™ his Highness has some tips for ya'!!!
  11. With a cracked windshield and a fake parting list you should not mention any M66 word ( at least until is done Mr)!!!
  12. You got sooo much water that even your ETM got wet!!! Not sure yet about next yr.....
  13. Seems like you will be the "dealer" so far!!! Carlisle seems to be the best/fast/easy choice for a lot of us!!!
  14. A heads up for the NEC guys (Kev, Brad, Adam etc...), we can manage to lower the cost by shipping 4-10 pc to someone on the East Coast and bring them to Carlisle or ship them locally. Nice job on this Mr V!!!
  15. Another 426 swapped, mine was done a week ago and I got the strong impression she wont stay silver( only 50 cars were silver R on MY 2000)!
  16. Lucky you guys, I got only olives around me!!!
  17. Thats at Andy garage, you can see his car on the background!
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