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Everything posted by PyROTech

  1. canada doesnt want any draft doggers up here!!!! if we end up in a war, you wont even fight in your own country so you most def wont fight in ours, lol i just crack myself up
  2. glad we can finally hear from the experts :lol:
  3. drinkng age varys everywhere you go. In ontario Canada its 19 and varies by province. Its lorta like how old do ya have to be before you drive, that also changes from place to place. I think the age should be determined by the society you are in, it then becomes the norm. And of course you drink before yer of age and drive before yer of age. So the age just serves a purpose of limiting you to not drinking in public as i see it. Also it allows for somewhat adult supervision since you must get someone over the age "doesnt include fake id". There can be an arguement to lower the age easily example: gun at 17 driving just before 18, pron at 18, then finally comes drinking at 19. So would you trust a kid with a gun before pron or booze?
  4. not sure about this for you charles, but when i went with the webhosting company i did "sorry i didnt use the one you suggested,but" i got unlimited email accounts "pop,webmail also". Now in no way i am saying free email accounts but a small fee for just email accounts would be good idea. Also i am willing to invest in your idea if you want, or be first test subject for such a system.
  5. its like the mafia "it went away and I am not allowed to say much"
  6. i want to help in some way in your idea, how can i help?
  7. after reading 11 pages of crap in one sitting and not knowing when i was going to get to the last page i have come to the conclusion that i should start drinking?
  8. lucky i got rid of all my us bucks, i would have lost so much. But now it looks like this winter i can goto florida for cheap. Hope for our exports the us dollar doesnt drop below the canadian. And i hope they dont open the border to let the us have our drugs or are prices will be the same as the us prices. But on the good note gas prices are getting low again, who loves canadian tire mornings?? 59.9 cents a litre?
  9. sorry about bypassing the word filter, i am guilty of doing it many times. But please keep in mind i am never out to offend anyone and always supportive of everyone else and i dont flame other people/ remain neutral. The last censorship issue was me commenting about myself, but still its against the rules and i understand and will try next time to follow them better.
  10. jwmerrill i also love your black c70 hpt man, rims are nice also but not my first pick. If i could get 3 volvos they would be , v70r, s60r, and c70hptM
  11. All true on both sides. But what i like about canada is we can see the uncensored version of the news. Its not banned like many tv programs the states can not receive. Iraq isnt going to get any better the way things are going right now. Installing a government is like installing a peice of software that conflicts with other software, not all but some.
  12. i was just agreeing with freeskier that it seems the us economy is getting better by me paying more for my laptop. the part on the end of afhanastand "the fag part" wasnt intentional, accident.
  13. ya, look the stupid us economy got better and the canadian dollar went down and i had to pay an extra 100 bucks on my laptop due to exhancge rates. Ok, canadians arent saints, ya people hate us too. No we dont support the war in iraq and dont have military troops in iraq either. No we dont support weapons of mass drestruction, but we wanted to wait for inspectors and use violence as a last resort. Fine you will argue that the inspectors dont do anyhthing and werent powerfull enough, its just that iraq possed no threat to canada. We did help out in afganastan "sp?" but that was b/c your reasoning was to attack a person that attacked you first, not afganastan itself but who ever attacked world trade center! And the worst thing for canada in afhganastanbvfsdgdfag was that we didnt have proper camo "we looked like green christmas trees in a destert" .
  14. ya, small countries. Look at the size of land we have for our pop. If we dont invade other countries why need a big military? Canada didnt have cold war like US did, in fact the whole idea of having so many nuclear weapons pointed at the states would scare canadians b/c if you were nuked we are way to close!
  15. we dont have a sizable army not b/c we have you, b/c there is no need and for the size of our population and land its not economically sound to support defence of all our borders. Also you have mountains and sking just like we do as well a fine women. But agreed we have better bear "just b/c it contains more alcohol %". And yes the economy will return to a better postion and then decline once more "b. cycle". But the time it takes the economy to return to full capacity is dependent on gov policy.
  16. never said anything about anyone being better than anyone else period. Not comparing since we are two different economies. Yes we have less people, and we dont need an army like the US has b/c we dont like to make enemies "in the sense that we would rather take the step of solving the problem than attacking someone else" The thing i was comparing is how the dollar is valued. against the green back as most currencies are since you usually pick a stable and high value economy to compare currencies. people say example " the canadian dollar is worth 74cents us" thats what comparision i was talking about. Picking a governemnt is based on what economic policy the government will take "in terms of economy not the war". May it be reducing taxes, increasing government spending, changing interest rates...
  17. the canadian dollar has been going up and up. When us does bad canadain dollar good. B/c there compared. Bad for our exports but good for our imports. So with that logic i guess soon the us economy will be so bad that they will start to export things?
  18. us economy is in the toilet, dont let governement spending fool you into thinking that its a plus when the economy will naturally go back to previous point where the spending didnt really do anything. Also yer debt, you planning on ever paying it off???????????????????????????????????????????????
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