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Everything posted by jester1182

  1. is that you GOD? its me margret. i hope any jurors/judges you come across arent as ignorant as yourself. for your own sake.
  2. i dont have enough time to point out all the irony and hypocracy in this statement, but for the record. wow.
  3. until we learn to get along none of us will have our way. to those who say they are displeased write the politicians you have elected. this nation was not founded on passivism.
  4. ^^^^^ thats pretty annnnnnyhooo i may as well share my 2 cents. The thing about racial profiling is that it is based on the mind of the authority. bias is internal and not necessarily even conscious. security guards boss ladies may have told them to randomly search people (I(a then pudgy 15 year old kid) got searched twice during my trip to Colorado) but does that really mean the search process is random? I would hope that each and every security person understands what their job is and the events surrounding the need for security. If this is the case then they would understand the “facts” joe pointed out so kindly for us, and would naturally be suspicious of someone in that classification. The same is true for racial profiling on the streets. If a city cop has seen a long history of black criminals who is going to look more suspicious the black man with a Rolex or the white? It is my conclusion then that the pressure put on security to randomize searching does not hamper effectiveness of the process, though it may take longer to board a plane (such is the sacrifice for living in a fair nation). If anything this type of searching is good because it lessens the possibility that the first white/black/orsomethinginbetween colored Muslim 17-40 year old terrorist gets on the plane next to aunt sally and gets her jerk hijacked.
  5. because of the insanely fast growing chinese economy and third world countries newly aquired taste for petroleum fuel. the oil exproted from iraq is a very small amount compared to that exported elsewhere int he world, however the monetary value of that oil is much larger than the salary of an political office. :excl:
  6. its comforting to know the lives of dedicated US soliders who died fighting for you are valued the same as any random person in detroit. im not even going to read the rest of that
  7. the way i see it, we shouldnt be putting guns in airplanes intentionally. if this is the best way to protect against the threat of terrorism then ok, but i dont see how it can be. Airplanes are controlled envorments and can easily be incapacitated. i never have understood why the pilots are not seperated completely from the passengers. if an undercover officer with a weapon on board is the only way then its about time we started coming up with some better technology.
  8. http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/041020/nyw153_1.html?printer=1 :lol:
  9. well i didnt ever think there was any controversy over which networks supported which candidates but whatever.... that there are tons of anti bush neworks and only one which supports him? prove this to me. and why that makes them unbias.
  10. i just watched citizen kane for the first time and it started me thinking about when the media because such an insensative and greedy industry. just as i was pondering this i see the local news paper with what i would guess to be the 5th or so picture of a hostage in iraq. it really pisses me off so much i cant even talk about it. also when did it become ok for news orginizations to have thier own political agenda? i dont think theres a person on this board who wouldnt argue that at least one tv station constantly spews out fallacies. to get the actual facts you have to find a way to combind all the media that is presented to you and i find that absurd. as a civilized nation shouldnt we have an unbias source for information. is that such a irrational thought?
  11. no my names not patrick. id say its about time you got rid of that signature.
  12. yeah well thats another thing politicians do. make up facts. read over a script of the debates youll be amazed how many "facts" you see from either side. (my personal favorite is cheneys proclamation that he has never met edwards before). then again those things are live and under pressure can see how one might throw out a number and stick with it for no logical reason. of course, i get the vague impression that there was some sort of WMD dispute a while back. what was that all about anyway?
  13. yet i understand the system better than you. tis irony for sure, but thats they way the stuff falls.
  14. his cabinet wasn't sure they could come up with an adequate alibi??? Easier physically perhaps, but not legally. the crazy treehuggers all you conservatives fear would have gone buckwild for every seal and eagle near that peice. he must have thought it would have painted him in a much worse light than just having 1000plus american soilders die.
  15. all presidential candidates do that capp'n. its called being a politician. your boy george is no exception, and you are fooling yourself to think otherwise. candidates must appeal to the masses, its how they get votes. right or wrong they all do it. perhaps you would know this if you spent less time watching mtv, and more time on cnn (or fox if that floats your conservative boat) you would understand some fo these vaguely important things. P.S. you just admitted you watch mtv...hahahahahahahahahaha. i mean seriously though comon.
  16. that may be the smartest thing ive ever read here. unfourtunately your voting the same way as this guy... if you dont see my point id be glad to clarify.
  17. its good to see someone actually using facts(or news articles at least) in the politics section. i appreciate it. ive never heard of the FOP, but i did a little research on the president(googled him ) and found some entertaing stuff. hes actually got his own section on georgewbush.com called "keeping order" where he answers questions for all the non partisan visitors to his site looking for some direction:0. very sweet of him. anyhoo, i didnt see any powerful arguements in that that couldnt be made about bush as well, however, i did find this for you. enjoy http://www.usatoday.com/news/politicselect...ice-union_x.htm
  18. chuck i couldnt agree more. ive got big problems with both candidates, however i must say bushs' renowed debating skills didnt really show through in the first debate. love him or hate him kerry put up his own. i bet if the election were today it would be another recount situation. its always interesting how often people are accused of "being against" this or that because they didnt appove a bill. somehow it is rarely (i never heard it at all during the debate) pointed out that bills do contain many many items and there are so many proposed that the point is basiclly void. both parties are doing such terrible jobs with their candidates that a reasonable third party would seem like a viable option at this point. darn shame theres none to be found. im moving back to the homeland. tony blair knows the deal.
  19. inline gdogg and ontheheel thanks for turning this thread into a flamig pile of crap. kerry is not a very strong candidate but as someone said before the choice is between a devil we dont know and a devil we do. unfourtunately the devil we have given a chance has proven exactally what he is made of. if 15million simultaneous protestors dosent say something to you then perhaps its time to reevaluate what you stand for. regardless the poll speaks for itself, and despite probably being manipulated by the liberal media , kerrys on top. try to argue with the numbers fellas.
  20. Darn 2.30 is ridicolous. ig uess i should be greatful for $1.80
  21. yeah we wouldnt really be in alot of this iraqi stuff w/o him but whats done is done(and saddam is out for good), and i dont know how good kerry or anyone else would be at cleaning up someone elses mess. id be fine with hime as the preident again as long as he didnt start another war like with korea or sometihng. plus i think cnn said kerry supported a raise on gas prices, and thats just poking ridicolous.
  22. bush should use that in his campaign. that pisses me off enough to almost vote for him. they really should do something about educating the kids though, if they let the same attitude spread tot he next generation then this kind of stuff will never stop.
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