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The Big Tuna

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Everything posted by The Big Tuna

  1. Why am I suddenly turned on? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN_3jUErRrw&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  2. Are you just using wow to exchange gold for ZJ's
  3. Did they break all the tabs and everything or is it a clean steal?
  4. Well it's better than him fapping to pictures of me I guess lol
  5. I'm surprised your not fapping away at the pictures of Ashely in Carlisle thread :barf:
  6. I was going to save your thank you til I got my phone set up today but I took a nap instead, so stop being so sensitive lolol
  7. That was Friday, he went Mia on Saturday lol
  8. Glad to see you bud, really glad you were able to take some time away from work to head down. Awesome to be back, it was great seeing a bunch of you, as short of a time it was with a few if you....big thanks to all who made me coming up possible, especially to chuck for picking me up, Dana and Brett for the hotel room hookup, rye and Allison for always being awesome and hospitable, Danny and Julie for being one of the only reasons why I miss the NW, Jason for making a possible shitty night turn out not so bad, and Adam for making me cry in hysterics about spiderman/Kim Kardashian jokes. Still wondering wtf happened to Austin lolol, Ill hit you up soon to figure it all out lol
  9. Was pouring in pdx today and I just got home and it's 92 lol
  10. I'd have a 242 over any of those pos's any day....nothin beats a proper fitted nice 240
  11. Have you met DJ? That's what he did pretty much lolol
  12. Really don't understand the fan boys with these cars, the really are ugly lol You know you want it lol
  13. I've seen two sets of pegs (one on VS) that spokes have cracked/broken shortly after, course one of those cars was a XC90 but still lolol
  14. Was The wheel that was cracked pc'ed is what I ment, my bad
  15. Matt did you have your wheels PC'ed? Looking good Jackson, no more voxx's ftw!
  16. 1,200+ brunches, 900+ dinners...Jesus, glad IPD is coming up lolol
  17. He's saying your hiding your new wheels Btw if your a person who drives through a tunnel and lays on your horn just to be "funny".....go drive off of a cliff
  18. I think he was referring to him and Taylor are going to be double Dutch ruddering each other the whole weekend, so no need for hookers Hookers only make things better
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