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Everything posted by theForgottenone

  1. Why people want to buy a car with some noise, I'm waiting for one without any noise
  2. I would vote for Clinton before Trump. Sanders is still pissing her off which I find it hilarious.
  3. I think everything just went over your head. some credible source such as scientific research institution or even any accredit academic org would lend more credit then wiki. Nevermind,if it is posted on the internet then it must be true.
  4. Come on Kevin. I'm not into religious but quoting a wiki to provide fact is pretty lame and baseless.
  5. Cruz did as a last ditch effort against trump. Similar to how he join effort with Kasich on remaining campaign states which hasn't turn out quite as he expected. At least, Fiorina is a lot smarter compare to Palin.
  6. I will answer question B. it is the mentality of the mainstream population that everyone entitle to have all the right they feel like it. Well, I don't feel like being man today so I will use the women restroom. By golly, I have my right to do that. oh, please call me kaitlynn because I don't go by Bruce anymore
  7. "Ted Cruz taps a running mate, Carly Fiorina, in unusual gambit" Cruz supporter Jim McAdams, who was wearing a homemade "Ted Cruz 16" shirt to the announcement event in Indianapolis, predicted the Fiorina pick would generate badly needed momentum. But the 74-year-old retired mechanical engineer conceded that Cruz is a longshot at this point. "The only way he's going to get in office is divine intervention," McAdams said. "We pray for his campaign every day." Above quote from one of this support at a rally is pretty much sum it up for Cruz.
  8. I agreed on most part. Elon M stated that Tesla battery packs will be something like 99.5 % recyclable. Gigs factory is Self sustaining power from wind and solar. Regarding wind as energy source. Not only are federal wind subsidies a colossal waste of money and detrimental to the economy, but they subsidize an industry that is actually harmful to the environment. The alleged goal of incentivizing “green energy” industries is to help protect the environment, but with wind energy comes a slew of environmental problems. For example, it is estimated that wind turbines in the U.S. kill up to 328,000 birds annually, and, last year alone, wind turbines killed 600,000 bats. What’s more, the amount of land needed for wind farms to be effective is staggering. For New York City to be powered by wind alone, every square meter of Connecticut would need to become a wind farm. For example, we cannot control when or how much the wind blows, and it just so happens that it tends to blow when we need it least. On average, wind energy facilities operate at just 30 percent of their capacity and must be backed up by more reliable forms of energy such as natural gas In short, there isn't one perfect solution to energy issue. It take a lot electricity to refine the crude oil that millions of ICE car currently need. Tell that to China. But if nobody is taking action toward making a small change, there won't be any difference. Just like tossing a starfish on the sandy beach, at least that one will survive another day.
  9. Are you saying using solar to power your home is not making a difference? Isn't using less from the grid or toward net zero is making a difference. the best is more people telecommute or work from home. I been doing that for the since 2012. Hydrogen is 3x more inefficient compare to electric vehicles http://electrek.co/2016/04/26/automakers-fuel-cell-hydrogen-electric-vehicles/
  10. I'm gonna have to vote for sanders now. Rich kids will benefit more from free college tuitions plan by Bernie. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/rich-kids-will-benefit-more-from-free-college-2016-04-22?link=sfmw_tw
  11. For some people, reading can be difficulty but rather easy to attack someone else grammar. That was my original intend on linking the article.
  12. Toyota have one in development. Not sure when they will bring it to the market. I posted the picture of it on the other last purchase thread.
  13. 16 car manufactures show irregularities in emission data. It is getting sad to see what companies are going to the extend to lie to the consumers. That is not even including recent Mitsubishi scandal. although I did purchase $3300 in ford stock Friday. http://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/110673-160422-16-car-brands-show-irregularities-in-german-emissions-probe-minister
  14. Clinton is the most honest candidate in this election. She have 50% vs 9% to trump. Choices.... http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/04/24/opinion/sunday/is-hillary-clinton-dishonest.html?smid=tw-share&referer=https://t.co/mVIraqswbH
  15. Ten charts about Tesla versus competitors http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-04-21/tesla-changed-cars-forever-now-it-must-deliver
  16. No but they clearly label their bathroom in the proper gender. There are no policy or confusing for their customers. i have friends/co-workers that are either lesbian or gay. I accepted them for who they are but sharing bathroom for transgender is not acceptable for my children. There are no discussion beyond that.
  17. It is an easy choice for me, I won't take my daughters to Target in the future or plan to use their restroom. Rarely we ever use public restroom but most of the time it was either in Macy store or Nordstrom.
  18. Target allow transgender bathroom. Target on Tuesday published a blog post reiterating its support of federal legislation that would protect people from discrimination based on sexuality or gender identity. In addition, it said transgender employees and shoppers are welcome to use the restroom or fitting room that corresponds with their gender identity. http://www.oregonlive.com/window-shop/index.ssf/2016/04/target_transgender_bathroom_policy.html#incart_river_index
  19. Im gonna have to see his birth certificate again
  20. Well, Kasich ain't going anywhere. We all know who are the four leading candidates or most likely to be nominated by their respective party. In reality, we are screwed. For all the Obama haters, he is the right choice and a good one for the last 8 years 😀
  21. So we have anger management issue for both side of the party for potus candidate. Exception is trump acting more like a 3rd grader and sanders is an adult anger issue. Clinton is a lying straight to your face witch. Cruz, well what does he offer since I haven't figure out yet. sound like we have a great selection here y'all.
  22. I do share the same feeling. I'm all for increase tax if it is being put to good use. 1. Child education (K12) 2. Infrastructure (street/bridge/railroad) 3. Healthcare 4. Invest in sector to be less dependent on finite resources from other countries. 5. Build a wall to isolate Texas/California/Florida from the rest of United States. He is a politician. Never say never
  23. This is what bernie tax system would look like if he is elected. He won't even leave those die exempt from tax increase 😭 http://dailycaller.com/2016/04/17/this-chart-shows-what-your-paycheck-will-look-like-under-bernie-sanders-tax-plan/ The highest income earners would be about 17% lower on their net income. I suggest ErikS find a new tax accountant fast. Under the proposal, all taxpayers would face a new 2.2 percent tax on income, and a 6.2 percent Social Security payroll tax would be applied to incomes over $250,000. in addition, there is .5% tax on all financial transactions (stock). How would that help the economy?
  24. relevant to the other thread on tesla for recent purchase GM actual reaction to model 3 unveil. Select on the right side for subtitle option
  25. If the public school ever have that issue in my county, I will pull my daughters and put them into private school.
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