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Everything posted by theForgottenone

  1. Or give me some money as investment and write it off as business loss. Win win situation
  2. He hasn't found any Swiss bank account or Cayman island LLC yet 😂
  3. There are more riches people dodge tax than working class benefits from lower tax rate. Now that is a fact. Do you ever see Bill gates or Warren Buffett complain about they being tax too much. Give me a break i won't ever buy the story of those in highest income tax bracket not being treat fair. That is only on federal tax bracket. Each tax bracket is different. For instance, OR max is 9.9% for above $250k and no max. I will be damn if I pay effective tax rate of 25% of my AGI income. I been paying my accountant pretty cheap and I never paid more than 15% 😂 https://www.irs.com/articles/2015-federal-tax-rates-personal-exemptions-and-standard-deductions
  4. Obviously, they are not working class for sure based on Timmo motion since only the riches are the hardest working people. Just because you are not successful doesn't meant aren't hardest working people. what you call people holding 2 or 3 jobs to provide for their families? Leaches/freeloader of the society?
  5. http://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/first-read-why-trump-s-delegate-lead-could-be-narrower-n533216 Look like Cruz have a better chance of beating Trump. So there is hope after all for Republican at this point. In the end, we all be screwed by Hillary.
  6. I know it is hard to teach an old dog new trick. So what have I written/state so far indicate i'm entitle punk asses? Can you tell me what advantage of what WE (as in you?) offer. Did you serve the country and provide me the freedom of speech. Please enlighten me. I'm sorry but in life, I had work hard for everything with my two hands. Nothing is given free to me. My family came here legally (or even more) as the same way YOUR ancestors did 200 years ago. If i'm a U.S citizen, then I have every right to demand more of our elected officials whether that is my city mayor or POTUS. Stating that accept what is there right now and deal with is similar to why did we ever need to have the civil war. Everyone is good with slavery so who need to change.
  7. I'll go back as long you also go back to Europe or wherever your ancestor came from. Cool?
  8. So you willing to vote on someone told the truth about 1% of his statement. Sound legit
  9. That is the issue is that now America has come down to the standard of you don't like it here then you have a choice to go back. Typical of when people don't have an answer to the question/issue and trying to pass off. if the potus is an idiot then what does it make U.S look like to the rest of the world. Not that image is great for the last decades. So trump is a better choice, sell it to me like how you tell your potential customer bmw is better than Mercedes, Audi, Lexus, jaguar.
  10. What a sad state for the United States when your forerunner of republican is trump while the other one is a straight face lying lawyer for democrat. the question is, which is the lesser of two evil? Not a great choice here.
  11. Everyone had hit and miss but remember the Cuba missile crisis. Without his decision, WWIII could had happen already. And regarding his assassination, we never truly know the root cause other what been known to us as a crazy individual who carry that out. Same can be say for Abraham Lincoln since he also got took out by a successful assissination attempt. I do vote but then.....what presidential candidate we had since Clinton era brought us as of a choice? Al Gore vs Bush Jr, McCain&Palin vs Obama/Biden.
  12. Voting for presidential election has been the lesser of two evil for quite sometime now. We don't have anymore of the actual good president like the good old days of JFK or teddy roosevelt
  13. My goal is to own a porsche before I retire. That would be either a CaymanS/GT4 or 911 model
  14. For less manly type job, you can do air traffic controller, mailman, elevator repairman? If you are good at talking then any type of sale job can make money in any type of fields. Again, all I'm hearing is excuse. In life, you get what put in. Nobody will be there to spoon feed you a job making high 5 digits or 6 digit because everyone deserve equal opportunity or chance.
  15. That is if you go to public university/college. $100k is cheap for a bachelor degree these days.
  16. Elevator repairman make $100k per year. Just saying. mailman make minimum $20 per hour and you just have to past a test to make sure you can decipher mail address. Air traffic controller make above 6 digits and FTA will train you as they are shortage of them. As long you meet the require age range (not too old like over 40yrs old). I had a link a while back where they only require you to live in Oklahoma for couple months. Pretty good deal for a good paying job.
  17. When there is a will, there is a way. Most people blame on others or lack of opportunity for success. For crying out loud, you live in first world country not some 3rd world where wage per hour is $1 such as countries in South America or some in Asia, and Africa. My family came here (legally) with zero dollars in our pocket and all of my sibling are not in poverty and able to support their families without any issue.
  18. One of the newest corruption topic has recently surface for Portland politicians. How can they sleep at night knowing they cost tax payers millions in money....Oregon budget deficit has been billions for god know how long. ----------------------------------------------- Some cliff note. The new park ultimately cost $15.1 million – 2 ½ times more than budgeted The developers knew that by turning over about 190,000 square feet for the riverfront park, they could get the rights to develop more than 900,000 square feet elsewhere. They could use those development rights to exceed zoning. For example, the developers could construct a five-story building where current rules allowed for only four stories. The 4-acre greenway is also one of Portland's most expensive parks to operate and maintain, at nearly $500,000 a year compared to $327,000 for its northern neighbor, 30-acre Tom McCall Waterfront Park. http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2016/02/portlands_151_million_pathway.html So Nick Fish sent out an email to his supporter http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2016/02/nick_fish_concedes_greenway_di.html#incart_big-photo his main excuse * greenway didn't get 'sunshine it deserved'*
  19. Ironic they fled from England for freedom of religion but put *In God we trust* in all currency paper money.
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