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Everything posted by s70turbo1998

  1. Government spending cannot boost the economy. The government has no money. Government spending money it does not have=bad. Really what the debt issue boils down to. Tea Party wants to take the government back from these flagrant spending policies. With government and O approval at an extreme low, it's blatantly obvious the government is not representing the will of the people. And with regards to saying a human is not an asset, but rather a human being in the business world, you need to really look at the way the business world works. You're fighting for the rights of the low level workers, and it is indeed a tragedy for them, however companies must stay alive. Companies provide jobs, they stimulate their local community at a minimum, and they provide opportunity. This "boo big business" nonsense is irrational. Commissar is on point regarding when and where the government needs to intervene. This is not the time.
  2. That site is the equivalent of The Onion. What is interesting is that the percentage that think he is Muslim has fluctuated. Shows how people respond to surveys giving answers they view as negative in an attempt to belittle Obama through polls.
  3. That's ludicrous. That assumes everyone hates their job, and from the tone of the writing, that the free time after work and on weekends is nonexistent. If you hate your job to the point where you feel like a drone, or a "cog in the machine", you're either a)obviously not pursuing an appropriate career path (is that mandated? don't think so) or b)working during the industrial revolution when the assembly line became popular. Nobody is forcing you to work. That piece reeks of anti-industrial sentiments found in the industrial revolution, where Lowell and others set up communities that essentially mandated work time and free time to the tone of the town bell. Next.
  4. Oh and on the Mosque note (I read this elsewhere)...there's the Constitutional right to do so. Then there's this little thing called class. You think setting up a Catholic Church next to a playground would be a good idea? NYC is huge. Show where the 100 million in funding is coming from (hasn't been done), and reiterate that it's a cultural center. Sure there's a lot of hype about it being built there, and yes people are concerned with the "offense" factor. I'd be more concerned about the rebuttal from citizens who will take it upon themselves to vandalize/destroy/harass the center. Again, it is their right to do so. But exercise a little common sense with this.
  5. Controlling costs is a basic function of business. Every worker, at the end of the day, is a cost on a balance sheet. Companies will go where they receive better benefits. Hell, it's human nature. You date someone who puts more into the relationship than others. You eat food that tastes better to you because it gives you greater pleasure than other foods. We live in a material world, and there will always be the "haves" and the "have nots". America provides the opportunity to take an idea and run with it. Some get that and others don't. Call it material survival of the fittest. 22 states are implementing some sort of illegal immigration laws akin to what Arizona (racist bastards right?) had lined up before Obamanation decided that the meaning of "illegal" in illegal immigrant meant something other than illegal. The slew of recess appointments show the disregard for partisan debate, which at least ousts the true wingnuts and brings appointees of a more moderate nature, which represents the people. Where are the claims of reduced costs provided by healthcare? How's it going to reduce the deficit? The Dems say not to worry, and that they are now going to focus on improving Obamacare. Obamanation is feeling the affects of rushed reform, and it's not pretty. Government Motors, which is slated to release an IPO in lieu of "good" financial standing, has cut the most jobs this recession. The government controls costs too, but it's not saying Fuck You workers. It's business, and that's how it works. You can keep the workers on, but anyone with two hours in an econ class can tell you that's not good for business. But in the end, most Americans don't even give a shit. That's the true problem. We can sit here and debate over what will work and what won't work (obviously everything I say is correct ), but what's the point if the majority of the United States goes out and en masse votes according to what news they see (which is also a business, meaning the stories must draw customers). We don't need a conservative movement or a liberal movement, we need an intellectual movement.
  6. Ok ignoring overseas production (entirely different issue that is having to do withtrade regulations and lax enforcement), the expiring tax cuts cannot just expire. My problem is that this administration will probably do just that. The "wealthy" standard is now set at 250k. Flow through organizations typically reach this level of income. Flow through organizations range from any sort of local business such as restaurants and will be hit hard by this expiration if something is not done to adjust accordingly. With regards to big fat corporations, they certainly earned it. While it may be touted that tax revenue on these entities will relieve a large portion of the national debt, I find that hard to believe given the current administration's flagrant spending. That needs to be addressed first, and I'd rather conservatives handle that aspect of government. Feel good social programs are awesome, just not in the weakest economy in decades.
  7. Mike, you embody "a picture's worth 1,000 words". Every single one you post is hysterical and oh so appropriate :lol:
  8. Weekend, you use the same rhetoric any other anti-corporation sheep uses to argue against big business. Companies that produce overseas are not small business. Companies that produce overseas do so because the US government provides incentives to do so, such as subsidies and lax trade restrictions. There isn't any data out there to support one way or the other, as most of it is reported by the companies to the government. We are a part of a global economy, and overseas productions/services are beneficial to business. Saying otherwise is outright ignorant. Raising taxes in an economy where small business is struggling to stay alive will inhibit domestic job growth. Why hire an American for 40k, 50k, 60k when you can do so much cheaper overseas? This not only keeps the business running but also keeps those working for it working. China has even noticed this and is moving towards its own form of capitalism. Makes you think...
  9. Who do you think employs the middle class? Who are the entrepreneurs and innovators of modern society? Small businesses that make 350k a year (and that IS small) will have their taxes increase. This will stifle economic growth as companies find ways to reduce the impacts of the taxes. Corporations are not bad. A few are bad, but that doesn't provide for impeding entrepreneurship and innovation, which brought the U.S. to its commanding position on the global scale. Unfortunately that position is more fantasy than reality with the tumultuous deficit spending and ever tightening grasp on an economy that grew under a laissez faire approach.
  10. All mainstream news has opinion interjected into it, whether it be directly with the newscasters or indirectly with omission of parts of the story. I had hoped an issue regarding government would have come up but I mistakenly made it about Fox again. So...Obama, Obama...why let tax cuts expire that would potentially affect small businesses, who you apparently are a voice for? Small businesses often put profit as the owner's income, which in turn puts small business owners in the demographic of the "elite" that ought to pay more taxes when Bush's cuts expire.
  11. I'm not arguing for Fox. There is a magnitude of people, however, who discredit valid arguments simply because Fox broadcasts them. That disregard of "the other side" is what breeds a great deal of partisan ignorance. News outlets have to use two extremes to compete with each other in order to draw viewers, but do yourself a favor and look at both sides of the argument. Otherwise you're just as bad as Fox. On a lighter note, Fox has Family Guy. By far the funniest take on everything in life.
  12. Let's do this. Bring up an issue raised/covered by Fox and let's see how they're full of shit. I get all my news from reading Drudge and Huffington Post by the way.
  13. Or the media perpetuates those who use the "Tea Party" as a jumping off point into the media spotlight as a way to corrupt the image of the group. This isn't about race. How about Pelosi calling to pass a 26 billion state aid bill in the middle of the August recess. Obama's staff members are quitting. Emanuel called the WH "Fucknutville". In O's recent Texas appearances, Dems made no appearance. You think Fox did all that? I do like that O is promoting education, as I sincerely believe America is in a period of absolute ignorance, allowing figureheads and political/social icons to do all the thinking for them. Then when given a ballot, they simply recall what was on channel 11 news or channel 5 news the night before and pen their decision in, sheepishly. I do not think O will get anything done about it though. With the economy not performing in it's expected cyclical manner, the extreme partisanship that is occurring, and the general nonchalance of the American public among other things, I think O has too much on his plate. Education requires funding, and this vapid attempt at funding anything right now while we are at extreme levels of debt is ridiculous. Conservatives argue against spending in times like these, however bills can be geared towards being socially liberal with relief for various groups and actions to support those in need, which I support. I do not support them when we cannot afford them, which puts the nay-sayers in a bad light. It's about realistic expectations. Obama nation uses unrealistic liberal agendas to politick and create dissent with conservative notions, which we need.
  14. Are you implying that's the only argument brought forth by conservatives?
  15. Saw that too last week. Almost drove off the road rubbernecking. Looked good! Adam glad this is sigged again: I'd like to say that's my one contribution to VS :lol:
  16. Anybody notice that Britain is taking steps towards decentralizing national health care? Rationale is to create "efficiency savings" and eliminate red tape. And I have yet to see an answer to Wingnut other than alluding to how you don't watch Fox so you can't comment on anything Howard Dean/liberal news outlets don't sensationalize themselves.
  17. 3 jobs this summer. Visiting friends in VA when I have the time on weekends. Work is over this week and I'm gone to the beach then New Orleans a little later. Then back to JMU Hardly have time to wash the car nowadays.
  18. I've always pronounced it "Smitticks". But I guess that's close enough to "smid-icks" to really not matter.
  19. Tried to figure out my head unit problem. Is it possible for a stiff suspension to jar speaker wires to the point that they are touching the chassis or lose proper grounding? I've narrowed it down to the larger of the 2 connectors (more wires attached to it) as the fuse for the unit blows every time I connect it. Where do these route through?
  20. He chose it for himself, I don't understand why anybody is arguing for him. If I remember correctly, he wanted a mess for others to clean up. Guy is loony for sure.
  21. Anybody do Krav Maga? Taking an intro class tomorrow, looks pretty cool.
  22. Any bill that has a nation divided should be a red flag. Obama hardly won the popular vote IIRC, and this health care bill was a pretty even split on the national polling. The next round of elections will show how the general public feels, especially as it will give some time for the implementation of a few components of this bill. Claiming the private sector is out there to siphon money in any way works, but because of the free market, competition keeps prices reasonable. The problem is not "lazy" Americans or anything like that; it's more of American society experiencing a "lax" regulatory period and it got away from a lot of people. I would have much rather seen a Health Care bill geared towards the regulation of the health care, but nationalizing it was a little too much in my humble, still-developing, opinion. Also...Swiss bank accounts...will we see a similar external health system set up on a swanky island somewhere for the elite? Partially kidding :lol:B)
  23. Anybody following the proposed amendments to education/NCLB? This move to using federal mandates on educational systems (which are best run locally or via the private sector) is bugging me. Obama wants every high school graduate to be college ready by 2020, yet a large number of these people are from low income families and, with the increasing cuts regarding higher education, it is going to be harder for them to afford higher education. If anybody else has been following this chime in, it'd be nice to hear others' opinions before I unleash the rest of mine :lol:
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