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Everything posted by s70turbo1998

  1. s70turbo1998


    From the album: Tin Foilll

  2. Try getting in touch with the adjuster's boss. Might speed things up a bit.
  3. All the chatter about Cheney will certainly cover this little one up: Releasing terrorists NRO on NPR
  4. Like I said, his GED was showing :lol:
  5. Long Island. Even better, if you're a fan of Arnold Palmers: 1/2 Chick Fil A lemonade, 1/2 Firefly sweet tea vodka. Add ice and enjoy. Or a butt funneled beer. Manswers!
  6. Are you working or taking some time off? If it's vacation then you're doing it right.
  7. This is at a soup kitchen. Tell me what is wrong with this picture.
  8. s70turbo1998

    FMIC 2.JPG

    From the album: Tin Foilll

  9. s70turbo1998


    From the album: Tin Foilll

  10. Was stuck in traffic on 301 today coming back from Virginia Beach/Chesepeake when a trucker next to me started honking and told me to roll down my window. He starts pointing at the front of my car and my first thought is "oh crap, my turn signal fell out". Nope. He starts asking me where I got the headlights, what year my car was, and then proceeded to tell me about his 95 850. Even told me to stop so he could drive by and get another look at my car Made traffic interesting!
  11. Heal The World Foundation I believe it was prior.
  12. White, had a lego block instead of a right testicle, and glitter down the right side of the shaft. ^See, not hard. Or who got a share of the 23 million that worked in his dressing room and may have had inside access? It's just a shame that such an iconic figure, who was dubbed 'Wacko Jacko' by the media, all while dealing with anorexia, his skin patching, childhood issues of his own, and now apparently a boatload of debt, has to have this tarnish his reputation. We don't know if he was a child molester. He certainly could have been, but there is just as much possibility that he was not. I do not envy the celebrity lifestyle. I envy the paycheck, but could you imagine getting a speeding ticket and then having people bug you about it for a month? Or a DUI, and your picture is in every magazine, people yell at you on the street, and MADD is sending you letters telling you you're a horrible person and that you're responsible for the next 15 teenage DUIs? He helped children all over the world, and his intentions were very good. He placed an emphasis on family values, and wanted to help those without those values to try and attain some level of understanding of them. His own childhood was messed up, but he did the best he could to make things work out, yet people still gave him shit. He helped millions of kids, yet everybody focuses on the one he supposedly messed with. I know someone as well by the way, very close. I don't think 23 million would have helped or could help. Certainly would make the good times better, but the rough times will always be rough.
  13. The court system is lengthy, especially with a celebrity who is being constantly attacked by the news. The media will take the most gripping story and run with it. By settling out of court, MJ ended the whole debacle immediately, as opposed to sitting through more time under the public eye, being scrutinized by every media outlet and person who felt like they had something important to say. He had the money to end it. I think if the parents really wanted their child's problems be vindicated, they would have said no. I don't think a $$ amount can be placed on the welfare of a child. Unless the parents had other motives. Hmm---MJ invites underpriviledged kids to his theme park he built, parents (out of work/not happy with where they are at/typical scumbag scheming lowlifes) decide they can get themselves attention, and hopefully some money. Think that was a possiblity?
  14. What about the possibility that he paid off the family because he was sick of being portrayed as a child molester and just wanted the trial over with. It was settled out of court, but what was settled?
  15. Justin knows he did. He just didn't say anything to help the poor kid out.
  16. I mean I've been in the newspaper a few times. Again, not defending him. I am appreciating MJ's contributions to popular culture and charity. I chose to recognize one aspect of his life, the positive. You are recognizing the negative. And if you're going to defend the law, know that I can say what I want and you can say what you want, and nobody can stop either of us. Might help on your first quiz.
  17. I hope one day you see the irony in that. And I have not once said they should be allowed out of jail, I've said it's just the way it works...for some. But this is like arguing with the beating off baby from The Hangover. It's hysterical. You definitely know your shit about Volvos, but you're as dumb and dense as a rock. On a side note, are you applying to the Harrisburg PD?
  18. You are attacking opinions other than your own. Calling people stupid for not agreeing with your opinion and having one of their own is bigotry. Making the person a bigot. Bigot Don't pull the "smart" card, HVAC school doesn't teach you that much. And I'm sure that "it's the internet, who cares how you spell" will be a rebuttal. A hypocrite is one who speaks of doing or acting in one way, then does the opposite. Saying what makes a celebrity so special and bitching about how they have $$. and then buying their products is hypocritical. Being a hypocrite is not specific to a court setting. Being on a jury and letting someone go who is guilty is a lack of integrity in upholding what is right and what is wrong. Enlighten me as to the proper use of bigot while you're at it.
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