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Everything posted by S70driver2

  1. instead of the one pipe thats stock he has two little ones, the white ones right?
  2. i think its the sex!!! love the hood vent/intake/whatever it is..... nice engine also, goes well without being to much.
  3. looks good!!! nice change, isnt there anything else we can put on our cars besides jewels?
  4. wow selling every thing or most of it? dang i wish i couldve seeen the c70 pimped out....... owell ill get some pics of it from sean or reid. when you coming back from where ever you went :unsure:
  5. i stoped watching the news years ago and im only 19..... 2001 i think, after 9/11, since then the only news i watch is the kind that pops up on the top of the forum, i.e. VS news, or a few of the other sites i belong to. even local news is sad and gets you down. when some thing good does happen your hear about it from friends or co-workers. the news is just a black hole that sucks everything in cept light.....
  6. add another one to the list....... farking funny i also wanted to put in as install price for my exhuast as a gatorade casue thats what i used put it wouldnt let me......
  7. wow well um.... still cool idea, i added my stupid car :unsure:
  8. pretty good idea, who ever came up with it (chuck) cool beans man. ill add mine sometime, and include moms car also.
  9. thanks guys, idk how hot it gets in other parts of the country but TX is a oh yeah! in the summer.... :angry:
  10. Darn one thing about a volvo...... god i thought all volvos were made by women, cept the 850T5-R and a few other R types.... owell :P
  11. holy crap i didnt even notice that....... where does the bot get his info from?
  12. trunk with top down is the size of glove box..... haha the c70 at the austin meet had plenty of trunk space, more like a duffle bag :D
  13. yea whats up with that..... stupid blah blah blah reports talking bout nothing..... yea i want PBJ with milk
  14. yea that one is funny but what i wana know is the below quote true? ive never heard of one that lasts that long, ive seen a few over 300K+ but not 400K also i thought "volvo" turbos werent even volvo's, arent they mitsubishi
  15. yes they have there own systems, so do subs. im going to be working on them its my job. im a MM
  16. ive heard this some where on here but some one said chrome only goes on the tail pipe.... i agree with that. do what you want and if it hits us from the left and we like it we shall say so, if not then we will also say so.
  17. after a while even a pitbull gets tried of being like that right? i mean you cant be like that all the time, you would never have friends and people wont like you right? (stupid remark time from someone, just wait) but what ever if he wants to be like that fine i wont stop him..... but if he wants to be cool with me im ok. ill be nice also, but it mgiht not happen. there is still hope right?
  18. i think you spelled it wrong...... fairy. sweet now go install and take pics then come back!!!
  19. well then you dont hear very well, im sure you get on some people's nerves also. this isnt worth it nothing ever good happens.
  20. ive been done with you along time ago i dont care what you say, you were cool after everything but i see you cant help but try and say stuff...... the both of you are not worth trying to talk to you never listen.
  21. its my number and i can do with it what i want not you. i guess calling me names is gonna hurt my feelings....im better then that man. this is VS not the fourth grade.
  22. your gonna post my personal info on the internet...... ok thats low dude, how did you get my info and you never asked if you could post it?
  23. ok that whouldve sucked and i think he whould have learned his lesson. yea dude i dont care any more say what you want im done with your and you attitude.....
  24. a xc90 whould be the perfect tool for the job, i wana see one of those with a lift and big mud tires.... that would be sexy
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