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Everything posted by Zaitz

  1. A few new ones. Rokinon 85mm f1.4 New Heliar 4x5 and 8x10 lens. 20 aperture blades O_O: 300mm on Tri-x in Rodinal:
  2. She was eventually found but she is gone.
  3. The hummingbird was letting me get really close. So close I needed the extension tubes on my 135mm. I don't think the result was as good though. The flower as the background looks odd. I like how the 300+1.7x obliterates the background as well. D300s 135mm f/2 DC Kenko extension tube
  4. Thanks. It is a pretty old lens now but I haven't heard of many problems. It is just that Nikon does not have the AF motors to replace. The AF-I version only cost slightly more than my 135mm f/2. I saw one go for under $1200 too. It is much cheaper than the AF-S version.
  5. The skins tones on Portra are pretty much perfect it seems. Here is the original: And the edit:
  6. Thanks. It's a terrific combo. The AF-I lens is quite cheap but can't be fixed if the AF breaks. I can get the raw file up later. The b&w edit: Color edit: b&w for background: b&w for hummingbird: And the final masked together:
  7. Another hummingbird. This time in b&w: Banding not my fault. D300s + 300mm f2.8 and x1.7 teleconverter.
  8. Haven't caught her in the air yet. May have got a couple on 4x5 .
  9. Yeah. The b&w film from that day, so far, doesn't look that great. I am hoping some of the color film turns out well but I am sure I missed the best moments with it. The composition was the same for all of them too, which sucks but I wanted to make sure I got it right. It looked like this when I got there: The scene developed over the next hour. Never was the light perfect for one shot, in my opinion. I masked in these images:
  10. Nice! D3x would be boss. I'm interested to see where Nikon goes next. Hopefully there aren't long delays but I guess it's expected. Got lucky with some storm clouds:
  11. Isn't that awesome? There was a doodle like that from a recent Ansel video I saw: It's at 5:50. The embedded one won't start at the right time. Here's a crazy one - top middle: http://www.f45.com/html/tech/tecindex.html
  12. Thanks Greg. There is some work in that shot but not nearly as much as the digital ones. Velvia is pretty saturated but I scan the negatives a bit flat so that all the information the negative contains ends up getting scanned. I could scan a much punchier version but I'd risk crushing the blacks and blowing the highlights. I'd rather do the minor edits in Photoshop than in the scanning software. On my work monitor it looks like dog shit. I hope it looks better again when I get home otherwise I really screwed that one up. Edit: The sky looks muddled on my home monitor too. And I saw this again the other day. I always like seeing Ansel Adams' before/afters. Contact print: Final print later in his career:
  13. Only shot I got of the waves on 4x5 Velvia:
  14. Yup still using the Crown Graphic. Also got a Calumet monorail camera for cheap on Ebay. I go to Burne Photo in Wisconsin for color. The quality is fantastic and prices pretty good. Apparently Samy's in California has really good pricing on 4x5, not sure on the quality. $1.70 a sheet! http://www.samys.com/common/samys_creative/static/images/pricesfilmlab.pdf For b&w I develop my own. If I did more color I would probably end up trying to develop it myself as well. B&W is just too easy. This Combiplan tank makes it super easy: http://www.amazon.com/HP-Combi-Plan-Sheet-Developing-System/dp/B0000ALKEH
  15. Saw that on another forum. Insane O_O. Another from last week: I get my 4x5 shots back tomorrow. Only one was exposed but apparently looks good, hopefully great. Cable release broke and apparently didn't trigger the shutter on the second one . $3 down the drain on the one wasted 4x5 Velvia slide .
  16. lol. More wave action at Superior:
  17. Thanks. Another one from the North Shore:
  18. Thanks. Yeah the first was on a Crown Graphic 4x5 LF camera. 30mph east winds at the Superior shore! Damn cable release for 4x5 broke after two shots. 4 hour drive and I could only use digital... Was pretty awesome though.
  19. lol why the heck would you take that second shot? Can you just dial in some ev compensation when you use that lens? Haven't posted in a while. Some more recent ones: Crown Graphic 4x5 - Ilford HP5+ - Caltar 75mm f6.8 - 8 second exposure at f22. Stand developed in Rodinal at 1:50:
  20. Blasphemy! I had more reflection on the knife in my first edit but then changed it. I also made it more red in a new edit and like that one a lot more. The pink was too strong in the original for me too. More red/orange:
  21. I had tried it a few times but never quite got it. I just got a 1/8" grid and I don't know if that did the trick. But it came out like that the first try so I was quite happy. With a snoot I couldn't get it. I've got a few ideas for downtown with a similar effect.
  22. It was all natural. Here is the original:
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