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Everything posted by 64pvolvo1800

  1. There's good news and bad news I'm afraid..... The blonde is on the way.... HIS name is Sven! :monkey:
  2. On the drivers side though, you can only get to the bolts from the rear of the wheel well. This means the breaker bar would've been in th eright position to push down on it no doubt. Get more leverage and they'll break loose.
  3. BEST of LUCK to you man. Just from the help you offer here I can tell you're going to be a helluva salesman. Just remember, not everybody knows or cares about the technical aspects, they just buy on price. These are probably NOT going to be your preferred customers!
  4. If there were stolen balls involved it seems like Grant would have some insight into this heinous crime!
  5. I suppose buyyingthem together at a hardware store along with some PVC pipe is a NONO though! AMEN
  6. I heard they were going to start putting pictures of missing gerbils on milk cartons.
  7. If the dials are graduated in temp then it's the ECC.
  8. I doubt if the professionals just decided to start "offing" the patients that weren't suffering terribly. I would only imagine it would have been the ones who were suffering a horrible death that would have been "helped out". I just think that to second guess a team of professionals who were in the "war zone" and on the battle front, is to open a whole can of worms that cannot possibly benefit anyone in the end except the lawyers of course. IF these professionals truly committed a crime against nature, then they are the ones who will have to live with this and be judged when their time comes in the great beyond.
  9. I tend to agree with you. Unless you were there, you could not imagine what those professionals were going through. I think to second guess and criminalize their actions is an atrocity in and of itself. I had friends down there who were lost. It was bad enough for the able bodied people not to mention how horrible it must have been for the incapacitated folks in that hospital? It's not like they tied up perfectly healthy people and fed them the grape juice. G od Dam n bleeding hearts. :angry:
  10. I'm not KVal but I think the whole line is an assembly, no?
  11. Hey, was that you I flipped off? Just kidding. Where are you in Atl? Vinings here. B)
  12. I have two 98's . One of them has always sailed right through and the other has been finicky. Two years in a row right after Ga took on OBD testing I had to get waivers because the state software wouldn't accept a lack of a code as no code set. "Not ready" was a pain in the jerk for me. Volvo was worthless when I went to them . They gave me a list of driving stunts to do that would help it get "ready", but when those failed, they said I just had to drive the car for awhile to get it "ready" . I reset the ECU and drove it for almost two weeks before it was ready again. During those two years the state finally fixed their software to allow S70's to pass. As I stated, my S70T5 never even brought about a hiccup from the machine, so i 'm dumbfounded as to the difference between the two. Also, since those two years I have had no problem sailing though with either car . Good luck.
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