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Everything posted by B00STWAG1N

  1. woooooooooowwww! good post tone bone. edit: mine stopepd laoding at 2:26. right after the orange supra pulls.
  2. wow. thats like a really good quality picture, with like one major thing wrong with it. i hope the owner deserves that.
  3. i used to rock a scalpel back when cannondale sponsered good weekend riders. i got it for cheap. it had the "lefty" fork on it. which somehow worked. then my balls dropped and i stopped riding XC. scalpel is a great bike too. what are u asking for that one. just wondering i'm not interested.
  4. rack's dont look good on volvos.
  5. need pics with you hot new MRP guide!!! lol
  6. back in mass on my mountain cycle shockwave. that was the last working bike i had. i still have my first bike which i am parting out where i snapped the rear triagle off the downpipe. shitty. that mountain cycle was a beast tho.
  7. no it is not^ you know how many people would buy one of those?
  8. hahah silly volvo's silly paint is for volkswagons
  9. my high school english teacher had a classic red s60r with the body kit. that bitch. she was so old too.
  10. those kinda look like they might possibly be blurry ass perfo's maybe its a T5??
  11. omg that was redic. picture perfect night. terrible awkward morning tho.
  12. maybe heico, or evolve, or IPD will sell their own tricked out version on the c30. i'd def be willing to pay for one of those.
  13. considering they have that rally focus on the same platform and block which is awd, i dont know why they dont just change it's clothes and ship 1000 or so over here
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