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Everything posted by caanglin

  1. Just put it on the tab... http://www.nationaldebtclocks.org/debtclock/unitedstates
  2. I know right. The guberment and civilians were on a lot more level playing ground then. Why can't I have a MQ-1 Predator?!
  3. No. I don't own any Affliction shirts.
  4. Seems legit. *Goes back to Fallout 4* "PornHub reports a 10% traffic drop the day ‘Fallout 4’ came out" http://thenextweb.com/insider/2015/11/13/pornhub-reports-a-10-traffic-drop-the-day-fallout-4-came-out/
  5. Wouldn't it be nice if the "safe hearing" suppersor bill passed? No more months of waiting and $$$$.
  6. No-one uses forums anymore. Old people = forums In the middle = facebook groups Youths!.gif = I have no clue
  7. Oh shit, I just tripped over this R bumper. Put it with the Pegs.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vdKxEL0ofc
  9. The anti-gun one he did for John Stewart was better.
  10. The problem with "taking" peoples guns is... they have guns. I would say 1/3 of the people I know re-load regularly now. It's only getting more popular. What we can all take away from this is, the goobament won't do shit. Lobbyist and re-elections > "Saving lives."
  11. Eating lunch when I hear a guy arguing to another guy that the earth is flat...
  12. MotoIQ.com started a gun site.TrgrIQ.comhttp://trgriq.com/
  13. Elliot Tokyo Drifting a few weeks back.
  14. Turn on to the highway this morning in the 951 and the turbo went boom. Had to turn around and grab the GVR4. So much for taking the 951 to 944 Fest.
  15. Probably not as much profit to be made in the mental health game. But dem dere guns fly off the shelf.
  16. "The Virginia Shooter Wanted Fame. Let’s Not Give It to Him."
  17. Does anyone under 30 even watch TV? Seriously?! I know maybe two people with cable/satellite. The majority of guns are not registered. So a confiscation or buyback would be "interesting". Also pretty sure most "criminals/gang-bangers" wouldn't take part in it. If civilians are unarmed will cops still be carrying firearms? If the guns are gone were safe so they are no longer needed right? But honestly at the end of the day with bribery, lobbyist, and some sort of election always around the corner whats really going to happen... nothing.
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