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About Denovae

  • Birthday 05/18/1908

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    kiesta of ya patriarch
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  • Interests
    your mom, hot fudge, and a water bed.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Obama didn't change anything in illinois... he hasn't tried to change anything while at the congressional level... why should i believe him when he says he will bring about change? Among the educated voters McCain and Obama are tied... among non-educated, minorities, and women Obama has the lead. I'm kind of up in the air... i like some of the things Obama says... but his track record is anything but him bringing about change... and i like some of the things McCain says ( and actually does ). I'm the obscure federalist in the crowd though.
  2. I think the whole "hybrid-rage" is worse. douches in hybrids moving slow so they attempt to never have their gas engines kick in.... or holding up traffic behind a left turn arrow waiting for a huge opening so they don't have to press the gas hard enough to engage the gas engine. I was behind one lady who sat there waiting for maybe a 200ft opening before she went... damn prius owners ... you save gas by wasting mine!
  3. it's awesome... my only problem with it is that the HandsFreeLink (HFL) won't accept my friend "laura" in the phonebook because it sounds too similar to "four" ... i then tried to enter her as her nickname "bubble" but HFL responded that it sounded too similar to "trouble"... yet when i tried to put her in as "trouble" it worked fine... <_<
  4. Yea... school got in the way of a lot of my free time and this summer was all about finding a new car. The SRT-4 somehow destroyed 1 OEM Fuel Pump ... replaced it with a Walbro 255lph pump... destroyed that in the middle of nowhere Indiana... had the dealership replace all electrical lines from the main harness to the pump, installed a new walbro 255. My stock turbo died ( so that's two turbos that have died on me - an aftermarket turbo and an OEM. )... the steering wheel cocked itself about 30 - degrees off center to the right - dealership did an alignment and 'fixed' the steering wheel issue but it came back less than a week later. Oh and my CD player and CD Changer stopped working about mid - may during a trip to illinois. i wanted to wreck the car... but a local place offered me 14k for it with all the aftermarket parts and originals - they're selling the aftermarket parts and replacing the OEM stuff... i didn't want to go through the hassle of parting it out so i said "hell yea!" and bought a fully loaded Acura MDX.
  5. something with atleast some side impact air bags!
  6. Why was an oscar winning actor driving a 97 Nissan Maxima?
  7. completely left stock, it was a gift from my uncle. I've only taken it to the range once. I don't take it to school ( that would be a HUGE mistake ) so it sits in a safe in the basement most of the year. My dad keeps his toys in there too except for a P220 .45 that is somewhere in his room.
  8. ... sawed 12g... jesus... i'd never think to take a saw to my 870.
  9. I agree, blaming strict firearm ownership laws is not the answer. If both had guns you might have even more dead. OP - focus on situational awareness of the mother. If I were in her position, and location, i would grab the kids, call the cops, and go out the back door to a neighbors and wait for the cops to show up. If it were in a different location with home defense laws, bet your ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD i'd get the kids out the back and tell them to go to the neighbors or basement... go get my remington 870-12, open a window slightly, get in cover, load the sucker up and chamber a round. no retard would think about trying to bust into a house knowingly against a loaded shotgun pointed at them. I've had one attempted break in at my parents house which ended fairly quickly after my dad called the cops and loaded a mag into his stoner AR-10. the guys disappeared fairly quickly with a cellphone and a cd player.
  10. what no porn sites? jk good job. looks good.
  11. kill the magic the gathering cat!
  12. i'm nearly drunk... i should've posted friday because drunk off my jerk and passed out early, started drinking at 3 and passed out around 1am. ND has gone downhill... i should be drunker than i am now... LONG LIVE OSU OH-IO!
  13. i'm hungover. tuesday is the new wed, wed was the new thurs which was the new fri.
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