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Pops Racer

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Everything posted by Pops Racer

  1. Very interesting mix of replies. Not voting for an old white guy is not a reason to vote for the inexperienced black guy, just bad politics. This is not spam, I received this from legit sources I choose to leave anonymous for my own reasons. If you don't believe this is a relevant behavior from the apparent messiah-in-chief, you need to look deeper and connect the dots. I'd rather have an old white guy thats seen war, than someone who assumes his way is the best by theory alone. The lack of support for the U.S. military shown buy the aged Vietnam generation is appalling and pervasive. El Director is a representative of the education machine, indebted to socialists and the all -powerful unions that Obama sleeps with, so I understand and can debate his position, and we have in the past. You other youngsters had better do your research on social positions of the candidates. Whatever you think, at least get the facts. I'm an old white guy that wore the uniform. If my kids are going to wear it, I would rather have Johnny Mac making the decision. He is not my first choice believe me. None of the Republicans are conservative/libertarian enough for me. I'm not going to go into the pluses and minuses of Dem's versus Republicans, they are no longer that far apart in ideology. Small government, low taxes, and trust the spirit of the citizens to solve the problems. Let the free market decide!
  2. I received this as a forwarded Email from a friend of mine. I wouldn't vote for this guy if you put a gun to my head. Change my ass, he's just another political opportunist from the socialist camp. Vote for him at your own risk. I have edited the source and other forwarding addresses. Subject: A forwarded Message, about Senator Obama Date: Thursday, July 24, 2008, 10:06 PM Subject: Fw: Obama This is from an American soldier in Afghanistan. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone, I am not a very political person. I just wanted to pass along that Senator Obama came to Bagram Afghanistan for about an hour on his visit to 'The War Zone'. I wanted to share with you what happened. He got off the plane and got into a bullet proof vehicle, got to the area to meet with the Major General (2 Star) who is the commander here at Bagram. As the Soldiers where lined up to shake his hand he blew them off and didn't say a word as he went into the conference room to meet the General. As he finished, the vehicles took him to the ClamShell, pretty much a big top tent that military personnel can play basketball or work out in with weights, so he could take his publicity pictures playing basketball. He again shunned the opportunity to talk to Soldiers to thank them for their service. So really he was just here to make a showing for the American's back home that he is their candidate for President. I think that if you are going to make an effort to come all the way over here you would thank those that are providing the freedom that they are providing for you. I swear we got more thanks from the NBA Basketball Players or the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders than from one of the Senators, who wants to be the President of the United States. I just don't understand how anyone would want him to be our Commander-and-Chief. It was almost that he was scared to be around those that provide the freedom for him and our great country. If this is blunt and to the point I am sorry but I wanted you all to know what kind of caliber of person he really is. What you see in the news is all fake. In service, CPT Jeffrey S. Porter Battle Captain TF Wasatch American Soldier ________________________________________
  3. Get some small ones for your nipples! And you need a couple for the dent, and a couple for more HP. I wish I could got to this, it sounds like blast. Beers, campfires, scary stories, and VOLVOS. My fav VS members, like Mike the Trout, Benny the Mechanic, Nicky Boneyard. And of course Justin the TubBoy! Don't forget the peace pipe!
  4. You should be the CEO of Ford. I would start saving my pennies for that right now. If these dumb bastards had a brain they would look to you guys for info. Even I can see it is an attempt to bring yuppy scum into the tuner world, such as it is. Lots of cars with fins and spoilers and flashy rims and no substance. I may never buy a new car. 30K for a piece of plastic. Used bombers FTW!
  5. I agree with you on that, but a good point is made, if all the folks who won't vote for Paul because he can't win, vote for him could he win?
  6. Edwards is the biggest idiot of them all. All the major policies he supported in his time in the Senate he now apposes. His lawyering has helped raise malpractice fees, and his voodoo about MS babies and C-sections has been debunked by science and the medical community. I'd vote for Obama way before that knucklehead. Hillary is in trouble. An exit pole in South Carolina showed that conservative, white, Democrat males, voted overwhelmingly for him. That trend could continue in Florida, if it does, the Clintons will pull out the big guns and do all they can to destroy his image. They invented "The Politics of Personal Destruction". James Carvelle and Paul Begalla will crawl out from under their rocks and go after him like a flesh eating disease. That could be very interesting.
  7. Dude, last time I checked Bubba is an old white cracker, and Hillary is an old white hag. Major General Jerry Curry. African-American, native Indian, war hero. But he'll never win, he makes too much sense. Same for Paul. Barry Goldwater FTW! :D
  8. Please don't take me wrong, and part of this is from some tiresome debates with others about socio-economic inequities, race advantages/disadvantages, uneven political treatment, etc. But thats just a bunch of psycho-babble bullshit. You play the cards you are dealt, like everybody else. When I made reference to my 120 yr progression, you failed to see the micro picture. With in each one of those generations, we all got "out" and up. I'm not a sociologist and I don't pretend to be a scholar of any sort. The bulk of my sociology education came from paying attention to people, history and interactions, cause and effect. I grew up in a city tenament while my Mom worked to help put Dad thru school. My friends were very multi racial/multi-ethnic. Japanese, Africans, Argentinians, from my fathers school relationships. Poor Black and Puerto Rican kids from the public schools I went to. It didn't deter us, I never heard any complaints, no body fought over skin or ethnicity. Life is just that, life. I've seen race riots, I've worn the Uniform, I've been a drug addict. I tended bar in disco's and gin mills. I've had my ass beat more than I've beaten ass. I've had apartments with out heat, and worked for multi-millionaires.I've been mugged by Black kids, and bled for my Black friend when punks called him a nigger. This is not metaphorical, it's anecdotal. And it's every bodies life I've ever known. I cant debate with you, you will make me look foolish, but I can deal with it. Some people are lucky and some people make their own luck. What you do with your life is up to you. I don't know that I can contribute any more here, if I even have to this point know.
  9. I am a bastion of common sense in a State that ignores the obvious. What I'm saying is, every "ethnicity" that has come to these shores has had barriers to overcome and done so diligently. And not made excuses why they did/did not make it. Now all of a sudden(last 40 years) that is not possible? It is much easier now to get out of the hole, education, and opportunity is boundless. If you care enough to get out, there are jobs, money to be had for college, and yes race based help programs. Don't forget skewed hiring practices. We can't even acknowledge English as a national language. The common ground Americans have had for centuries has been degraded by this individual cultural bullshit, politics has divided us along , racial, gender and economic barriers. African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Asian-Americans. I don't consider myself an Irish-American, or a Polish-American. I'm an American, period. Destruction of the family, and disregard for human life has degraded our drive and moral compass. Anything goes as long as you "feel good" about it. There are 3rd world countries that have a higher literacy rate than the U.S. Not good. Budweiser commercial? What do you mean by that? I don't watch or pay attention to commercials, and certainly would not remember them to quote if I did. My references come from DeToqueville, Friedman, and Regan. They are folks who marveled at the spirit and concept of America, it's ability to assimilate others without retribution, the infinite possibilities that people have, and most importantly they trusted/ saw the that a person, given no limits would work hard, learn the language, embrace the Bill of Rights, and help their fellow man. I never said it was perfect here, but You couldn't get me outta here for love or money. Besides, we have the best selection of toilet paper in the world . Ever go to Europe and try out their TP? OUCH! Point being, even tho Irish were white, they were still discriminated against when they came over, after being discriminated against in the U.K. Some how some way my forfathers and formommas got by and figured it out. Everyone was a minority at one time. Thats America.
  10. Ever see a commercial that makes the white male look like an idiot? Like everyone of them! Most persecuted religion? Try Christians, and Catholics especially. Race is one thing nationality another. So I'm the most minor of minorities, Irish-Roman Catholic, Polish-Ukranian Jew, Nigerian! I have a relative who was a slave owner 6-7 generations ago, and had no wife. He fathered a child or 2 with one of his slaves. That means I have to pay restitution to myself! All this means is I can dance an Irish jig with more soul, and I put barbecue sauce on my perogies. BFD. I'm an American, my family came here and learned the language, and pulled themselve up by the boot straps. My Great Grandfathers were train men and factory workers, my Grandfathers were business men and transportation employees, my father put himself thru Yale, and my brother and I are college grads, I'm in electrical engineering, and my brother is a biologist. See the progression? It took 4 generations for my family to get out of the slums and the coal fields. I expect the same from everyone else. And if you don't think the Irish were not persecuted, read up. The Jews know slavery. Poles were murdered by the millions. Everybody has a story. The moral? GET THE FUCK OVER IT! Do the right thing, work hard, harm no one and expect nothing from others. Thats the American way. Oh yeah, buy guns and protect The Constitution.
  11. all shnmacked up looking at giunz on line! feerry lat night,kettle one olives, gong to invade afgany rite nowe1
  12. You freak, now your the Black Plague! Cheese protobacteria indeed! WHAT HaPPENED? Sorry about the double tap on the button. :(
  13. You freak, now your the Black Plague! Cheese protobacteria indeed! :lol:
  14. WHOOO HOOOO, now that is funny, you are one deep thinker! It's too late boys, he's already drank the Kool-Aid. El-director convicted and hanged in the the Supreme Court of the Soviet Socialist Republic of California
  15. Much of that aide comes from the good hearts of Americans. No one gives like us, NO ONE.
  16. After following the case of 2 Border Patrol Agents getting 10 yrs for shooting a scumbag in the ass, I think any injustice is possible. Lets see, I blast a "minority" in my house, and all he has is a knife and screwdriver, then some nut job DA goes after me for political gain or public pressure( Duke Lacrosse case), I get a few extra "minorities" on the jury and I am ruined. I may not go down, but it will cost me in defense and reputation. Even without a jury trial those dopes got ruined. It could and has happened. Maybe not in FL, but CA, NY, and MA are Sickle and Hammer states, and CT ain't far behind. I realize it was a different situation that we are describing, but that case is very disturbing. But as you have stated before, better to be judged by 6 than be 6ft under.
  17. Mossberg is in CT, no?. Very dependable and a great price. 500 series is an industry standard. I grew up 2 blocks from Winchester-U.S. Repeating Arms- R.I.P. No need to tout Winchester, they were it for a long time. Of course Colt is in Hartford, Ruger is 1 hour away in Bridgeport area. Marlin is in New Haven area also. Pretty ironic for such a liberal leaning state. Savage is somewhere near by also. Is the barrel rifled on the Maverick? A good shot with a rifled barrel and 3" slug loads should be able to take out the bottom of a #10 juice can at 100m. 16" provides plenty of pattern to work with however. Tight quarters= advantage defender. I always thought that a laser dot on an intruder was like the hand of God. Maybe I will, maybe I won't, but I can at any time, from anywhere, blow you away. Good point on the trigger example. I can easily see a jury screwing you for reducing trigger pressure, or filing sears and slides, adding magazine extensions, etc. "You, with malicious intent to maim and kill, modified an already deadly weapon into a more perfect killing machine. This exhibits signs of premeditation and intent to kill, not wound or repel. 10 years and all you own as restitution!" The prosecution rests, your Honor. Empty the magazine into the intruder. Blast the crap out of him. If you only use 1-2 rounds juries and lawyers and such will latch onto this and declare you cold, calm and calculating, inferring premeditation and intent. If you empty all your junk into him, you can at least anchor the idea that you were scared crazy out of control and the next thing you new the bad guy was bleeding on the floor, and you didn't know what happened the gun went off and then he was dead your Honor, (SOB), I didn't mean to blow his liver out (SOB), He scared meeeee( HUGE SOB)!!! Get my drift? :P
  18. Good call on the barrel length. Leave no doubt about legality. Less is more in a tight situation. Slings and sights for a home defense can can be superfluous. They catch on door knobs and pajama sleaves. Laugh if you like, but at close quarters in a home, whats your longest shot ? If target is ID'd properly and rest of friendly occupants are secure, then you don't care about accuracy with a shotgun. Hopefully the sound of that badboy cocking will be enough to send 'em way. If not, 00 will help. Used to tape all that crap up on patrols, no rattles and no hang up on brush or clothing. Same logic applies here. Also why hammerless revolvers are popular as belly guns. No hammer or slide to hang up on clothing, belts or thumbs.
  19. Your 870 is a single barrel railgun, correct? I'm talking about a $150 used double barrel side-by-side. I would never chop such a nice piece as yours. All I'm talking about is sticking my hand out my BR door, pointing down the hallway and going click-BOOM, click-BOOM... nite-nite. "If the Model 870™ were introduced today, it would be hailed as a major advance in pump-action shotgun design - the ultimate in strength, durability, silky-smooth bind-free action, and sleek classical lines. Yet this remarkable shotgun has been around for almost half a century, and has become the best-selling shotgun of any type in history, with over nine million made." The best you could do is 18.25" barrel. Can't interfere with magazine or slide action, now can we? Check this link out for 870 goodies: Choate Machine and Tool Magazine extensions rock!!
  20. There are over 2500 laws, fed and state that can be condsidered gun control. Useless. The kid in th Nebraska incident got past security with an AK-47, not a pistol. He could have had a LAW rocket, or 10 hand grenades, no legislation was going to stop him. By the way, Chuck, CT has a CCP, not extremely hard to get. But after references, safety training, fees, background checks and other admin BS, just get a slide gun. Or chop down a double 12ga . Aren't there counties or towns in FL or GA that have mandatory ownership statutes? Crime there might be near zero. Grandma gots a .44, I'm going the next town over, know what I mean? The fact the bad guys can take a measured chance that no one is packing in that house or on that street makes a desperate individual even more brazen. Plant the seed of armed retaliation and maybe the creep moves on to an easier target. And hopefully gets blasted there! Cliche#1- Gun control means hitting what you aim at.
  21. "I'll deal with IAB or DA if it comes to that. Better judged by 12 than carried by 6....... " Truer words never spoken. Chuck for president of the world.
  22. Dude, I worked the door at more than a couple of clubs, and a drunk or drugged customer is a nightmare. Take my word for it, if a piece of bar furniture did not take a fellow down, the taser won't kill him. Canadians, sheesh...Just kidding, man, got your back. And you can't use pepper spray in an enclosed area, especially with an HVAC sytem cranking. Everybody gets affected, bad news for business and building maintainence. Spray range is what, 10 ft? At 10ft according to Josephs chart, a cop should hit you in the ass and back and drop you with no one else affected. Plus more cops get hurt in domestic disputes than any other call. A wife would jump the cops ass if he hit her old man with a stick!! +1 for tasers. Also way more entertaining to watch on video than a spraying! As far as clubbings, see Rodney King vids. Cops went a little overboard, but he got his ass whipped more because the baton did not take him down quickly. Plus the effects of drugs and alcohol. Oh yeah, he was also a dumb ass. Results of good baton work last way longer than a zap. Last one. Guns should only be pulled if you are going to use it. Guns are fired in deadly force, they are not for wounding or disabling. Bullets go thru people and ricochet, and shit. Collateral damage is not acceptable.
  23. Hey, if you're gonna nail priests(pun intended) you better list teachers too!
  24. not a huge nascar fan, however until they all drive the same car with the same box of spare parts, the same tools and the same BUDGET, cheating will go on. crooks have better and more sophisticated gear than the authorities, hackers create viruses faster than security companies can detect them, legalize dope and prostitution and save the law enforcement spending, terrorists change and adapt before we can nail'em, yadda,yadda,yadda... it used to be race for pride and braggin rights now its for UPS, Tide, and M&M running bonuses..seems it aint been the same any how since #3 crossed over the infield. punk kid drivers who aint done squat wrecking and wreeking havoc. Gordon got on the scene and started winning like #3. it took a lifetime to get those numbers. he aint been cheatin and NASCAR lookin the other way since he came to save the day? its fading fast and track owners are trying to come up with gimmicks to boost attendance-- they are losing core fans that resent the focus on new and yuppier crowds. any pub is good pub, just keep it on the front page baby! i dig Robbie Gordon, Baja, Paris to Dakar, Lime Rock, World Rally Cross, CT RT77 from Guilford to Durham. B)
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