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Chilled man

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Everything posted by Chilled man

  1. And thats when you go younger ;-) Or stay at 40 if you have taken care of yourself lol
  2. 6 more years to go .... bunch of geezers
  3. Looking sexy there ! keep up the good work ! We all feel that way on everything we buy and nothing we sell LOL
  4. Well that would only happen at a Popeyes or a KFC not at a Dinner or at a PF Changs .....
  5. He ain't cracker like me lol. Even that would be a stretch calling me a cracker.
  6. How many black people have killed each other since the Mexican shot the black kid ...... And no one in the "OMG they kill that kid carrying skittles camp was murre erred" is mentioning that. Only reason this has gotten any news is because the Mexican looks kinda white to dumb idiots.
  7. $300 new in box never removed. I am going to pittsburgh this weekend and wanted a easy place to sell it and such. If you want I could meet halfway or something like that in the next few weeks. I will be down south of baltimore again in a few weeks for work. LEt me know
  8. Agreed, And buy my saffron bumper off me ... and pay me when you get the money ......
  9. Well at least there putting Adam to some good use ...
  10. That powered the old volvo amp or antenna not sure which . Not used any more in that car.
  11. A few weeks ago in Montreal . Dark blue V70 with Steelies OBX and V70XC Grill tinted and lowered.
  12. Hey got a BJ big deal at least he balanced the budget. I would vote for that guy in a hot second ! yes reallly , if your to dumb or poor to spend $32 every 4 years I dont think you should get a say in what goes on around here . Why should you get a say when you dont contribute to the bottom line ? It woudl be just as stupid as letting and iIllegal ( chose your country ) to vote . Also dont you need your DL or ID Card to do anything anymore ? I needed mine to join a gym .
  13. I peronsally dont see the issue with make sure voters have some sort of ID to prove who they are . Granted it might be a made up fear but should you have some sort of ID saying who you are if your choosing who will be running the country ? And if you cant afford $32 or such every 4 years should you really be alowed to vote in the first place ?
  14. http://mobile.alternet.org/alternet/#!/entry/matt-taibbi-reveals-how-romney-made-his-fortune-it-aint,504181cb444f67894744d7dc No different then what the mob does but some how this is legal .... To there death . Unless they are mentally ill, the government should have no say in what you do or put in or take out of your body.
  15. So the question to Dave is then what is the horrible things has he done then ?
  16. Who cares what they do to there own bodies , its there stupid deseicion to F it up , I for one have stopped carring what other idiots due. I see more damage done due to idiots eating fast food then removing a parasite from a persons body that they dont want . Also doubling of the Stock Market since he has been office ....... what is he doing so bad again ? :mindblown: I can see your side of info its defitnaly more belivable then the fucking retard vew of the Jehovahs witness , fucking idiots think humans have been on the earth for less then 6000 years .... I mean how fucking retarded do you have to be ? Granted they are only .7% of the US popluation and I can belive 10% of the popluation of the US is full of mentally handicaped cult worship assholes. Woops did that slip out .... fuck it :lol:
  17. Huh ? I need some details on this . Everyone is tech already has health care just alot tend not to pay for it .
  18. I pay for my own health insurance , what would the goverment fund me at all ? I agree with tihs , and I will never ever ever ever spawn crotch fruit - I live in the highest school district tax rate in PA also 2% - Justin is on 30 mg a day of Adderall XL and what enables him to slow down his thinking process and put it in a legiable format on the screen :lol:
  19. To the simple fact , a persons body is there own and what ever they decide to do themselves wether its good for them or not is not up to the Goverment to decide and espically not some religious fanatic either.
  20. Wait the south park episode isnt all that I need to know about mormons ? Crap ! - I personally dont care what relgion he is ( as long as he keeps his religious belifes sepereate from work ) , I am more concerned about past work history and all the crap that he pukes out that is flat out untrue.
  21. Dave I am seriously surprised you would vote for some who is in a cult . Also http://gawker.com/5939260/mitt-romney-looted-a-dying-company-for-executive-bonuses-while-it-owed-taxpayers-millions Not only that it seems these cult followers like to lie left and right it's been counted of over 553 lies in 30 weeks from Rommel And this his mindless twat side kick http://factcheck.org/2012/08/ryans-vp-spin/ I don't have a side at all but I can plainly see what side is evil, granted I am bias against old white dudes who follow cults and pressure others to follow there plainly wrong and fucked up views . That can be proven a lie with a little googling. Grant the cognitive dissence is strong in this thread . -Alan sorry if this offends you and is not pointed at you what so ever , and if more were like you I wouldn't have my grudge against them all.
  22. Put it this way if a JW ( .7% of the US population )was to ever run for president I guarantee you I will be the one to hand him his death before he could ever hand out his cult views to anyone else . And I really don't want a cult that only speaks for 1.7% of the US population running it either.
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