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'93 Dave

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Everything posted by '93 Dave

  1. http://www.uphaa.com/blog/index.php/toilet-paper-designs/
  2. http://hcd2.bupa.co.uk/fact_sheets/html/Kidney_stones.html
  3. tienemen square had nothing on me when i first started the level i had no idea what to do. then they started shooting and it was rappage talk about pushing the envelope. when the game first started i was wondering what it was talking about when it allowed you to skip a level.
  4. airport level in modern warfare 2......epic
  5. someone must have been watching to much christmas vacation
  6. left 4 dead cookies. so much win http://www.break.com/pictures/left-4-dead-cookies1602816.html and something random http://www.break.com/pictures/killer-pikachu-costume1602815.html
  7. dell customer support kicks ass hp support.......can i borrow one of chucks guns? somehow some person from customer service started emailing the wrong person instead of me.i actually started getting emails from a totally random person asking who this was
  8. the fu%$ http://www.break.com/index/tape-measure-master.html
  9. more ground clearance. that could help the sale :unsure:
  10. lamborghini going over the top...nevar http://www.dezekerweter.com/entry/4221/lamborghini-ankonian
  11. http://www.cracked.com/article/226_6-adorable-cat-behaviors-with-shockingly-evil-explanations/
  12. ha, i thought id give it a shot but last month was crazy. no time to do any side projects like this. nor untill last day of school which is exactly a week from today :)
  13. we hit 21 this morning. my car started up without a hiccup
  14. photoshop the sky out and insert a new one would be an easy fix
  15. lol i would hope yours isnt as low as a jacket with wolves painted on it :lol:
  16. awesome, face is kinda iffy in the pictures. but not so much in the video http://thechive.com/2009/11/26/new-photos-of-the-worlds-tallest-model-arrive-10-photos-1-video/
  17. lol, what is the world coming to. over the top meets mma http://xarm.com/ edit: just noticed they have straps on that hold them onto the podium :lol:
  18. zomg my party tonight http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs096.snc3/16369_1257377924540_1532374985_713436_5073100_n.jpg
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