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Posts posted by TBM
I bought a Green tune for my 03 V70 T5 during the Black Friday sale, but have yet to send out my ECU. How unfortunate, as I was really looking forward to getting the car tuned.
I am going to request a refund...anyone have problems getting money back with ARD?
Are most of the problems people have been having related to custom tunes (upgraded turbos, injectors, etc).
I have an 03 V70 T5 and was looking into getting a Green (17psi) tune from Lucky, but this thread is scary.
Wow, what a bunch of a-holes those bikers are. Riding like a-holes and acting like douches.
There might be some blame on the driver of the SUV, but it's more so on the bikers.
And the biker who got paralyzed...he was trying to help the driver? What's the driver supposed to think when he's got tens of bikers coming up to him and smashing his car and then this one odd biker is trying to help him? There's so much commotion going on against him, there's no way he thinks anyone's trying to help him.
Anyone know when the Koenigsegg Agera R is going to be on Top Gear?
The new Mercedes CLA AMG is pretty impressive. 4 cyl 2.0L Turbo putting out 355hp. An independant car magazine in the UK supposedly tested one at the track and the results were:
0-60: 4.1 seconds
1/4 mile: 12.5 @ 112 mph
Kevin, would you say this woman's at all attractive?
Trick question. That's not a woman. :lol:
A local JY has this thing every once in a while. $60 to enter and you can take as much as you can carry out. I think there's one 98 Volvo S70 (non turbo) in there...what would you guys take?
More info here: http://www.upullem.com/used-auto-parts/auto-salvage-free-parts-day.shtml
I'm looking for suggestions... I only need a couple of smaller things... Armrest, trim pieces, so I might have some room on my shoulders lol.
This actually just showed up on the local CL. Didn't even know blue was an interior option...
No wonder they didn't make many of those. That interior color is hideous.
Mobile on laptop FTL.
Only way i found to respond to PMs is to send a new PM to that memeber directly.
Really really nice!
Using it with the iPhone.
Maybe for now, but we are on the verge of becoming the minorities.
wich white people or christians
People come and go...no biggie. However, it's the Truth that is important.
May the Truth prevail wherever or whatever it may be. :)
This is OT
I am curious as to the number of near death experiences you witness? 14.1% of Americans don't claim a religion and only and .4% (Not a typo) call themselves atheists, how in the world have you watched so many atheists nearly die and mutter the words jesus christ or god? I believe there is no basis to your statement.
It was a general statement, but I do have basis for it. My proof comes from the Quran, where the Almighty God describes those who call out to God when in desperate situations (in this case, out to sea), yet who don't particularly believe in God...as He is fully aware what is in everyone's hearts and He is the All-Knowing and the All-Hearing, He says:
"He it is Who makes you travel by land and sea; until when you are in the ships, and they sail on with them in a pleasant breeze, and they rejoice, a violent wind overtakes them and the billows surge in on themfrom all sides, and they become certain that they are encompassed about, they pray to Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience: If Thou dost deliver us from this, we will most certainly be of the grateful ones.
But when He delivers them, lo! they are unjustly rebellious in theearth. O men! your rebellion is against your own souls -- provision (only) of this world's life -- then to Us shall be your return, so We will inform you of what you did." (Quran, Ch.10, V.22-23)
NOTES (by me):
1. 'Allah' is the Arabic word for the 'Almighty God'...for example 'Allah' is the word used for 'God' in Arabic Bibles
2. The words 'Us' and 'We' are the noble form of the words 'Me' and 'I'...for example, when the Queen of England decides to visit a country, she says: 'We will visit so and so place.'
Your car needed a designer but the universe didnt
Great point, Justin. God willed this life to be a test. If He showed Himself to His creations, then everyone would believe. However, he has placed signs throughout the earth and the heavens, and even in our own selves...in order that those WHO THINK and PONDER may recognize God and His inifinte power.
An amazing observation to note is that even the biggest self-proclaimed atheist when faced with death in the most desperate moment of his/her life (for example, a plane crashing or a boat sinking) will call out to God by saying 'Oh God!!' Never will you hear them say 'Oh Monkey!' or 'Oh Darwin!' This is something that God has instilled in our nature...deep down inside, we all know there is a higher force no matter how hard we try to convince ourselves otherwise.
The truth of the matter is that God has sent Messengers throughout the human era in order to guide the people unto the truth after they have strayed. And all of the Messengers, ie. Prophets called to the same thing, which is the worship of One God. They would tell people: 'Don't worship the stones and statues, don't worship each other, but rather worship the One who created you and everything around you...the only One who truly deserves to be worshipped.'
I don't wish to keep going (because I could honestly go on for hours, weeks, and months about this topic)...but, if you truly believe in the existence of God, then don't you think that He will guide you IF you sincerely ask Him? The call out to Him could be as simple as: "Oh God, if you're out there, guide me unto Your path!" It has to be sincere, and leave the rest up to Him.
Wishing you all well!
2010 Linclon MKS Ecoboost 1/4 mile. Check out the trap speed:
Chuck, any hopes of importing the Garage page back?
This new layout licks balls. I dont wanna bother reading this entire thread to see if there is something going on with IM soooooooooo, am i retarded or is there no IM box to be found?
Basically, all of the old PMs are gone and they're not coming back. However, you can still use the PM messenger.
I liked the way it was better.........it would be nice to have an option to use the old style as a "skin" or something similar.
A huge +1...I already hit that new +1 button, but just wanted to say it too. :lol:
Where's the 'view last post' button?
Also, you can't see who started each thread.
What's the diameter of stock IC piping? Need to know, my car is not with me...2.25" ?
What's the diameter of the stock intercooler piping? 2.5"?
I don't have the car with me and can't check.
So non-supporting member get jack?
I don't see how they would check that since you'd enter a code (used by everyone) when ordering.
that would lead me to believe you have more hp, but less torque or maybe your conditions werent as good for the launch. you could be up at 260 or so then... bring it to tony's shop in toronto if you ever come up this way again and get it dynod there! He really knows what he's doing and has a dynapack so i doubt you would run into any issues like you did with your last dyno
Summer Dyno meet in Toronto is a must! LOL
S70R did run a 13.9 but IIRC my trap speed was higher.
I've been off VS for a month or two but have been back in the last couple of weeks as the excitement grows.
I don't usually log onto MSN tho.
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Congrats! Beautiful R!