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Everything posted by BurgerBob

  1. I'm expecting my threshold to hover around 4-500 watts. What kind of numbers were you putting down? I'm sure it's no small amount!
  2. Well, I finally bit the bullet.
  3. If anyone needs help picking out something for Rboy, he probably needs industrial amounts of lubricant.
  4. I've got all the addresses but one - you should all have messages with addresses for your Secret Santas! Please shoot me a message if you have any questions. Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Remember, your gift needs to arrive by December 25th. If there's any problem, let me know.
  5. http://www.memphishightailers.com/content.aspx?page_id=2&club_id=631861
  6. Fixed But really, let me know if you need advice on places to ride.
  7. Colder or warmer than the last ride? I'll be in Memphis for Thanksgiving, plan to get at least one ride in. I need to pack clothes for the 40s, but thankfully that's not your freezing weather!
  8. I am letting select "non-members" in. I will consider others.
  9. I'm not saying VS is letting me down right now, but I just looked at the SS list from 2013 and 41 motherfuckers signed up.
  10. There's an easy fix for that - LEGS I went out for a little fun today. Took the bike off road for a little bit. Also, found a buyer for my CX bike!
  11. I prefer to be harassed while on my bicycle, duh and thanks.
  12. Okay guys - we're at 21 signed up and I've only got 7 addresses. Send me a message so I can start getting a list together! I'm going to close registration on Thanksgiving so that I can assign SS partners over the following weekend! Here's an up to date list. Updated list: users in RED need to send me an address
  13. Add your name to the list. Send me your mailing address. Be prepared to spend a minimum of $20 on a gift and shipping.
  14. Fits like a 56, that's why I'm selling.
  15. The toggle must actually be a signature. Once you've hidden signatures, you've hidden the toggle. Voila!
  16. Someone buy this super cool bike from me. http://neworleans.craigslist.org/bik/5323139831.html
  17. Not when I didn't work there. I bought a bike from a guy who bought it from the shop I used to work at. He bought it before I worked there. He didn't buy it from "us" and "we" didn't sell it to him - I wasn't working there when he bought it. If his name was, for instance, Ryan Dunn, I might say: Ryan Dunn bought a bike from the shop I worked at way before I was employed there. Then, he crashed it driving home from a bar. See how that works? No we, no us. More of a them, they, it kind of statement.
  18. I believe that. Riding anywhere else I travel always seems safer. People routinely get killed in bike lanes here. And then the fucking idiots who want to raise awareness and put up 'ghost bikes' don't actually ride bikes and just sit in an intersection and drinks 40s and chain smoke and fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk True story: guy on a bicycle got killed down the street from me, actually walking distance. So I grab some flowers and ride my bike over to add to an impromptu memorial. One real cyclist there, some of the other people literally didn't have bikes, and it was a lot yelling at drivers and people on bicycles while they dranks 40s and chain smoked in the median. Un-fucking-believable. Crust punks out there talking about stealing public transit buses and protesting at the state's capitol. What? Dropped off my flowers and got the fuck out of there.
  19. We both know that isn't distinct to the south. There's a niche market of self defense items for cyclists, marketed to more than just southerners (and comprised of more than guns). I started looking into a good way to carry pepper spray after that taxi cab driver told me, "If this were Pakistan, I'd kill you!" You never considered getting anything after getting chased with a bat?
  20. Good buddy rides with a gun. I don't blame him. If I ever get around to touring, I'll be packing heat.
  21. 1. Patrick - BurgerBob - size small 2. Mat - MattyXXL - 6 months or 3T 3. Michael - RBoy8 - youth L/XL 4. Kevin - Kevin. - Regular L - Ryan Dunn Fan Extraordinaire 5. Matt - mattb - medium/large 6. Timo - Timbo Slice - Medium (Loves green) - loves bags of dicks 7. Jon - Survolvo - L/XL 8. Erik - L 9. Tiberio - Tizio, medium?/L 10. Shackman - Shack Man XL 11. Brandon - Volvoskiah- N/A 12. Kalvin - kalvin - M 13. AJ - Honeyman - XL 14. Adam - Oreo931 - L 15. Greg - gmsgltr - L (Panties size M tho) 16. Warren - theForgottenone - Medium 17. Anthony - apeacock - XL 18. Mike - Dick Dastardly - M 19. Tommy - Tommy. - L? 20. Mike - FlyFishing - Doesn't wear clothing
  22. I've got a couple of addresses. Anyone else not on the list that needs to be PM'd or texted?
  23. Just to be clear, I'm all the way up front, Matt B is on fighting so hard to stay on my wheel that he forgot which lane to ride in, and Fly Mike is represented by both of the slow cyclists because he is too large for one avatar.
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