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Everything posted by kenhoeve

  1. serdar-- very succinct and lucid, well said. totally agree with your point on economic inequalities. k
  2. Ouch, the Saab shot. Goin' below the belt. You know it took like 25 years for the VA to finally cover stuff related to agent Orange exposure in Vietnam. They spent a lot of time and money denying that stuff, seems to be the theme here as well. After all, they did say you are 30% more likely to come down with Lou Gehrigs if you were in DS. Not to mention PTSD. Disability insurance is hella expensive. I just think there is plenty of uncertainty. Added to which fact at this point I'm pretty sure if you were in DS, no insurance company will even give you disability coverage. Do you have it? They'll deny for almost anything and short of that they'll require waivers for anything that might lead to a condition, even stress. It's crazy.
  3. Ok. Then how about the disability for any of the host of syptoms relating to GWS?
  4. i dunno, how does the VA define a veteran? anyone who participates in armed conflict. and let's not start the socialized med debate please. vets only. why not? these people risk their jerk and we can't take care of them? what IS with that? If that legislation ever hit the floor, I dare anyone to vote against it. I'm just saying we spend a lot of money on a lot of things and this really seems like a no brainer.
  5. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060912/ap_on_...ulf_war_illness All heard of it before. Soldiers been getting hosed since the civil war. That aside, why not give permanent free health care to all soldiers with Veteran status? Our politicians get it, and all they did was sit at a desk whilst corrupting and pillaging. This makes me angry . Discuss.
  6. For the record, I never claimed the shocks were re-engineered. I find no fault with repackaging. However, it IS wrong to mislead in the description of one's product which was apparently done on their website. Anyone could sue and easily win their lunch money back. Sorry about the naive thing. And "pond" is irreverant humor FYI to your chum. After all though, that's a pretty sweet option still. Great ride, just springs.
  7. I forgot to mention the converse to that. Just like they are entitled to charge whatever they want for something they researched and produced, you are entitled to pay whatever you want if you do the research and find out you can buy the same shock and spring separately for less. You figured it out, good for you, the cheaper price is your reward.
  8. yeah if, but they don't so you won't. and the eibach theory would be a scam cause I've done it and they suck. and you also haven't run 3 different suspension set ups on an 850 and known exactly how stock, different vendor matches, and weitecs work, would you? some of us here do. not a big if. you can't read. once again, if they designed and manufactured a set of springs that matches well with that particular shock, then it is perfectably reasonable to charge whatever they feel will produce demand.
  9. scam? hardly. whether the shock is or isn't the same is irrelevant. it is a matching shock spring combo. if they didn't sell the spring separately, you wouldn't be screaming scam. just because you can buy them separately doesn't make it a scam. they made a spring rate, and possibly valved a shock, that works really well lowered. there is value and this and they can package it however they want. in fact, there should be a premium if they actually did either change the shock or spring to accommodate one another. no scam, just business my naive cross-ponder.
  10. wait a keep the dream alive. very nice find. lower it, and it's perfect. look at the new koni/eibach fsd package.
  11. the only sociological problem I have with guest workers is the establishment of a permanent underclass. the wealth division between the working and the upper class is already huge and getting worse. this would exacerbate that disparity further and practically be the beginning of a caste system. now I'm a capitalist so that is a paradox that I'm struggling with. businesses can only afford to pay these jobs so much and these people are willing to do them. but what i know for sure is that "guest worker" is really a euphemism for "slave labor". oh they get paid, not a living wage, but paid, so nobody has to take any political flack for it. Looking further to the expansion of jobs that will pay dirt, one might begin to worry about the precedent that will be set here. It could very well be our socio-economic un-doing.
  12. There are no words to describe the depravity of those actions. There are only fast moving cylinders of lead to solve them.
  13. negative and NEGATIVE. i wouldn't let you touch a gun anywhere near me. It is the SOLE responsibility of the shooter to identify his background before he fires. If you are firing in a reactionary manner without doing your checks, you are UNSAFE.
  14. I love how they all played down the wounds saying he just got "peppered pretty good". Well now it seems a few shot are resting very near or on his pericardium, that's the lining of the heart according to the wifey doc, and caused a heart attack. I'd say that's more than being sprayed, and closer to what I predicted a shot would do at 30yds.
  15. This is the coolest thing ever. Ok I admit, so I happen to think Cheney is the devil incarnate, I'll just go ahead and throw that out there. But in light of recent events I can also refer to him as a bumbling idiot. You thought he was vilified by the press before this incident? Just wait until after this week of circling vultures has had their way. I happen to be from small town Iowa also have one hell of a lot of experience hunting birds. Why that matters is simply qualification for how I can identify the unadulterated idiocy that must have been present for the vice presidency to shoot his millionaire attorney buddy in the face, neck, and chest. Let us begin. First: I'll admit that quail hunting is one of the more dangerous bird hunting sports. After all, for duck and goose you are usually in a blind, two feet from your buddy and it is pretty hard to pull the trigger before he grabs the barrel and pushes it out of the way. However, the standard approach to quail hunting does make it a little more difficult to pepper your friend and place him in intensive care. There is little reason to approach a field to flush with other than a straight line of hunters. To make that live for you, that means you would have to turn 90* sideways from the line you are walking in to shoot the guy next to you, i.e., he can't grab the barrel and call you an asshole before you pull the trigger. Next, these are a bunch of rich folk hunting birds. Every one knows that richies like to make hunting easier and also to show off their dogs(trained by someone else), at the same time; so clearly these jerkoffs had several shorthairs, labs, etc., out working the field. Dogs work in front of the group at about 15-20 yds. This is so the bird that is flushed flies for a short time in the perfect shotgun range- about 30 yds. What is almost always the case is that the flushed bird flies straight away from the group. They're not stupid enough to make a gallery shot of themselves by saying hi to everyone while they fly parallel to the group. The result is that any bird jumping is 99% likely to fly away from the line. And that makes it a little difficult to shoot your buddy. Even more difficult to shoot your buddy who brought his $3000 prize german shorthair that is out flushing birds in front of you. Second: As a young man a hunter is taught a few things about gun safety. Among these is always having your gun in the safe position until ready to fire, pointing your gun in a safe direction while idle, and most importantly, checking your background when you have raised your weapon in preparation to fire. It just so happens that the third exercise in that progression happens to be a little easier when your friend is wearing a blaze orange vest a mere 30 yds from you, i.e., he's easy to see and there isn't much excuse if you shoot him. At 30 yds, the spray from a shotgun with a 6 shot load is about 2'x2' and is traveling at about 1300' per second. This is from a 12 gauge, so a 28 gauge is a little less in the velocity category. Luckily the VP was firing a 28 gauge, if it were a 12 gauge his friend would most likely be dead. So why would the VP, a seasoned great white hunter who has undoubtedly killed many defenseless animals, whom was raised in Wyoming as a gun toting NRA and GOP supporter, mess up and shoot his buddy while trying to bag a quail? No other reason than complete incompetence. He should be stripped of his hunting license and forced to chase errant sport clays at the local range. I can't wait to see what a mockery they make of this fool on every news show from now until, well, quite a ways from now. I don't care what the story is, you just can't come up with a good excuse for shooting your friend in the face on an organized bird hunt. But I'm looking forward to whatever they do come up with!
  16. And I am increasingly disgusted as the saga unfolds. Now the top Saudi cleric calling for trials and punishment of the persons responsible. Right. Perhaps the punishment would be stoning- fitting of such a progressive and tolerant religion, or maybe just typical of them and their bronze age system of justice. And the president of Iran, what a jerkoff. There is only one thing worse than a tyrant, and that's a loud mouthed, inflammatory, and ignorant tyrant. God this is pathetic. Oh no! Blasphemy! Somebody throw a rock at me and burn my house down. Goons.
  17. Smart guy. Fanaticism is exactly what the religious zealots and dictators want. Keeps the citizens distracted and controllable. Focus their anger on something else while you continue to raid the coffers.
  18. A bunch of "Muslims" who throw firebombs, destroy property, and generally cause violence and mayhem, because some really small peninsula of a country printed a cartoon of their god with a bomb on his head that insinuates that "Muslims" are extremist and volatile and might throw firebombs if you upset them. Even if it's a cartoon.
  19. don't get me wrong, wasn't condescending. on the contrary, i respect the stance.
  20. well if there could be an antithesis to the protagonist, there you have it. chuck you are bereft of any manner of conciliatory prose. blunt as a sledgehammer. cracks me up.
  21. wait! let me try. In order to really appreciate this concern, you need to recognize the historical aspect of rights infringement. They don't all go away at once, but often gradually. One step in the wrong direction is a slippery slope. That's all I'm saying.
  22. you, my friend, most definitely need to pick up a copy of Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States: Volume One". Our history books are complete rubbish.
  23. PP... and if you could embroider an R in the headrest... hawtness.
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