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Everything posted by kenhoeve

  1. WRONG! It's a highly engineered piece of "real" carbon fiber coupled with aircraft grade titanium. At $250 I think it's a steal! lol Really though, I agree litigation is a big problem.
  2. private is better, but the problem is the insurance companies. they ruin everything. why do costs skyrocket? cause the insurance companies keep lowering reimbursement and the hospitals have to compensate by raising costs. between insurance and the medical supply biz, it's a friggin racket. don't ask why i'm so bitter. but i will tell you that a 1 liter bag of saline will cost you close to 100 dollars. that's salt water folks. and that just ain't right. and what do device companies, such as pacemakers and such, charge? whatever the hell they want. none of this will ever change because the pricing structure has to answer to no one person or organization of oversight. and the repubs are all in the ins companies pockets. it SUCKS.
  3. Your incite and discourse are equally amazing. Stick to the racing forum junior.
  4. the continuing and evolving line of crap that comes out of his mouth boggles the mind. it's weapons, no it's a tyrant, no it's democracy, no it's security, no it's the center of the terrorist war(give me a friggin center of the war break). people will believe ANYTHING. it's a war. that's all it is and all they wanted. specifically one that has no boundaries and no end.
  5. OMG, that would be the most righteous infliction of retribution ever. Wonder if there is any chance of zoning his land commercial. Must donate. The guy is loaded and would just find a new place anyway, but it would definitely ruffle some feathers and most importantly, get PRESS.
  6. So what exactly is your point? I'm aware of the 5th amendment, and the fact it was considered in this case. The ambiguity of the phrase "public use" is what is being assailed. Just because you are building new stuff does not make it "public use". It's called "corporate use". The primary problem here is yet another tipping of the power scale. More power for the wealthy to influence government and screw everyone else. Charles that was low. But I'm impressed you knew what I used in my dreads.
  7. fixed. shaddy, quit your whining.
  8. your land? not if mr. developer has something to say about it... urban development coming your way? you might be more screwed than you think... This is absolutely unbelievable. I am literally sick to my stomach.
  9. that's what the supporting member thing was for, i knew it! seriously though, you bought an S60R? are you calling it a project car for some kind of write off? you hound you. the haldex is maxed at 420bhp. what are you going to do about that?
  10. holy shizz! that is seriously some of the most crazy hilarious crap I have ever read. oh my god you have no idea how passively hysterical that was. :pizza:
  11. never heard of the retreat thing, but I don't like it. clearly these legislators are out of touch with fight or flight. split second decisions are made on odds, and the odds of getting bagged because I started to run then tripped and fell and dropped my gun are a lot higher than if i had stood there at the ready. flight is a risk. not willing to gamble my safety for the sake of others. new FL law = good.
  12. Here is how I would like it. If someone pulls a deadly weapon(not a gun) but is stationary, you can pull your gun but not shoot them. If they approach, bang. If someone pulls a deadly weapon and approaches simultaneously, bang. Does this not work? I don't think you should have to be assaulted to start shooting. Isn't there something about imminent threat?
  13. I would say this has more to do with supply and demand than refinement costs.
  14. legend You assume most farmers are poor? I'm from a farming family in Iowa. Shut it. Don't even get me started.
  15. good post Don! This is a tax of the extremely wealthy and one that is under attack from the ULTRA wealthy. Don't forget that 2% of persons raises 290 bil over 10 years.
  16. you would be in my "farming exempt family" that gets its own law. this law sucks it.
  17. :lol: um, yeah, as far as the eloquent thing goes, saying "whank" is pretty much automatic disqualification. You're absolutely right. Everybody has a shot at the proverbial piece of the pie. But have one little chat with my friend who is a teacher in Santa Ana, Ca., and I promise you will be convinced that those students are given no chance. And that's only one example. by the way, with this little point of view, Ayn Rand and you would get along just fine. Ever read Atlas Shrugged? Ha! You admitted there is a group #1. You are on your way. Lastly, the little guy doesn't just mean a worker, it can be a consumer too. Give that some long thought.
  18. Ok, fine, I'll bite.(even though I'm unsatisfied with the response to the issue at hand) You're mad because you pay a disproportionate amount of taxes. This is the first time I've had to argue this so bear with me. The system that makes it possible for you to make your salary was set up by the US government. Capitalism in concert with a governmental republic. Your benefit from that system is disproportionate from those of lesser means. Regardless of what got you to your present position, do you not feel it may be right to reward that system to a greater degree due to your higher benefit? Remember this, the only thing that allows you to be compensated in the manner you are is because somewhere, or really everywhere, the little guy is getting screwed. It's the same for me and I see it on every job. Workers are paid dirt doing my construction, I get the check. I don't feel good about it, but it's kinda hard to go writing them a check. Are we owed more for the positions we hold? Sure. Does it mean I should reward the system more proportionately? Yes. So are the old money trust fund babies getting screwed with an estate tax? No. Our system protects wealth and it's about time you realize you said it yourself in your first post.
  19. Umm, you're only furthering my argument. I agree with you on the flat tax thing. Yes, we're both in the upper 5%(check that, our incomes are in the upper 5%, not overall wealth). Still doesn't make me feel good about it. Fundamentally speaking, it is just wrong.
  20. Ok, this has really got me irked. I'll give my viewpoint and perhaps someone can play antagonist. Read up here estate tax The estate tax. If this isn't the most transparent concession to the wealthy I don't know what is. Oh, but, they say, "you're just taxing the dead!". Or may I quote a republican point of view "Other Republicans agreed and said an estate tax discriminates against some families simply to raise money for government spending." Simply to raise money for government spending. Hmm. What an argument. Here I've been paying taxes all this while, and could have just told them to shove it because they're "simply to raise money for goverment spending". I'm such an idiot, GOSH! Look, the fact of the matter is this. The richest 5% of this country owns an overwhelming portion of it's wealth. On the order of 60% or more. So who is exactly benefitting from this little cut, hmmm? There is no way to crunch those numbers, it is clearly for the rich. GW says it's for small businesses and farms who need to pass it on. Really? Well see the aforementioned figures on wealth. If you want to help out the farmers, do just that. Pass a law abolishing estate taxes on farmers, and not the corporations that are buying up all the land. Total crap. This little jewel of legislation will cost 290 billion over 10 years. Wonder where we'll make that up. I'll give you two guesses. This sucks. The end.
  21. ok, i apologize. inflammatory rhetoric, objection sustained. ...but their religious rhetoric is inflammatory as well. An affront to God himself? Who do they think they are invoking such a statement? just trying to point out some obvious inconsistencies in the views of the theologians.
  22. Ok, now I'm pissed. After watching those loser priests on the today show this morning, now I have to read about the Vatican Cardinal saying it was an affront to God himself. Look you religious num-nuts, 50 years ago nothing would have kept Terri's shell alive. Science is the only thing doing it. Does anyone not see the colossal hypocrisy here? Not to mention the fact she is a vegetable. Do they actually think her soul is still in that carcass? And if it is, don't you think she's in a nightmarish condition? And then, what are they so afraid of? She's going to heaven everlasting, so what's the big deal? I hope I have religion someday, that way I can lose the ability to reason.
  23. I know what 10mg of morphine feels like. Do you?
  24. Common sense and humanity say she should be allowed to expire. The rest of this talk is coffeehouse bullcrap.
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