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Everything posted by kenhoeve

  1. i am sick and tired of you calling everyone who isn't a republican ignorant. when i stop seeing iraqi's wailing "where is allah" every night on the god darn evening news and then throwing their mangled babies into the back of trucks, things will be better.
  2. Now see, I'm from Iowa and you could look at that sequence in an entirely different light. ~95% of the corn grown in Iowa is not directly edible(the others are seed corn and sweet corn), it's feed corn for cattle. So the liberal sees the pictures as Kerry knowing what not to do with the corn, and Dubya going "why the heck is this stuff so hard?" (although I will say that the ear Dubya has is clearly sweetcorn, the tint is far too pale to be feed corn, that's 5 years of detasseling talking)
  3. right-o cap'n. sorry, just got done watching that master and commander crap. hey! somebody did it for me!!!
  4. Ok fine. Who do you kill? Look, the target is not defined. You can't just carpet bomb the place.
  5. Being the liberal that I am, but a closet moderate, the only answer is to abandon civilian operations to restore the country. Then only guard what is important, the oil distribution system. That is what is important to us, and gives the terrorists a smaller target. If they want to destroy themselves, it's all on them. If they want to blow up oil pipelines, they'll have to deal with us. BTW, peak oil is upon us.
  6. Been doing both for some time. Mtn when I want to get rad, and I've been racing road for about a year now. That's just my new baby.
  7. a voice of reason. charles is a smart guy.
  8. "And everything you said way up there in your previous post is an opinion too." If you'll notice, the statement implies what I said is opinion.
  9. Look Inline, Like I said, not looking for an argument. I didn't bash anyone. Haven't bashed anyone on this board. Me saying "You con's have no sense of humor" Is really just a bit of a joke isn't it? I mean do I really think no conservative has a sense of humor? And don't give me this "classy, surprising bit". Knock it off.
  10. And everything you said way up there in your previous post is an opinion too. So get over it. I'm not harping on you or anyone else for that matter so lay off. Fraud to get an interview with Ashcroft? Priceless. You con's have no sense of humor.
  11. Great argument. Not looking for an argument though. I'm not trying to impress my opinion upon anyone and I could really care less what you think. But I will say "this was interesting, or that was interesting" and you can check it out if you want. I've read some liberal authors yes, but I've read Sean Hannity's book too. Just didn't care for it. In fact I thought it was trite. Then Franken body-slammed that book. And it was funny because, yes, he is a comedian. And one that happens to shred just about every conservative pundit he has run across on the news channels. All I'll say is, above all, you need to be informed, and draw some conclusions. Read everything you can. Don't just run off with bias this and bias that. That is a cop out.
  12. But sadly, losing in the national polls. Ann Coulter gets absolutely owned by Franken in "Lies and the Lying Liars who tell them". I'd read that if you really want a good laugh. I decided to read a few of her columns to get a flavor, wow, seriously vindictive spin from that repubi-nazi.
  13. werd jross. couldn't agree more on the two party point. our democracy is a joke. go pick up "Dude Where's My Country". a very fun read. and nobody give me this "moore is a quack" business. until you've read the book, zip it mister.
  14. Yes, desertion is a federal crime with no statute of limitations. Not to mention his shady oil ventures and FCC filings.
  15. Now I don't think Kerry is perfect, but as this one guy named Paine or something said in this crazy little book called "Common Sense" or something, sometimes you just have to choose the "lesser of the two evils". Democracy Now- Bush Family of Fibbers Bush Crime Family There's some fun reading for ya's.
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