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UnknownSoldier last won the day on May 11 2010

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About UnknownSoldier

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  1. Hey Alex, been following you guys for a while now Great idea!
  2. Diu lei lo mou chau hai, hum gar chun I've been learning for years Chuck,Alex teaches me one word every time I sleep with him.Totally fluent in both languages now LOL jk
  3. No I mean WW3 Zappo, with all this Iran BS and the constant threat of Israel getting ready to attack. Doesn't make a difference anyway, whoever is in will be a puppet to the financiers and wall st. I'm hoping Ron Paul does end up running.
  4. Someone needs to assassinate him before the onset of WW3 :P
  5. Yeah, that was uber funny, exactly what I was thinking of bud
  6. Obama's a fag who has sex with boys at Bohemian Grove, or is that most powerful politicians. :P
  7. Always a pleasure to look at your slab Erik, congrats on the upgrades and good luck with the tuning mate. I agree about the spoilerless look, looks more old school to me idk...
  8. I agree , TKI Motorsport for the win ;)
  9. Who's Obama? You mean Barry Soetoro!
  10. WoW, one of my fav threads. Thanks for the inspiration lads ;)
  11. The pricks gonna b here next month, maybe an anti Obama protest might be taking place, I will try to be there if so.
  12. Yeah, I have a laugh when Alex Jones goes nuts but I pretty much agree with what you said exactly. Problem is, no matter who is in the top seat, they will still be puppets to Federal Reserve. I always remember hearing a line "A government of the people, for the people" but it's just the same people being groomed for the top position. Look at the list of Bilderberg attendee's on wiki, when they attended and when they got into power or their position, always a few years later after the attendance. For example: Presidents Bill Clinton (1991), President 1993-2001 Gerald Ford (1964, 1966), President 1974-1977 Prime Ministers Tony Blair (1993), Prime Minister 1997-2007 Gordon Brown (1991), Prime Minister 2007-current Margaret Thatcher (1975), Prime Minister 1979-1990
  13. Cheers Dave, yeah we were discussing politics and cars as usual in live chat LOL and i posted up the link. I have pretty much seen all of this guys doco's and it doesn't take a brain surgeon to realise what he is saying is spot on. Plus, i try to stop the clip and research at the same time, since I'm on the other side of the world, the media we usually get is only whenever there is a so called terrorist plot or something bad happens. For example, it's not really mentioned in this doco because it was previous to the film being made, but, since they have been trying to get those naked scanners in everywhere, all of a sudden, "underwear bomber" and all the suspicions surrounding it. A week later, we have a representative of the US over here trying to get them in all our airports. Same with habeus corpus and their new 05 terror laws passed here, same with the drug testing in certain jobs, it was brought through without the bill being passed and without the signatures of the union officials which is stated must be done in our enterprise bargaining agreement. The minister at the time is no longer in politics because of ceertain fraudulent activities and i am quite sure he was getting a payload of cash from the drug testing companies involved. In NSW,where i am, in my previous employment, random testing is done to 20-30 individuals at every depot,$660 for the stage 1 test, at the time there were 7 depots, so they were pulling in over $100,000 a day. Now they have moved it to all station and even offices in the same company so hundreds of people get tested every day.
  14. Guys, just wanted your opinions on this doco if ya'll have seen it or have a look, pretty freaky shit.
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