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Everything posted by DonutsDemise

  1. you should meet some of the idiots that have the right to vote here though :lol:
  2. first of all, i am pretty sure oak trees like other trees emit oxygen. and second, look at the average temperatures in greenland during this winter weather. it's all relative, to understand climate change you have to think outside the box and your local jurisdiction.
  3. where's global warming when you want it?
  4. I like how that article uses a windchill factor from the midwest as evidence that it's cold outside during the winter. if earth was god, then we would all be worried about the climate trends... since money is the almighty god, we all deny them because guess which country emits the most CO2 in the world per person and guess which people will have to pay to change that.
  5. I am all for letting whales live... but the whale wars people SUCK so much. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/01/06/2786732.htm?section=australia
  6. when i think chinese food for the night i crave some sugary sauce all over some fried chicken but i really appreciate the authentic stuff.
  7. yeah, same thing with Timothy McVeigh in Oklahoma and John Allen Muhammad in DC. They deserved the death penalty (but I would have rather seen them rot in supermax). I lived outside DC when the sniper was going around and had late hockey practices after which I used to fill up with cheap gas out in the boonies and lie down in my car while it was pumping. I know it was one in a couple million to be shot but I didn't want to die just because I wanted to save 25 cents a gallon on gas.
  8. man, christmas is so boring. sports are canceled and no one is around. i need more jewish friends :lol:
  9. interesting thread, i am against the death penalty for a lot of reasons but the original post makes sense. this guy was guilty without a doubt. i think a good first step towards a national moratorium though would be to change the rule that says "beyond a reasonable doubt." why not change it to "beyond a shadow of a doubt" at least in death penalty cases?
  10. had it backwards I'll be there with my brother next week to see the Steelers vs. Ravens
  11. prediction: Packers take the lead 21-20 with 0:01 left on the clock in the fourth quarter after being shut out for the first three quarters.
  12. I voted for myself for Sheriff earlier this month, I lost :-/
  13. you welfare queen. who did you vote for?
  14. Wow! I agree with you on something and that is your opinion of Che. I hate those t-shirts and the idiots that wear them. They know nothing of what he stood for, what he did, and what wearing his mass produced image symbolizes.
  15. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/25/business/global/25saab.html?_r=1&partner=rss&emc=rss oh well
  16. buy my glowshift gauge so i can buy one that i don't have to flick to make it accurate
  17. hahaha i bought tires from them last year that were manufactured in '05.... 2 months? (don't get me wrong, i wasn't happy but there had to be a reason they were closeout items)
  18. don't get your panties in a bunch, Yasser Arafat got one 15 years ago and that didn't make much sense either.
  19. i just bent a volan on a pothole on the highway into dc tonight and got a flat tire. the sidewall is messed up and the tire is worthless. thank you DC DOT.
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