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Posts posted by boostjunkie

  1. Nah, this could very well be the cheaper way out. How long until he has an 'unfortunate accident?'

    They will probably give him "special" treatment in prision, keep him away from all the other cons.

    He will probably still have "rights" just like the illegals do now <_<

  2. already has... ;) YOu have no idea how mad it makes me that I have to pay 1k bucks to have a baby and some illegal can just walk in shoot a baby out of her clam trap, walk out with a big FU to the USA and pay nothing.

    Oh, believe me I feel ya bro!

    How about when they make a run for the border and break their leg, guess who pays for those medical bills.

    I am starting to feel the same way about mexico as I do the middle east, just nuke every fucking mile of it!

  3. What they believe in!?!?!?!?!?!?! They believe that we should just bend over and take in the pooper so they can get a free ride. F that. I don't think so. I'm paying out the ass in taxes so illegals can have babies, get medical care, put their kids in school etc and I'm tired of it. "Hey, give us our citizenship, if you don't we're not gonna come to work anymore." translated to::: Hey, were already fuckin ya, give us what we want or we'll fuck ya some more!

    I could not have said it any better!!!!

    Greg 4 Prez!!

    Half those fuckers don't even know what they are protesting, they are just doing it to get a free day off of work or school.

    The US has the most laxed boarders in the world, this needs to change or it is going to come back and haunt us.

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