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Matty Moo

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Everything posted by Matty Moo

  1. That wasn't a slam on FL, just the constant stream of dirtbags in and out of the place. Detroit's a lost cause, most of us in MI that aren't within 30 minutes of it just act like the place doesn't exist. Detroit is easy enough to deal with since all of the shit that happens there tends to stay there and not spill out more than a few minutes out of the city.
  2. That sums it up. She should have just left, she left anyway but then came back. All the crazy shit that happens in Florida isn't hard to understand once you figure out that most of the population is transient in a way. People go there to get "a fresh start" but take their issues/problems with them. Most of the shitty people that I've met in my time have all moved to Florida and then back at some point, all of them went to start over thinking it's some sort of paradise and everything will change for them. Nothing changes because shit always remains shit. I'm not including the retirees in that, but even some of them are trash too. The only real bad thing about Florida is some of the people that live there.
  3. Casey Anthony has had no problem not getting killed and every person in the world hates here. I'm pretty sure he'll just go somewhere and lay low for a long time.
  4. About 25 minutes from my house and 5 minutes from where I work. It isn't a terrible place but it's definitely different, I can't say I was surprised when I heard about it though. Maybe he looked down and though it was another mushroom?
  5. That sums it up rather well. Respect is at an all-time low when it comes to our younger generation, they just say what they want and act how they want. When there are consequences these kids were suddenly angels who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. The entire problem is multi-faceted, the same media that portrays GZ as a villiain is the same media that glorifies thuggish behavior.
  6. Just one of hundreds of crazy ideas being kicked around today by our elected officials. They pull shit like this because 95% of the people out there have zero idea or care about what's going on within their state and federal gov't. Giving a shit about a hillbilly named honey boo boo or what some whore named Kim is up to is way more important then being informed.
  7. I agree with that point. Back in the day you'd level things out if you were getting picked on and that was the end of it. That isn't allowed anymore..unfortunately.
  8. I don't work in a school, but I'm at my kid's school all the time. Up until last month we could walk right in, now there's a buzzer with a camera.
  9. Well, according to their state law the property is being abandoned so it has to be sold. There isn't anything in the law stating guns are exempt. Good spin on saying they were being turned in for food, since it's a gift card to the grocery store I could spin it another way and state that people are turning in their guns for liquor and birth control pills. They sell that stuff there also.
  10. I'm not. Most of us dont live within that part of society where violence and illegal activity is a way of life. Those of us that own guns aren't just waving them around and randomly shooting at people either. I understand you dont like guns but it sounds as if you are blurring the line between responsible gun use/ownership and criminal firearm use. One could go anywhere right now with a bat/knife/pipe and wipe out plenty of people. If somebody is going to kill people the tool they use isn't the issue, the person doing the killing is.
  11. The only unsafe homes with firearms in them are homes where the owners are complete idiots or unstable, which leads back to people being the problem and not the guns themselves. In that situation there's usually an ex-con/felon in the house who wasn't supposed to have one legally anyway, so that shows how effective the laws really are. They have complete disregard for the law, they don't care if it's legal or not. I live in a nice area where crime really isn't a local problem. The problem is people coming to our area to commit crimes just for that reason, they see it as being easy because they feel we are complacent. If I were a tweaker, I wouldn't do a home invasion in Detroit where eveybody has a gun, I'd hit the suburbs. If I wanted, I could leave my house unlocked for months on end and most likeley nobody would ever come in. But, I'm not banking on that chance.
  12. Buybacks sound wonderful in the paper, truth of the matter is that your person who is using a gun for his own criminal good isn't participating. They might as well have a hugging festival, it's only in place to make people feel good. Two years ago they did a buyback in Detroit with interesting results. 1. Two gangbangers dusted a car full of other thug types.....to steal their guns. They then gave the guns to relatives for the buyback. 2. They publicized the buyback five days before, in that five days gun thefts were up somewhere around 300% above normal. As said before, guns aren't the problem. People are. I could go downtown right now with a machete and chop up as many people as I wanted...BUT a lot of people around here carry, so I'd likely get shot after a few. Look at Chicago and their screwed up gun laws, guns are running the southside.
  13. As long as mental health is an issue that is divided by party lines, it isn't going to happen. Our mental health system is as broken as the political system, as long as mental health is viewed as an entitlement it's going to stay the same as it is now. Granted, it is a social issue..but we're not talking about lazy people collecting checks, we're talking about people that are truly screwed up and there is no readily available help for them. Realistically, one that needs real mental health care isn't going to get it until they commit a serious crime. It's a completely reactive approach that makes zero sense. I could write a book on the issue, but the simple fact is that the system is broken and is going to stay that way.
  14. it's better than most mobile site setups. It's not tapatalk, but I don't mind it. Plus I get to see the ad for the G-force Chip several times a day in mobile, they've since raised their claim to an added 132 HP.
  15. More showed up. It's now 100 to 1. Maybe we should have went to Detroit.
  16. When we split for the weekend we always go to the west side of the state. Detroit is only 1 hour away but it's way too "hood", so we drive 2:15 to grand rapids or Saugatuck. We're at a bar in Grand Rapids, which is heavily Dutch. There are about 90 people here and I'm the only one without blonde hair and blue eyes. They're all staring at me and I'm getting creeped out.
  17. I scooped this up last winter for $80. A friend of mine bought it new back in 96 or 97 and really never rode it much. The shift levers broke on my first ride, so I took it in and had new shifters and brake levers put on it. I don't work on bikes or care to learn how, but the tune-up and all new stuff came to $100 at a local bike shop. I bought this one in 1997, new for about $500. This was before Diamondback went department store. It's heavy, but it's been a decent bike for me. For the longest time the only use it got was transportation to and from any type of drinking activities, but usually spends most of it's time hanging from the ceiling in the garage. It's really not worth anything so I'll never get rid of it.
  18. PBR is disgusting. I found another one of my "optimum points" last night. I can drink...a lot, but I don't drink all that often anymore. I hate going out and drinking 12 beers at the bar, getting bloated and pissing all night so I've been saving the beer for home and doing mixed drinks when I go out. I occasionally have a long island, last night I had two of those and four beers. It was absolutely fucking perfect, I wasn't trashed and was right where I wanted to be...I also felt fine when I woke up.
  19. Nice pad. Did you go under 100 square feet to avoid a building permit, or that's what you wanted?
  20. How do we go about getting the additional 5%? Just ask them? I think I've only had one order through them that was less than $100 because of the discount and free shipping.
  21. Matty Moo


  22. Matty Moo


    From the album: Misc.

  23. Probably because it is that new, it's the way that shitty software seems to work. Mine was deemed "dangerous" for the first week I had it up, and blocked. I doubt it has anything your actual website though, some of the most benign shit in the world is blocked but If I wanted to look at tits or how to make meth/bombs it would be accessible. I can't look at forums for tweaking phones, but can look at midget porn.
  24. For some reason it's blocked at work by websense.... Security risk blocked for your protection <h1 id="noscript-blockMessage">Content blocked by your organization</h1> Reason: This Websense category is filtered: Potentially Damaging Content. Sites in this category may pose a security threat to network resources or private information, and are blocked by your organization. URL: http://xcforums.com/
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