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Dave 54

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Posts posted by Dave 54

  1. And a good chiro would help with teaching a person which exercises should be done. The chiro I see spends less than 10 minutes adjusting me (read: crack my bones) and usually spends 15-20 showing me which muscle groups I should focus on, how to exercise them, etc...

    chiro won't even touch my back. They recommended some physical therapy and the physical therapist said to strenghten your core and to lose any amount of blubber around the mid section. Guess what they were right, no problems anymore other then the occassional arthritis when it gets really cold or humid. Starting to get some blub back now that i've been laid off. :o

    I have degenerative disc syndrome, basically i'm 37 and have a back of a 65 year old. 3 totally dehydrated disc's and 2 herniated disc's, one of which I had surgery on and reherniated 6 mos. later.

    I'm sure the 5 years of being a sub contractor laying flooring did wonders for it, 12-15'ft long and 300+lbs of carpet compressing down on your spine trying to fight that sucker into a home and up/down steps with 90 degree turns :lol:

  2. Question...

    i dont really want to go through the whole process of an ad for a whopping 1 switch... i have about 20 little things & dont want to take the time to list each one individually... plus i noted something in my posts because it seems my pictures are too big, my information is too big, how the heck do i make a legit listing. I just want to make a list of all the switches I have & see if anyone needs them. Things like my load bars, ski carriers, stereo amp, and larger things i dont mind listing individually but i wont lie its quite a pain in the ass

    also what was these chuckie cheese tokins we were gunna get like 100 of them i only has 10 of them :(

    I only got 5. :(

    And what's up with having to renew next month?

    • Upvote 1
  3. Was surfing the local Toronto Mazda 3 forum and saw a topic on winter beaters. Some guy with an '06 3 GT picked up a mint '97 Audi A6 Quattro wagon as a winter beater...

    ... that's interesting.

    my friend has one of those and that thing was a tank last year during the storms we had. Audi's AWD is really good.

  4. :lol: :lol::lol:

    Archaeologists Unearth Lousiest Civilization Ever


    When Justin Beiber came on I was laughing so hard :lol:

    so over the top it was hilarious

    I know right. I told my wife well atleast he can kinda play the drums, he'll need it as a back up for when his balls drop!

  5. I havnt watched anything MTV Related in the last 10 years

    Wife put it on :rolleyes: . I was so glad when 10 o'clock rolled around, we record 2 shows at once on different channels so the box had to change channels to record them :D . I just can't believe how horrible todays music has gotten and fools making the music!

    • Upvote 1
  6. Anyone see this commercial yet? I just saw it for the first time tonight on TV.

    Obviously, this is the full length one, there's a shorter version on TV, but it has pretty much all the same scenes. It was hilarious.

    1st time seeing it myself.

    :lol: at "i could play with these balls all day, and wow that's a big ball sack"

    oh my god i love the internet.


    wow they hit just about everything in that one, from the 16hr body protection to the you are so dumb dude. Only thing missing is the amberlamps :lol: .

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