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7 VII 7

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Everything posted by 7 VII 7

  1. I could not have said it better myself Chris
  2. I feel like I am taking crazy pills with all these people losing their nut over the iPhone 5... everything they mentioned in the Apple announcement has been out for years to more from other vendors/suppliers/companies. Why are people so juiced over this outdated device the day it hits? http://phandroid.com/2012/09/12/iphone-5-vs-android-the-patent-troll-presentation/
  3. no, just trying to drink more water and less shit
  4. Why the sad face on your birf-day? Happy Birthday
  5. Lets see how long I can go without drinking... I am betting until Friday when I grill out with my friends. :)
  6. My problem with abortion is that people are using it as birth control. Not just one abortion but also multiple abortions. I just don't understand why people are going to vote for Obama when he has done such a SHITTY job over the last 4 years.... or are people not voting for Obama just against the Republicans? I hate the race card also "Black people are just voting for Obama because he is black." Ok, well people are voting AGAINST Obama because he is black... race card is such a cop-out
  7. Reading the article... It says "Or it can go bankrupt – this happens after about seven percent of all private equity buyouts".. thats it? only 7%? That 7% could be rolled into the fact that the bought out company shit the bed on production, service and that companies management.
  8. I could not find it. Justin can you post again? Yes, the TV does not lie
  9. Justin, can you please site your mention of "mafia companies"?
  10. Yeah, lets single out one crazy person... and it was one person Did you hear about the person at the last DNC pushing an old woman down and then later that night raping a teenager while recording it? Stay classy DNC stupid post there
  11. Pretty cool http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUrfIW4zQmM&feature=g-vrec
  12. What do people have against Romney having money? He didn't do anything illegal to obtain his money. Everyone is just pissed that he is rich, who the freak cares? So lets say he has 100 houses, did he obtain them illegally? no. Can anyone do that? yes.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_mVb-G1v1I
  14. I have been seeing a number of the Dodge Darts around town.. not bad IMO
  15. Pretttttty awesome. I should spend some more time in this game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leJrzTrQdsM
  16. oh really? I was waiting to see if the Steam Sale made it cheaper than it is now.
  17. I was going to buy it but will wait until it is cheaper.
  18. takes less than one hour, but I do see your point. I just get too hot with my hair long.
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