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Everything posted by Kevin.

  1. Trump repealed protections for hibernating bears, so now you can shoot them. Who is this helping? Honestly?
  2. I will be there with one car and probably 2 coolers full of beer Andy bring some stuff to trade, I'll make sure I have Tired Hands for ya
  3. I'm really tired of winning, guys
  4. I hate that subreddit more than I would like to admit. Such a massive circlejerk that it made me step away from my computer after reading the comments on a few posts. Apparently cuck is a really awesome insult
  5. Republicare is going to be a hit with the older generation, they've been duped and I feel bad for them
  6. been getting the new 5 series in over the past few weeks, M550 will be here in July M4 CS looks to be coming out this summer
  7. when is Trump going to admit there wasn't 3-5 million illegal immigrants that voted in the 2016 election? Is there another word when you go past the point of doubling down?
  8. LMFAO executive order to build the wall and is planning a huge investigation into voter fraud. What's next? Trump© voting machines? And he's silencing the EPA by stating every report must go through a thorough review? this is a fucking joke, thanks Gary for being conned. FUCK
  9. alternative facts are totally real, believe me
  10. so all media is fake news? Except for Fox News, of course
  11. TIL we should just let Putin run our country
  12. there is no point, his mind has been brain washed. Nothing that you and I will say to him will change his mind
  13. underlying, like how Mormonism is a cult? c'mon Alain, have a laugh for once
  14. can you explain how it's ignorant?
  15. take a look at the cabinet choices and get back to me
  16. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/fred-karger/should-the-mormon-church-_b_13656738.html
  17. you should worry, Gary. This is the least educated cabinet in US history, that should be concerning
  18. let's drain the swamp....and fill it with billionaires and CEO's! Surely they will look out for our best interests?
  19. with Bernie as his VP 2020 should be a shoe in if Trump's presidency is as shitty as we all think it will be
  20. gotta be kidding me with these appointments, drain the swap indeed
  21. scared that the old fucks will keep denying climate change and put their own selfish interests before their goddamned country. We need to move forward as a country and accept facts: the earth is changing and the planet is warming because of our actions. The younger people see their future going up in smoke and don't like it, they're adults so let them make decisions. You don't have to be 50 to know what you're talking about, plenty of people have life experiences that taught them quite a bit. This whole safe space/PC bullshit has to stop though, I do no support the people rioting and burning shit because Clinton lost, get the fuck over it. They need to act like the adults they are.
  22. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2016/11/11/appeals-court-affirms-that-ten-commandments-monument-outside-nm-municipal-building-is-illegal/
  23. I do not see my future in the US after my wife finishes her degree if Trump nominates multiple ultra conservative supreme court justices. Religion is not a reason to implement fear and hatred, unfortunately people like Mike Pence do not know where to draw the line. Part of me sees the GOP trying to knock Trump out and put Pence in power, that would be fucking SCARY
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