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Everything posted by Kevin.

  1. I'm not, actually. Enough people were pissed off at the PC culture and the blatant corruption that they rejected a corrupt candidate, crazy right? I fear that religion and fear will be used to remove the rights of the weak, such as transgender bathroom issues and LGBTQ rights. Mike Pence does not like gay people and advocates for conversion therapy SOURCE Trump will probably not accomplish a lot, I can see Obamacare being repealed but who knows what it will be replaced with (hopefully single payer). I see EPA regulations being curbed back as well as coal/oil/natural gas production being ramped up. My generation rejected Trump, as seen here. The future generation saw through the guise, so best of luck to everyone with a GOP controlled congress. I wonder if the "liberal media" will be to blame for all of this
  2. and give the acid to me, I'm off work tomorrow LOL
  3. you have freedom of religion in this country until you use your religion as a reason to not allow someone to do something ie gay marriage
  4. half baked? Come on Alain, I see this shit every single day. The religious want special treatment but don't want others to receive that same treatment. Great example is Satanic temples not being allowed to pass out information at a public event because the local churches cried about it. Religious freedom is religious freedom, and that includes religions that aren't your own. Go figure. Makes me laugh that the religious people in this country are blindly following Trump solely because he is Republican. Guess it's ok if he gropes people because he is a Republican lobbying is literally legal bribing. Shit is fucked up. The people have to take the country back, mainly by voting out shitty old congressmen/senators and bringing in a new wave of fresh minds. John McCain has been in the Senate longer than I have been alive, think about that for a minute
  5. last I checked Saudi Arabia is funding ISIS and religious extremists so.... taxes pay for all kinds of programs (roads, schools, etc) to reiterate, if a church can afford to advertise on TV/Radio it needs to pay taxes. If a religious institution such as the LDS makes a public stance on an issue and tells it's followers to vote/treat people a certain way it needs to be taxed
  6. religious freedom is a farce Alain, it's being used to oppress people that look scary and allows for racicm/sexism etc of course you don't think churches should be taxed, because you belong to one. Can you imagine what we could do if even half of the churches in our country were taxed? We wouldn't have trillions of dollars of debt, I'll tell you that much. how does it not bother you that religious institutions are telling people how to vote? Religion has no place in politics, and that includes churches.
  7. religious entities that do any of the following should lose their tax free status -tell their followers who to vote for -tell their followers how to vote in local elections -push their agendas on TV/Radio (advertising). I've been seeing a lot of religious TV and Radio ads lately -use fear to control their followers among many other things. Lots of churches break these rules, and it really angers me
  8. speaking of Mormons... https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/57gq57/the_mormon_prophet_and_his_apostles_have_urged/ TAX THE CHURCHES
  9. climate change, fair and equal treatment for people of all races/genders, government corruption, etc
  10. JW and Mormonism are cults, this isn't rocket science
  11. paging Alain he voted for the Iraq war to spread his personal religion
  12. Trump doesn't think Veterans who have PTSD are weak, he followed up afterwards saying they need more medical and mental heath assistance which I totally agree with. Annoying that people are misquoting and attacking. Probably one of my few defenses of Trump "When you talk about the mental health problems, when people come back from war and combat, they see things that maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over and you're strong and you can handle it, but a lot of people can't handle it. And they see horror stories, they see events that you couldn't see in a movie, nobody would believe it, and we need a mental health help and medical and ... it's one of the things that I think is least addressed, and it's one of the the things I hear the most about when I go around and talk to the veterans. So we're going to have a very, very robust level of performance having to do with mental health. We are losing so many great people that could be taken care of if they had proper care. You know when you hear 22 suicides a day ... that should never be. So we're going to be addressing that very strongly, and the whole mental health issue is going to be a very important issue when I take over. And the VA is going to be fixed in so many ways, but that's definitely one of the ways we're going to help. And that's in many respects the number one thing we have to do because I think it's really been left behind."
  13. ie crybabies like the Grahams and the GOP party
  14. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/formerlyfundie/america-isnt-growing-hostile-towards-christians-its-growing-hostile-towards-religious-bullies/
  15. Trump actually started off calm and composed, and that lasted for about 5 minutes. I gave up after 30 minutes of arguing and children yelling at each other. Why waste a vote on the major parties when you can just vote 3rd party....if everyone who hates Trump and Clinton voted 3rd party they would win. Johnson or Stein would be 10000% better than the bullshit Trump or Clinton would pull in office
  16. Sanders definitely is a New Deal Democrat, the issue is that the DNC likes how much money we can make from war -_-
  17. I see her aligning more with Bernie's Democratic-Socialism. Socialism isn't a scary word, communism is. Almost every instance of Communism being implemented was a guise for a small group to take power, it's greed that kills the idea. In a perfect world Socialism would be awesome but humans are inherently greedy so it will never work. That's why I like the idea of Democratic Socialism so much
  18. Gary Johnson? and since when is Jill a commie? That's like saying Bernie is a commie when he isn't...that is a basic lack of understanding how socialism, communism, and democracy works.... the only people I heard calling Bernie a commie were Trumpers, generally the older generation
  19. but you're rationalizing with the "least bad candidate" mentality. How does Jill Stein align with your views? Remember, it's not our fault the Democratic party pushed such a weak candidate. A Hillary presidency would make the lame duck status of Obama look like child's play
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