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Everything posted by Kevin.

  1. I have been doing a lot of thinking over the last few months about my personal views and who I will be voting for in the upcoming election and I had a moment of clarity when talking to my wife. You should vote for whoever the hell you want, regardless of what the news tells you or to stop someone else from gaining power. We as Americans have a Constitutional right to vote for whoever we damn well please and I want to execute that right. I personally feel that the Democratic Party has failed us in this Presidential race by pushing (read forcing) Clinton down everyone's throats. I do not agree with the tactics she has used the the things she has done so I will not be voting for her, I will be voting for Dr. Jill Stein of the Green Party. For those who say "but what about a Trump presidency, we cannot afford to have that happen to our country!" I say back: then why did the Democratic party push such a weak candidate from the very beginning? If this was so important why isn't Clinton actually giving a shit about important issues (she has said nothing, zero, zilch about the pipelines bursting or the Native American land being disrespected by oil pipelines yet in black in white on her website she says she stands to defend Native Americans). She is a weak candidate who will say anything to be elected and if we end up with Trump, it's their fucking fault for snubbing Bernie who I saw as the much stronger candidate. Basically the whole point of this block of text is vote for who YOU want to be President: not to stop another candidate from being elected and not to just align with your party. Vote from your heart and conscience. Have a good day everyone.
  2. was just thinking vaders to keep it E36 if you can find a set of ZHP or manual E46 M3 seats I would snag those
  3. get vaders if you can swing the price
  4. So Gary Johnson is being torn apart about blanking about Aleppo, yet the media doesn't give a shit that Hillary Clinton didn't know that C fucking meant classified? ffs
  5. nah gotta tell Timo to fuck off first
  6. I just don't give a shit about this forum so I don't put meaningful time and energy into my replies
  7. I refute misinformation and correct it as needed
  8. religion needs to stay the FUCK OUT OF WOMEN'S LIVES http://www.rawstory.com/2016/08/marco-rubio-no-abortions-for-pregnant-women-infected-with-zika-virus/#.V6dyUzGT5v0.reddit
  9. lol here's Alain assuming people actually go to the movies anymore (the last 2 movies I've seen in theaters were Finding Dory and The Avengers, to put it in perspective)
  10. you missed the last part of my statement, that we cannot just go to $15 an hour immediately because the economy cannot handle that whatsoever. It needs to be a slow increase over a 5-10 year period. $10 would be a nice start, $7.25 is embarassing what about people who cannot do hard labor jobs? My wife has fibromyalgia, she can't go wash windows or be an electrician as she can only stand for about 10 minutes at a time without being in excruciating pain
  11. http://imgur.com/a/tBkfM Mormonism isn't a cult you say?
  12. look, you need to listen to these words. You cannot live on $7.25 an hour and have any form of a decent quality of life. You just cannot do it. We are not here to talk about "oh well why is an adult working at a fast food place" because the reality is that 42% of the entire working US population makes less than $15 an hour. Frankly, I make $14.43 an hour and it's not enough (I recently had a massive change in my pay plan and have less than $100 a month left over after bills). You cannot look at me in the face and tell me that $7.25 is an acceptable wage to live on. The average cost of rent in Delaware is $800 (apartment) which leaves you with $360 for an entire month to pay for food, gas, car insurance, utilities, and medical bills. That is unacceptable. Sure, you could ride your bike or the bus to work but you still only have $360 left for the whole month, how are you supposed to be able to save up money to get out of your current living situation? Answer: you can't. Unless you work 2 or 3 jobs, and young families cannot afford to do this (especially single mothers/fathers). There is a flip side to this argument, however. Spiking the minimum wage to $15 an hour overnight is a terrible, terrible idea. It needs to be a slow, steady progress up to at least $10 (more in cities that have much higher living costs ie NYC, Philadelphia, Seattle, etc)
  13. http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/290093-trump-wind-power-kills-all-your-birds I can't anymore. Trump thinks renewable energy sources are "expensive and will lose jobs"
  14. Sean Hannity is a loser, but not as much as Bill O'Reilly
  15. http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/tv/fox/
  16. Trump uses fear to control people, and it seems it's working on you Gary
  17. Jon Stewart tells it like it is, unlike Mr Trump who tells it like HE thinks it is. GOP logic: if we think it's true it's a fact. Newt Gringrich flatly stated just that, that if he believes something to be true then it is fact regardless of the truth or actual facts. He said this in regard to the murder rate, which has been going down for 20+ years. He thinks that because the murder rate is going up in a few cities that in fact the entire murder rate is going up. Please see below. Alain I hope you're voting independent this year
  18. the establishment felt threatened and acted "accordingly"
  19. how about this Alain, fuck Hillary Clinton
  20. people are pissed off at what Cruz did, and they do have a good reason. He effectively was invited to Trump's house and then trashed the living room before leaving. Now, I can see the other side of this. Who in their right mind would endorse someone who said their father conspired with Fidel Castro and was constantly called "Lyin' Ted" by his entire campaign. Personally, I'm glad to see the absolute shit show. Interestingly enough, NPR did a story about the elections and 60% of the population in the US is fed up with the elections already. When polled about what is missing from coverage from the elections, it was overwhelmingly shown that the candidates stance on issues is seriously under-reported. Climate change has rarely come up on the Democrat side, and it's yet to come up at all on the GOP side. There was a man from the Republican party in Pennsylvania that said a few things that worried me (I want to say he was a senator). When he was asked directly about climate change, he said he believes that humans are partially contributing to it however we need to look at things like job loss and industry loss as a main factor before choosing any action. Excuse me? Industry loss? Of course the oil industry needs to shrink so that solar, wind, and nuclear power can take off. Sounds like the guy is bought and paid for by the oil industry, makes me sad that the slogan "governement of the people" couldn't be further from the truth. Now don't get me wrong, Democrats are doing the same shit. Look at Hillary, taking in MILLIONS OF DOLLARS for paid speeches to corporate banks and trade groups. Coincidentally, several of those banks that paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars for speeches heavily backed the Keystone Pipeline. Funny how it all works sometimes. Don't even get me started on the FBI investigation (sorry Clinton supporters, it was a full criminal investigation). She cannot be trusted to handle sensitive documents, ANYONE else that did even remotely the same thing as her would have been fired, fined, possibly jailed, and permanently lost their security clearance. Millennials cannot trust her as they see through her guise, unfortunately the older population likes the idea of a woman Clinton president and heavily (and blindly) back her. The part that bothers me about Ted Cruz is he likes to hide his agenda in his words. Example: "Freedom means religious freedom, whether you are Christian or Jew, Muslim or atheist. Gay or straight. The Bill of Rights protects the rights of all of us to live according to our conscience." In this case, his conscience would be that LGBT cannot be married, abortion is murder, and he should have the 'right' to discriminate etc. He makes blanket statements that seem nice and all-encompassing, however his true intentions are to turn America in a theocracy.
  21. when you say you're a Christian first, that scares me. when you want to limit/abortions and remove gay rights you scare me and when you believe in the death penalty yet want to ban abortions you make me think you're messed up in the head. Gary Johnson 2016
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