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Everything posted by Kevin.

  1. Trump is awfully silent over these last few days, maybe he will just tear apart the GOP altogether
  2. seriously? Have you not listened to ANYTHING the man has said? He thinks women should be jailed for having abortions....
  3. Trump openly has said that Muslims are a threat to our country which is why they should be barred. He called Mexicans thugs. He reposts things he found on white supremacy sites. If the shoe fits....
  4. I'll say this once, there is no such thing as a wasted vote. Voting for who YOU think should be president isn't really up for debate, and I as an american citizen can vote for whomever I choose to. That being said, if Trump does somehow become president we will step back 20 years. Gays and lesbians will lose rights, the religious right will become empowered with their "religious liberty" (read DISCRIMINATION), and a very conservative Justice will be appointed which isn't good for things like legalization of medicinal marijuana for veterans, LGBT rights, etc.
  5. Trump went off the deep end with the conspiracies, if he wants to win he needs to stay focused. Praising Saddam Hussein isn't what I would call being focused.
  6. Alain, my issue with the "verdict", if you will, is that the FBI director James Comey said the following "To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now." How is his logic sound at all? He openly admitted that if it had been anyone other than Clinton they would have faced charges. Someone who grew Marijuana in their backyard is getting a harsher sentence, this is utter bullshit. There is a Navy Sailor who is going to jail for much less severe charges. June 19, 2014: A Naval officer pleads guilty to storing classified documents on a home computer. Naval Chief Petty Officer Lyle White pleads guilty to violating military regulations because he took classified documents from his Navy office and stored them on a hard drive in his house. He says he kept the documents out of convenience, because they were useful for when he was training other soldiers. White is sentenced to 60 days in prison and fined $10,000. The sentence is suspended, but a federal espionage conviction will remain on his record. (The Virginian-Pilot) I take issue with a Presidential Candidate who was told by the FBI director that she had extreme negligence handling sensitive, classified, and top secret information. I take issue with the fact that the FBI director said that there must be a form of "intent" regarding pressing charges against Madam Secretary. I take issue that she lied to the entire country when she said she did not email sensitive or classified information. Given all of this information I cannot vote for a Democrat and I certainly won't be voting for Trump (woo woo). I will be voting for Gary Johnson come November unless something dramatic happens. Timo you've somehow gotten me to give you upvotes :P
  7. seems that the Attorney General wants the CDC to continue it's studies
  8. every time I see a Confederate flag it's usually flying on a pole attached to a 70s/80s American truck barely held together with rust
  9. my wife was taking that for a bit, it caused her to gain weight pretty fast so the prescription was changed in a few months
  10. you're automatically a socialist if you're trying to help everyone I guess
  11. capitalism, when left unchecked (as it is right now), will allow the very rich to steal from the poor and middle classes. Why do we have to stand for it?
  12. http://www.snopes.com/trump-plans-reverse-marriage-equality-elected-president/ my favorite Trump quote is "I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down, And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering." the man thinks people in NJ celebrated 9/11 Gary he is going to repeal rights for thousands of Americans, people who have guaranteed rights for the pursuit of happiness. I guess people only have rights if you like them.....
  13. looks like Trump is pandering to the religious people again, saying he will appoint a justice that will overturn gay rights and allow for "religious freedom" makes me lol that the guy isn't even religious yet he can convince these idiots that he is out there to help them
  14. Gary, comparatively speaking (with inflation) everything was so much cheaper for the older guys. A full time minimum wage job would pay for college, good luck doing that now and having a place to live. It's not that you busted your ass more, it's just that things were much cheaper back then
  15. yeah, because $7.50 an hour is a livable wage. Tell me how I can afford an apartment, utilities, a car, insurance, and food on $1200 a month (pre tax). Ok, maybe I take public transportation but that's still not free. The cheapest apartments I could find in NJ in my area were $800 a month, how the fuck would I eat food and be able to have a good life? To all of the old guys, you had it good. You could work a summer job and pay for an entire year of college. You could work 40 hours a week and afford a fucking house and a car without a degree, because we used to care about people. Now we just care about profits, and people should just be working harder. That's 100% bullshit, America works some of the longest hours on average of any country yet we have the smallest amount in our savings comparatively speaking. Corporations don't give a flying fuck about you as a person, they just care about money.
  16. http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/65/rr/rr6501e1.htm huge huge read, but lots of good info. Basically the CDC says that a ton of people are on long term opiate prescriptions when opiates should really be used only for short term (<1 year) as they can cause problems
  17. actually 5 Saturn, Mercury, Pontiac, Mitsubishi (Nissan owns them now but with all the emissions stuff I'm going to say they're gone), and Scion
  18. “Not surprisingly, wages for people working in our country, real wages, real numbers, haven’t increased for 18 years.” -Donald Trump 6/14/16 “Our taxes are too high. Our wages are too high. We have to compete with other countries.” -Donald Trump 11/11/15 well what is it Mr Donald? Seeing that he is a corporate elitist, he would lower wages if he could and then tell people to just work harder
  19. fuck the NRA then. Their argument is that that information from the studies would be used to "take all of our guns away" which is complete bullshit
  20. Go drive a Lexus....you'll fall asleep. They don't handle or brake good at all they're upscale Toyotas, so they will be reliable. Keep in mind that Toyota/Lexus nav severely limits what you can do while you drive, and frankly it's not a very good system
  21. it's not even that, it's all with the VA. I do know legislation was recently passed to allow medicinal marijuana prescriptions through the VA. The issue is that her insurance (TriCare, which is paid for by the government woo hoo medical retirement!) would not cover medicinal prescriptions in the slightest, and she was actually being ridiculed and berated for even asking about it
  22. bump why won't congress let the CDC study gun violence?
  23. because it directly effects my life, let me explain. People like Ronald Reagan have made it vitually impossible for my wife to have proper treatment of her medical condition, fibromyalgia. For those of you who don't know what fibro is click here. It causes her immense pain and her doctors only want to prescribe her opiates to alleviate her pain. Opiates were just found to cause immense harm to your body when used for long term pain management and really shouldn't be used in that manner. Medicinal marijuana will help treat every single one of my wifes symptoms and will allow her to exercise to help build some muscle back in her knees to help with the pain. Unfortunately, for YEARS medicinal marijuana has never been explored due to the fact that a select few felt it was dangerous and a gateway drug (which it isn't in the slightest). Testing in Europe has found medical marijuana to be the absolute best solution for fibro pain. Thankfully Congress recently passed legislation to provide medical marijuana to veterans, so that is a step in the right direction. My wife needs medical marijuana for her life to go back to normal, so I am extremely frustrated with people who won't even consider legalizing medicinal in all 50 states
  24. no respect for someone who said this. Reaganomics was a disaster
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