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Everything posted by Bay13

  1. The above only applies if you buy that Jesus was a liberal. My money is on there was no such thing then, in fact my guess is that if you tried to come up with a streight translaltion for liberal or conservative it couldn't be done. Liberal is not what the main steam is not doing, especially if the main stream has evolved so far from the original intent that you wouldn't recognize the original with present. It starts lots of the debates, like thats not what our fore fathers meant, etc. etc.
  2. Having an education isn't ususally the problem, it's what you do with it that counts. I'm sure there are many of your classmates with the same classes and pieces of paper hanging on the wall that have a different opinion.
  3. Thanks for clearing that up, I came in late and didn't pick up a program. I think I got it streight now. :P
  4. The post says New mods, so if you are already one then.......
  5. ?????? Talk to us, this is getting out of hand.
  6. There are lots of good Volvo Mechanics out there, I'm the only one crazy enough to come home from work and sit down at the keyboard. :P
  7. Me too. Wish we had a Bull Sheet flag we could throw, instead all we can hope is that joe will read it and comment. :P
  8. If you get it, no reason not to be un-civilized, if you don't then that when the brown stuff hits the fan.
  9. It was predicted that Peter would. Your in good company either way I don't look at my belief as a CYA, more a way of life that has worked better than any plan I came up with on my own.(I've tried/lived my share)
  10. You sounded OK until you said that. They were OK in their time. They eat just as much money as the rest to keep running, nothing special about them. :P
  11. Just so I don't do what Peter did and deny him,( Not said to make it sound like I'm better than him, I've got my own denial to deal with) yes I believe it, can I prove it, well you know the answer to that.
  12. Did they have living wills? If they did, there was no allow, it was their decision and everyone HAD to let it happen not like there is a choice there. I've heard siblings say I allowed my X, Y, Z to die, but in fact they had nothing to do do with it cause there was a living will in place that fully expresses the adults decisions about things when decision can't be made by them. That is why is is so important that every responsible adult have something in writing, so others don't have to make decisions that they should never have to make.
  13. I know what you mean and I'm not trying to start anything, but if the child is an adult and they have something in writing you have no say so, no mater what your attachment to the person is. The adult (your child) has writes, but you don't have the right to all them to have rights, see what I mean.
  14. This could be quoted later to pull your what ever, be careful it's only hear say and is much like any talk when a bunch of people get together and see something like her on tv. The comments are "I'd never want to live that way". Comments like that are made by lots of people but it's a lot different than if you have it put in writing and made legal. It's like the causual I'll kill you if you do that. Not really meant but said all the time.
  15. If they had anything to do with the founding of our country and the laws that were made to run it, I'd stick with them also, however they didn't. You got me there, I like keeping it more personal, I believe it and if you want me to share about it then I will, but as a group I haven't seen lots I'd be willing to get behind. Too much history shows that the group thing just doesn't work. Seems the leaders tend to adapt things to suit their needs. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  16. gdogg16 suspended for 30 days, for an adult just can't see to type without trying to get around the work filter or always have an unkind word for someone. Has to have the last curshing word.
  17. http://www.wtv-zone.com/Mary/forsakenroots.html
  18. Hashmir, for being a troll, and using the same IP address as SilverGTI and gdogg16
  19. Giuliani is registered Republician but his liberal policies on abortion, gun control etc. he's really a Dem.
  20. This is typically Democratic, doing something you shouldn't be doing in the first place and then when they find out they are not in charge, things fall apart cause they can't make a decision to correct it. :P
  21. Oh come now. I vote that if we are not going to do the missle defence thing then give the money back to the people, don't spend it on some other pet project :P
  22. Well if killing isn't wrong (and I'll be as positive as you, "It's not")then your moral problem doesn't work.
  23. The post was really meant as more humor than anything else. However I see now that some people don't require much to get going on something all in the wrong way. Might have to start a forum for mature adults only. Not sure how to get around the free speach thing. I know much of whats said (the bad stuff) would never be said to peoples faces, the internet makes kids into men, and men into idiots sometimes. Imigration is a problem, just like Social Security is a problem, however nasty lip service isn't going to solve anything. I'll keep my neet E-mails to myself from now on. :P
  24. - Enter MEXICO illegally. Never mind immigration quotas, visas, international law, or any of that nonsense. - Once there, demand that the local government provide free medical care for you and your entire family. - Demand bilingual nurses and doctors. - Demand free bilingual local government forms, bulletins, etc. Procreate abundantly. - Deflect any criticism of this allegedly irresponsible reproductive behavior with, "It is a cultural U.S.A. thing. You would not understand, pal." - Keep your American identity strong. Fly Old Glory from your rooftop, or proudly display it in your front window or on your car bumper. - Speak only English at home and in public and insist that your children do likewise. - Demand classes on American culture in the Mexican school system. - Demand a local Mexican driver license. This will afford other legal rights and will go far to legitimize your unauthorized, illegal, presence in Mexico. Drive around with no liability insurance......and ignore local traffic laws. - Insist that local Mexican law enforcement teach English to all its officers. Good luck! You'll be demanding for the rest of time or soon dead. Because it will never happen. It will not happen in Mexico or any other country in the world... except right here in the United States... Land of the naive!
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