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Everything posted by Bay13

  1. Put up the instructions. http://www.volvospeed.com/Repair/ManualTensioner.htm
  2. Having a moderator that can keep track of things is nice, so we have decided to include the independents as well.
  3. It is obvious by the link and stats you have posted that you think the USA is not better off, got that, but how about answering your own posted question, are you better off? I'm about the same as last year, net worth hasn't changed one way or the other, and taxable income is just about the same, maybe up a little, and for a flat rate line technician in the automotive field thats good.
  4. The election is over, no need for gloating if you were on the winners side or whining if you were on the loosers side, take down or I'll remove them as I see them, the political banners. The political forum is still there and can be used to continue to run the country from your key board. :P
  5. Was it? I must have missed what was being tought, could you make your points without cutting and pasting so you can jump all over the place and totally confuse as you amuse.
  6. The answer is to raise the driving age to 18, just ask the insurance companys how many lives and money that would save. But, and there is always a but, the parents wouldn't put up with it, cause that means they would have to be the taxi or learn to say no to their children, and saying no to your children today in this world might get you a court date. :o
  7. Level 1 = 50 member level 2 = 500 member level 3 = 1000 member level 4 = 3000 member level 5 = 5000 member level 6 = 10000 Senior member Level 7 = 50000 Senior member Level 8 = 100000 Senior member This is the current level set up. Of course your post count could be adjusted up or down depending on what the special meeting of the local hatchet squad should determine. :P
  8. because you went back too far, that post was posted before "the Crash".
  9. I'm not, I blame them for the huge down size of everything. There might be a reason those vechicles are parked across from your office instead of in the war. so.. If the major media are not liberal how would you describe their style of reporting?
  10. Well you have several statements, and all of them are wrong, but your sources are to blame not you. I'll start with trying to make a jeep into a tank. When the war started they needed the oversized jeep, but as tactics changed by the enemy the need changed. 18 months ago about 250 of the oversized jeeps had armor, now over 15,000 have the armor, just how fast do you think things should take? You hit the nail on the head when you said who was saying there was a total disregard for the troops. Go figure. Someone needs to tell the liberal press the election is over, or is this all being done for the 2008 run. I agree with Charles, if you don't like what the liberal media is reporting or chose to believe it but want it changed, then get ahold of your Congressman/Person and have them rebuild the Army that was torn down by the last batch of Dems in office. Rumsfeld is doing his job with what was left there to work with, he can't increase troop numbers, etc thats done by Congress.
  11. http://www.volvospeed.com/Repair/FuelPumpRelay.htm
  12. Systematic use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective. It has been used throughout history by political organizations of both the left and the right, by nationalist and ethnic groups, and by revolutionaries. Although usually thought of as a means of destabilizing or overthrowing existing political institutions, terror also has been employed by governments against their own people to suppress dissent; examples include the reigns of certain Roman emperors, the French Revolution (see Reign of Terror), Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union under Stalin, and Argentina during the “dirty war” of the 1970s. Terrorism's impact has been magnified by the deadliness and technological sophistication of modern-day weapons and the capability of the media to disseminate news of such attacks instantaneously throughout the world. The deadliest terrorist attack ever occurred on Sept. 11, 2001 (see September 11 attacks), when members of al-Qaeda terrorist network hijacked four commercial airplanes and crashed two of them into the twin towers of the World Trade Center complex and one into the Pentagon building near Washington, D.C.; the fourth plane crashed near Pittsburgh, Pa. The crashes resulted in the collapse of much of the World Trade Center complex, the destruction of part of the southwest side of the Pentagon, and the deaths of some 3,000 people.
  13. The answer is in your statement, "The bad guy", in the most receint cases has not been an American Citizen, so don't treat them like one. Heck american Citizens that have been convicted of a felony loose some of their rights, so why grant or assume people that are not citizens should have them. In boot camp they did something I though was wrong, when one messed up all payed the price. In time I saw the wisdom, police your own. Until the the good guys among the Arab community start speaking out against some of their ethenic brothers, then they are part of the problem as well. When the children of Arab familys(living in NY) are interview and express that what was done to the towers was good, there is part of the problem, they didn't dream that stuff up on their own, their teachers and parents had something to do with it. I don't have the answers but until Grandma in a wheel chair starts causing problems she gets a pass. Is that fair, of course it is. Should only Arabs be stopped at the air port, unless you are an american citizen, and someone beside Arabs form the body pool for terrorists, yes.
  14. They need to look at the county by county break down and 3/4 of the blue goes away.
  15. It amazes me that all them there smart people couldn't pull one over on all them dumb folks to vote for the right guy. That there cheese state, and the Mopar state, along with that one thats below Washington really belong to the dumb folks so those states are for Bush, lets get a recount in those states I'm sure there was something going on there.
  16. Lets let this guy do some service in the Senate before we all jump on the band wagon.
  17. Some of those blue states are not so blue.
  18. Actually I think he said a bunch of "Loosers".
  19. We wanted to express our extreme gratitude for your donation and support of Chantilly Youth Association Football. Your contribution has helped pay the constantly increasing funds needed to make our program successful. Each year we use these funds to purchase needed equipment and refurbish the old. We pay fees such as insurance and maintenance, and we work to procure new fields and faacilities so that our local youth can continue to enjoy being part of a premier football program. Your generosity is greatly apperciated in this venture! Please look for your business to be acknowledged in mid November in the Centreview Newspaper on our annual "Sponsor Appreciation" page. Thank you sincerely for your support of Chantilly Youth Association Football! The player, The Parents, The coaches, & the Fundraising Team @ CYA Football.
  20. It means exactly what it says, you are just as fired up on your points as you claim the blind that are following Bush are. You couldn't make a factual list without a rant. Nice list but I don't see a list of lies, I see a list of things you don't agree with. I pretty much know when an intentional lie has been stated, I don't see any on the list. Calling something a lie cause you don't agree with the out come(the war isn't going well) or the reasoning behind the action(there are WMDs) doesn't make it a lie. Hind sight is so nice.
  21. Clinton was impeached. I'd comment more but you are as convinced about everything being lies as those you say believe them. How about a list of specific lies. Just the lie not a rant about them. 1) 2) 3) 4)
  22. And I've never heard of Marines or the Army leaving 370 tons of high explosive. You can't leave what was never there except in the minds of some UN leakster, and the Kerry Campain.
  23. Election time is drawing near. It would be wise to listen closely to each candidates' ideas of government's role in our lives. No matter your political philosophy, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or Independent, I am sure you consider yourself an American. Our Government was formed for a reason. That reason was freedom. Our Government was formed to protect our rights to life, freedom and our property. Our government is a constitutional republic. The pledge of allegiance does not say " to the democracy for which it stands." It says "to the republic for which it stands." The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. It is the document that gives our government its authourithy to govern us citizens. If the authority for a governing task is not given our government in the Constitution, then our government can not constitutionally (legally) perform that task. You cannot believe in our form of government and not believe in the Constitution any more than you can be a Christian and not believe in the Bible. Listen closely to the politicians. See if the things they are promising are Constitutional. For instance, nowhere in our Constitution does our government have the authority to take property from one citizen and give it to another. Yet most of the political promises are based on taking tax money from one citizen and giving it to another citizen. The Constitution does not give the government authority to turn over decisions making to the United Nations or anyone other than elected officials sworn to uphold our constitution. When our officials are sworn in they swear to obey and defend the constitution. The United Nations is not a friend of our Constitution. As an American , I am sure you have read and studied and believe in the Constitution of the United States. Before you decide on where to place your vote, read or re-read the Constitution. It takes little time and regardless of what lawyers and politicians may tell you, it was written to be easily understood. Make your vote for freedom, not government oppression. Alan McKay Buckhead, Georgia.
  24. Ya, he like the rest of us know it now, and you repeating it like no one has heard the slip between org and com is to prove what? You must work in the Grand Canyon, as a liberal echo, let us know when you come up with some thoughts of your own.
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