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Posts posted by jross

  1. Not everyone with ADD is "retarted" lol And what do you mean about a country with potential?...last time I checked we were the richest most powerful country in the world.

    I wasn't saying ADD==retarded, I was saying that the monkey was not only retarded, but also had ADHD.

    And richest? Maybe overall -- per capita, there are richer countries. Most powerful? Yea, you havn't read any international news lately, have ya?

  2. i'm very unpleased with this Mr. Bush character.  I don't like war, i don't like how the media makes people think war is the only way.  Why did we go after Saddam?  What ever happend to Bin Laden, did we forget about that guy?  I'm confused on what we're doing.  Is it right?  Why do we start wars?  I just want to go snowboarding and drive my Volvo.

    Welcome to the wonderful world of America, where the general population is not only dumb enough to spawn & support the American car industry and the SUV trend, but where they also will elect into power something dumber than the average chimpanzee. We're talking about a populace with the average intelligence & attention span of a brain-damaged mentally retarted monkey with ADHD after smoking a reefer. It's so sad to see a country with such potenital be wasted by such a populace.

  3. The American news media practices corporate censorship. I don't think that should be a surprise to anyone. Those who care get their news elsewhere (hint: BBC streams online, amongst other major international news networks).

    nogoat: you don't want to live in Canadia. It's full of Canucks and wanna-be-Frenchmen. Trust me on this.. Australia is where it's at. Oh yea.

  4. To quote the great Bill Hicks:

    "I, ah...this abortion issue in the States is dividing the country right in half. You know, and even amongst my friends - we're all highly intelligent - they're totally divided on the issue of abortion. Totally divided. Some of my friends think these pro-life people are just annoying idiots. Other of my friends think these pro-life people are evil monkeys. How are we gonna have a consensus? I'm torn. I try and take the broad view and think of them as evil, annoying monkeys."

    (Thanks Charles :P that didn't say "monkeys" originally.)

  5. It jives pretty well with my observations both here in San Luis (full of Christian/Republican right-wing loonies) and Los Angeles (normal people & democrats, with a growing loonie population).

    And I think any observations made in Santa Cruz are going to be biased ;)

  6. -Driving tests should be MUCH stricter and extensive for immigrants from areas of the world where driving is much different than here or if for some other reason they all seem to suck at driving.

    They should be more strict, all around. Hopefully this will keep people like that C70kid of the streets (I don't mean the young'un who's been dying for a C70 &etc. He passes mustard. I mean the idiot that wrecked his car racing in bad weather with his gf in the car, and then blew the motor on a new BMW.)



    Micheal Moore taught me that you're an idiot.


  8. 2nd to last paragraph, last sentence which I guess you meant that to be in your "hypothetical conversation."

    That whole paragraph isn't entirely clear as you start it in quotations, but I think YOU were saying the first sentence, not quoting it right? At least thats how I took it the first time I read it.

    Anyway I think this whole convo has gotten way out of hand based on misunderstandings and late night posting. I still stand by what I said and don't agree with you calling all Americans monkey tards. If that was a joke put a EMOCON next to it next time. Let this be a lesson to both of us, careful what and how you post.

    I'm not seeing where you get your lessons from, sorry. And this is the politcal forum, no such thing as out of hand.

    BTW, that wasn't a joke. I shudder in fear when I think about the ongoing intellectual stagnation this country is enduring. There's alot of people who havn't developed past childhood intellectually or emotionally. The fact that we need someone to hold our hands and warn us that hot coffee is in fact hot is a prime example of this. I don't trust most of America with anything more dangerous than small bits of string, and come to think of it, there are people I wouldn't even trust with that.

    As an aside, is anyone else bothered with the arrogance of US citizens calling themselves "Americans" and acting as though the word is theirs exclusively? Maybe this just comes from spending too much time outside the US and in the rest of Americas, but we norteamericanos are hardly the only Americans. Quite a few people I was friends with living in Mexico City raised that point, and I've heard others voice similar thoughts when I was travelling in the southern cone.

  9. In you earlier post it says you're not American or at least appears that way. Is that soemthing you pasted that someone else posted? If so it looks as though you wrote it.

    I don't think I at any point said I was not American. I don't see anything that resembles that claim in the post you just quoted, nor have I noted a similar claim in any of my other posts. I did indeed write what you quoted -- show me where it says I'm not American.

  10. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against other countries or foreigners themselves.  However I hate when people make low brow derogatory remarks about other countries especially when they are living in them.  Ok JRoss you're not American, so why are you here?  Probably b/c you go to school here.  We Americans are such "tards" that most of our Universities and Colleges are filled with close to half of foreign students.  Again I have no problem with that but just with the people that move here (temporarily or not) to suck up are resources and then complain about this country.

    This country is not perfect, I'll be the first to admit it but I think it's one of, if not the best countries to live in.  You're glad you're not American?  Don't worry we don't want you anyway.


    Oh wow I mis-spelled jealous.  Ever heard of a type-o.  Here you can proofread this one for me to.

    I'm not American? I was born in Santa Monica (a city in CALIFORNIA), grew up in Los Angeles (again, CALIFORNIA), and currently live in San Luis Obispo (guess what? CALIFORNIA!). Sorry, I'm American. Seriously... this is ridiculous.

  11. Actually John he is right. From my experiences overseas, they want to be americans. They still have this thought of the "yellow brick road," with cities paved of gold streets. Granted, not every westren european thinks this way, but I have met many that do.

    I've spent quite a bit of time outside the US, mainly in Central/South America.. and let me tell you, my experience has been that people don't really envy americans. Some places yes, most places are too busy doing their own thing to care either way. Most everyone I've met/talked to from Europe couldn't be considered envious by far. The closest I've seen is envy about our standard of living, but I've noticed most of the people I know from outside the US think Americans are pretty silly on the whole. I wouldn't call it jealous by a long shot.

  12. Thats funny I didn't know there are no laws in Canada. And I'm sure Canadian parents would never be offended like us crazy Americans.

    I would hope not. The few Canucks I know actually have something of a sense of humor. They're not comedians, mind you, but they can laugh at a good joke. And there is a HUGE difference between having laws, and having pointless and inane laws. Unfortunately, this is a lesson lawmakers the word over have refused to learn.

    Anybody ever notice when people talk stuff about Americans they usually sound sadly jeleous?

    "I do not think this word means what you think it to mean." Either that, or this must be some strange use of "jealous" that I was previously unaware of. (You fail your spelling test, btw.) I can see the conversations now..."gee, those lucky Americans, they have hours of gridlock and ridiculously overbearing laws regarding their vehicles or being able to build on property that has been in their family since the 1920s. They are so lucky. I wish I couldn't build a house on land given to me by my grandfather!" or "Those spoiled Americans, thinking their government really is responsible for safeguarding their rights and silly things like their 'Constitution'. Pfft. I'm glad I'm not American."

    But hey, maybe I'm just bitter from dealing with the government here in California (not Canada, for those keeping score -- it's part of the Continental US, just below Oregon and just to the west of Arizona and Nevada).

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