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Everything posted by weekendwarrior

  1. I updated my sig to something more appropriate...
  2. Im gonna stock pile it in my bathtub and in open buckets around my gas heater.
  3. its motha monkeyen 760 420 7808

  4. I see you have enlisted in the good ol USAF, what career field you pick you monkeyer? But either way, almost welcome to the brotherhood.

  5. why are you HOMELESS!!!??? you dirty homeless hippy

  6. ughhhh keeev sooo misinformed you are, the Obama administration has not made any moves towards limiting our 2nd amendment rights, it's not even in their agenda for god's sake. In fact there were pro second amendment rulings in the supreme court to lift the handgun ban's in DC and several other ban areas. It's not the government that constantly tries to restrict our 2nd amendment rights, it's the lobbyist and special interest groups. God daing kev, dude just do a little more research that doesn't involve Fox news. Your parents are a bad news source.
  7. All this talk about socialism, and yet the government hasn't done anything socialist. Plllllease look up the definition of socialism and then site specifically what the administration has done that is socialist. I shall prepare my rebuttal.
  8. holy sh!t kev i know you MUST be joking, do you even know what the definition of communism is? It's definitely not government run healthcare, or anything the administration has done so far or will ever do. If the government even thinks about going towards communism I'll be the first one in the street with a rifle and the good ol star spangled banner. I know you're not a liberal, I'm just saying you don't use good info and actual events to back up your political stance, It's like my friends and parents are conservative so fuuuuuu it I'll be concervative too, c'mon dude break the chain and realize the GOP doesn't look out for your interests....ever.
  9. You disappoint me kev, you're just like the liberal college anti-war stoners, alotta strong opinions but absolutely nothing to back them up. I just really wish you didn't choose sides in politics based on how someone speaks or their color, it's bad for america. The monkey thing is just immature. But since you were talking about monkeys two can play that game :)
  10. My friend you said it perrrrrfectly.
  11. Yes, but absolutely not beneficial to the citizen, they exported a tremendous amount of jobs/goods production to china, india, mexico, etc. All for what!? Higher profits?! Do those profits come back to US? no Do they go to the rich investors and CEOs? yes IT IS A SOLID FACT THAT EXPORTING BUSINESS PRODUCTION OUT OF COUNTRY HURTS THE COUNTRY, you can argue all you want but in the end there is less jobs for americans, the country imports more than it exports, and corporations get rich. You're forgetting that there should be a balance between import and export, the more you export the more $$ you make. China has been doing their own form of capitalism for well over 10 years, you're way late there bud. The tax cuts should expire and a new set should be in put place, give tax cuts to businesses producing on us soil to the middle class and to the small business owner, and tax the businesses outsourcing jobs overseas. Like i said to start out the cuts benefit the wealthiest the most, not the small business owners and not the average citizen, its this imbalance that makes me not want to support the renewal. Just saying tax cuts are awsome, but only if they're balanced.
  12. sooooo thats why most large us "born" corporations exported their production overseas huh? makes a lotta sense
  13. I believe you have your facts misconstrued here, the bush tax cuts aren't made for you or the SMALL business owner silly, they're for people making well over 350,000 a year. These oh so richeous cuts were disguised and passed in order so all the rich fat republicans sitting in their ranches can keep more of their money. People keep forgetting just how much the government loves helping rich people and constantly f-ing the middle class, they play some hoakie story on fox and cnn to convince us these tax cuts are crucial to our economy and its recovery throw in some out-of-context "facts" and all of a sudden you forget that less than 5% of the population owns more than 80% of the wealth in us and happily nod in agreement. Don't take the media's word for what exactly these tax cuts are, dig a little deeper and I guarantee you opinion will change. to add: why yes, they do somewhat benefit the lower and middle class, but the gains for the extremely wealthy are just retarded.
  14. I'm not saying NBC or CNN or ABC is any better, all of the mainstream media outlets bash and bash the political affiliation they oppose, sadly it's almost like "fair reporting" and politics are two things that don't mix on the american airwaves anymore makes me very sad :(
  15. I think we're missing the main point here... fox is full of sh!t, and the republican population refuses to watch anything else, so eventually they are bound to be full of sh!t as well
  16. Yeeeeesssss!!! Thank you Jesus, someone else besides me sees this! Yeeeeeessss!!! Thank you Jesus, someone else besides me thinks of this!
  17. Yes, but they never say "this is just opinions", i feel like people who watch fox are led to believe that these opinions are legit solid facts, and as much as i would love to agree with you i can't, fox never went after the bush administration...why? Because it's all partisan media I'm dumb!!! I was there in 2004 yelling at the top of my lungs "four more years!", i am not a lefty, but i don't agree with how fox does their business. The facts are constantly taken out of context, quotes chop shopped, and just a general lack of any fairness in their reporting. I mean...TERRORIST FIST JAB?! C'mon people!? They just say "We have facts" and everyone goes for it because there's no other republican-tilted news station.
  18. OH noes! wingnut you're like senator palpatine, we thought you were a good guy but you're actually on the dark side Tell me you don't really watch Glen Beck, or at least consider him and O'reilly legitimate sources of political news? I mean what they say is outrageous, some times border line straight out lying.
  19. By god, WINGNUT is actually.... GLENN BECK!!! Tum!Tum!Tuuuuuum! :lol:
  20. Exactly, the president is at the very top of the chain of command, and McCrystal was his subordinate. I know the concept of authority is difficult for some civilians to understand, but the military isn't your local domino's, you don't bad mouth the boss in public and get away with it. IN FACT I think Obama should of not let McCrystal keep his four star rank, he should have "retired" as a two star. If I was to say I disagree with my commander's policy to a local news paper I would be fired instantaneously. Also you guys are very very confused about who McCrystal is and what he has done, first off his ROE policy really monkeyed stuff up for the ground troops in the hot zone. You have to go through like 100 people in order to drop one bomb, now imagine yourself ducking behind a rock getting shot at by 30 some dirka dirka's and having to wait and sit on your radio for 20 minutes just to get approval for close air support. In a firefight five minutes can mean the difference between life or death, I'm extremely happy with Obama's decision to put Petraeus in charge, he's already changing the policy to make the ROE more clear so decisions can be made quickly, and save lives/put steel down range. :ph34r:
  21. Lol it's safe o say that was a Baaaaaaaaad idea You know guys, i love my commander in chief, he's doing the right thing.
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