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Everything posted by Fin-Solo

  1. Stupid Ballast died, got tired of dealing with Projectors. Brand spankin new 240 Headlight assemblies shall be here next week.
  2. Car Sorta fixed. Hey Adam, do you fab exhausts? Mine took a major stuff after my recent mistake.
  3. Yeah same damned event that I lost my wheel coming back from. Shiiiiitt, its been a year already.
  4. Bahahahaha, that thing would not handle even a drop of that stuff. Oh btw Adam, you've been beat to the game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48MHLVFdoKE&feature=related
  5. Hahahahhaha @ Jackson and Spencer, I'm gonna try that on my dog sometime, although at 10, he will probably just die.
  6. So I was doing a handstand during lunch at work, and fell headfirst into concrete, Yay for concussions with 4 hours of work still left!!!!
  7. Well I wouldn't know if they want a modded car, thats a huge turnoff for 75% of car buyers.
  8. Haven't really decided fully yet, I mean the turbo parts alone are money makers.
  9. Jackson it wasn't a cracked head, it was a heater core line that tore right after the headgasket install, so car is no longer "Very little $$$". Its all fixed up, but I think I might hold off on selling it because I want to save a good sum of cash for a nice car.
  10. Hey Atom, My friend saw you on 85th by Mcdonalds the other day, he told me he saw a crazy graffiti'ed out 240. I was like hmm I wonder who that could be.
  11. Or a VW. But yeah, I've had bad luck with Volvos, It's time for a proper change. And, Spencer, because I can't have a problem car chillin' at my house forever, I need a properly working car asap.
  12. So it wasn't the heater core, its the head, which is cracked. Car goes up for sale this week for very little $$$.
  13. That actually looks awesome as hell Adam. In other news, pretty sure my heater core went. I really need this car gone...
  14. The 240 is fixed, got the new headgasket in, in less than 2 hours, Thank you Redblock simplicity. There was 3 minor chips in the gasket, and 1 major chip that connected a water line to the outside of the headgasket.
  15. So I replace the thermostat, didn't fix the temperature gauge from spazzing wildly, so we used a laser pointer temp sensor thing, and realized the coolant temp was very normal. We assume that means the car is alright to drive, so we take a 5 minute test drive. Upon getting back, there was absolutely no more coolant in the system. NONE. Upon opening the OIL cap, super milky combustion gases billowed out for about 10 minutes. To me it could def be a headgasket still, or a crack in the combustion chamber. There are no external leaks, and no smoke out the exhaust.
  16. I have to fill up my entire coolant supply every 1 to 2 days. and turbobricks has alot of different things for coolant isssues.
  17. Radiator is not leaking. I really do wish it was, that would be a simple fix. My last hope is that the heater core is leaking, but it doesn't seem likely.
  18. Still loosing coolant, pressure test holds up. I am starting to get really pissed off.
  19. You can have some awesome RWD offset Bent to all hell, white, corona's.
  20. Possible hope for the Brick. We have found a leak at the heatercore line on the firewall. I don't think its big enough to explain coolant going bone dry, in a matter of hours after running the engine though.
  21. My budget is less than half of that kevin. But thats still a deal if its in good condition.
  22. 190E 2.6 cossies are awesome, but wayyy to much money, so I'll take a regular 2.6 and add the bodykit to it.
  23. Either another 850, or a 190E 2.6 Manual. I gasm when I see a proper 190E.
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