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Dick Dastardly

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Dick Dastardly last won the day on May 6 2018

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About Dick Dastardly

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    stretch marks

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  1. breaks traction at 60mph... uh huh. OH..and isn't it odd that the ODO reads Kilometers but the speedo is MPH?
  2. Because you're no fun anymore. and I disappeared
  3. I'm just relying on my declaration of no more flats. Ive been tubeless for years.
  4. That is true. But, You can try..
  5. Sending unit off? Maybe level is lower than gauge reads..
  6. I don't carry a pump anymore because I decided I'm no longer getting flats
  7. Whatever Kevin recommends.. he's practically a certified tire rack test driver.
  8. I haven't used clueless in years.
  9. There are different "varieties". I forget which mine is. I.e. They have a few different levels of the Nobby Nic. tread compounds etc
  10. If I was high.. I may have laughed at that. maybe. Great. More overpriced BMWs for people to lease until the warranty is up and then dump them
  11. Go tubeless. I've been tubeless for a long time and being able to run 15psi at times is great.
  12. I used them all day at Rays mtb park yesterday.. set the psi @ 25 and they were great on wood and concrete too. Great traction all over
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