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Everything posted by Karlson

  1. speaking of DUI, my friend got rear ended on 66 on Saturday night, he was driving 60mph on right lane when some Jeep slammed into him by doing at least 80mph. They pulled over, my friend car was pretty fked up, a guy on Jeep stopped, sad sorry and then just took off, my friend wrote down a license plate and called state police. Guy got arrested, blew alcohol in a limit, but was intoxicated that according to police he could barely walk. I wonder why?
  2. Where did I say that it is acceptable about driving around drunk? You don't go to jail if you are drinking at a party, but you got a good chance with pot. alright. /thread
  3. to me words like: “regrettable” and “bad judgment” sounds like acceptance of guilt
  4. haha. I know I am over reacting with drug stuff, but oh well..
  5. God, I hope that he will get something! http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/28996704/
  6. It all starts with marijuana, not a big deal, but then marijuana is not enough, people are switching to stronger stuff. Coke and heroin is in the future. Ask me how do I know? my step cousin start using marijuana 14 years ago, then start going to night clubs.. now he is almost dead by being a drug addict and he is only 34.
  7. wait, so drugs addicts are less dangerous than alcoholics.. right??
  8. Hells yeah, it should. DUI is bad, but smoking pot is worse I agree about his watch, ball-in
  9. Natural gas conversian is pretty popular back home. but damn dangerous! It someone will rear end you, a big chance that tank will blew up. people should stop bitching about gas. $4 per gallon is not bad!
  10. give me a break. that s80 is the best looking S80 that was every produced, and interior looks much better
  11. I saw article in Wall Street Journal, that bmw got plans for volvo...
  12. I don't think that's a good idea. 5 cylinders engine won't live any longer, cause VW will put their 2.0T FSI engines into every single car. Audi, VW, Seat and Skoda got the same engines.
  13. eh, so who bought it? I tried to read 8 pages, but still don't see clear answer. hopefully not bmw
  14. is it a part of rebulding that I have -2 New Messages? minus 2 looks awesome :)
  15. Moscow, Russia till Setember.
  16. noob kidding Mike, sometimes it happens and people were asking how to change a format.
  17. wtcc, even chevy is racing there :)
  18. sad day for us. Fk ford!
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