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Everything posted by patrick

  1. tanked tuesdays, f*d up fridays, sloppy saturdays, and sippin sundays? its a good life we lead indeed...
  2. i am so drunk i mean... yeaaa thats me buddy bought my broke butt a ton of alky tonight at the bar...picked up the tab and i whooped him in pooool wheehhew
  3. hahha good posts good posts travis, way to have the dedication to sneak away at someones house to post in the drunk thread.. hahah "anybody seen travis?" "yea hes upstairs wankin it to the volvo forum.."
  4. lmao an 8th of shrooms... when i was in high school...at least teh shrooms we get around here, an 8th would usually send somebody into freaking out. "the schnozzberries taste like schnozzberries" - super troopers ps i hate hallucinogens edit: ps: ill tell you what was fun though, goin out to the cow fields here and pickin the shrooms yourself, you HAVE to go wasted and its kind of a rush. ahh those were hte days ... lol
  5. that fool looks shizfaced!... and incredibly homo-manloving :D
  6. full flip cup is also known as get the girls retardly drunk and take advantage of them game... every girl loves that game i swear, so we compromise and play w/ full cups. haha been playing alot of defensive beer pong lately..
  7. decided to go w/ a friend of mine to a big party with lots of young college girls for me to take advantage of. lol anyway party was out of control right on one of the prime streets here in charleston, obviously waiting for the cops to come, when the ydo everyone throws their beers and runs, as we're walking out me and my buddy(both of age) still have our drinks, the only ones there who do. My buddy asks the cop who is looking at him like hes crazy "hey man im 21, can i keep this?" Cop: "no" Friend: "oh... well can i chug it real quick before we leave?" Cop: "....id rather you didnt" Friend: "Oh alright" Me walking in: "Cheers buddy" and we chug our full beers right in front of this officer, i didnt hear the first part of the conversation so i had no idea he had said that, but the guy didnt care, he thought we were funny actually, never bothered to verify we were of age either. Didnt really mean to blatantly disrespect the guy but i thought it was really funny .
  8. what an amazing topic actually i mean one of the best if i do say so myself... a place for the regs to come and waste their buzz away! i know i do it... too much perhaps... haha
  9. lol... i wish we had better public transportation
  10. lol yourhelladumb, yea me and palmela handerson had a wonderful evening, i wined n dined her real good, then took advantage of her. uber - anchorman... nice i quote that shiz way too much eric... just lol
  11. bottle of wine at my place w/ the ladyfriend tonight and im a happy camper.... this ones a keeper for sure
  12. had to celebrate going back to class somehow... it went a lil something like this: Happy hour... the end
  13. if coors is crap what is busch? worse than that what is beast? ick... thats the stuff that you crap out after drinking coors... yea thats what the beast is.
  14. im in i want pornstarpat@volvospeed.com :D
  15. yea i agree, unwinding, and unloading your spleen on someone's kitchen floor and not remembering it are two different things hehe
  16. i know personally i was alot more harmless when young and not evne old enough to drive at night when i experimented w/ getting drunk. if i had started to drink when older i think i would of been at more risk to do something stupid. younger kids(15-17) simply cant handle the alcohol and usually have a bad experience, straying them from using it as much as if it were a great experience. i agree whole heartedly about it being better than kids turning to harder drugs, unfortunately thoguh of the people i know who do drugs, specifically harder ones(read: not pot) they all drink just as much or more than i do as well.
  17. i agree w/ something like charles' idea its all aabout the individual, plenty of people can handle the responsibility way before 21. i'm a pretty big drinker but theres a big line that people often cross where you start to abuse alcohol. I think it is widely accepted in this country to cross that line. It's like a social norm to get drunk when your young it seems, and to break the law. i dont really know that i have a strong opinion one way or the other on the subject though. sometimes i think the idiots who waste themselves away so dangerously, then drive for example and kill themselves or someone else, probably would of done that later on anyway, when they were legal. but something like charles suggested would minimize the mistakes due to lack of experience i believe. I will say i do beleive, albeit in a controlled environment, everyone should have the oppurtunity to abuse alcohol once, to see what really happens and what is not all that glamorous about it. first time i got overly drunk and sick was quite a learning experience. I cant remember the last time i 'accidently' drank too much, or got sick from blowing my tolerance out the window.
  18. hha dont ya hate that? oh god what happened last night.... where am I?!?!
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