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Everything posted by patrick

  1. haha man i was wasted last night... i gotta say though... i only really cared when i was drunk...shes a beautiful girl but nothing more. theres PLENTY around here, some even have a personality to match. somehow i still miss the simplicity and emptiness that was her whole self... ahhh well. i didnt mean that as cold as it sounded... oh yes i did. lol i sound like such a little kid in my first post.... my readign/typing level was that of a 2 yr old
  2. my exgirlfriend is a horrid horrid whore and i hate her alot! she grabbed one of my best frineds and made out w/ him right in front of me...on purpose... owww it hurts
  3. i dunno if its the cold weather, but i havent been gettting hangovers or the usual lag in the AM after a night out. this is not good for my alcohol habits at all....
  4. make out session in the parking lot? yea must be terrible
  5. hahaha travis, dont ya hate that... my night consisted of going to a small local bar, lots of regulars, and finding myself in what i could of easily mistaken for a high school reunion
  6. yea ive only don e the 40 hands thing once, around here its a common practice of one of the bars to allow people in at a certain time, close the doors and all u can drink beer for 5 bucks, all night, until somebody uses the bathroom. its pretty fun but it usually doesnt last too long. one of my buddies successful snuck out and took a leak when it lasted for a while. i can drunk dial the ladies AND post on volvospeed, thats multi tasking right there. "hayyyyy, um yea u wanna come over or something...hang on im tryin to type.."
  7. lol flip cup... niiice the buzz always sneaks up on me playing that game anyone ever play defensive beer pong?
  8. well put, we have alot of issues w/ this and straight up racism here in the buck-huntin' south kakilaki, i shouldnt talk about this but at my store one of my employees had the stuff fired out of him for using a certain common yet derogitory term infront of another employee, who the term was directly offensive against. hwo stupid can you be, the guy is like twice his size too, im glad i didnt ahve to break up a fight.
  9. recently i told a local bartender who was a complete stranger that she was the most beautiful girl id ever seen, and i wanted to marry her. Ended up getting her number a few weeks later, after laughing together at my drunkdom.
  10. lol picking up girls on a volvo forum.... priceless
  11. volvokiller your 242 is makin me sweat... its super purdy welcome Tbricks, making me want a rwd again..
  12. lol.. nah too small of a yard, it was outrageous, party was all the way in the straight and around the corner. this house is tiny and theres NO yard though, it was a good time, 3 taps and 8 kegs makes alot of people reeeeally drunk reeeally fast. police finally showed up and the last keg was almost gone, perfect timing.
  13. im still hungover for last night, we finished 8 kegs before the cops came, its been so long since ive been to a good ol' fashioned house party, buti j ust couldnt pass up 8 FREE kegs. ladies were abundant too hehehe giggidy giggidy giggidy... alllllllllllllllriight
  14. yea and worse case u get slapped...it doesnt even hurt! drinking enocurages add
  15. i voted for kerry but deep down im not upset that my taxes will stay low :)
  16. i disagree, i think a large portion of kerry followers were only kerry followers to get bush out of office. And thats potentially a large crowd, kerry did lose by a large margin, but he still had enough votes to win past elections in this country.
  17. whats up w/ obama? is he actually goin for the ticket? rudy would steer me to his side more than likely. i like the man alot
  18. yea girls do that type shiz, she just wants to see if you really want her. what you need to do is buy some flowers and condoms, call her up and be like yo...lets do this. haha no dont really do that.
  19. it took me a second to see that... hahaha
  20. "Sh*t im not getting any booty tonight"
  21. couldnt of said it better myself doug. i basically flipped a coin when i voted. i voted for kerry, celebratted a clean election and am happy at least i dont have to pay 50% of my paycheck to uncle sam now. Although my neighbor owning an a collection of M16s isnt super comforting, ill deal w/ it. things arent bad right now, could be better, but at least they arent bad, so i do feel a bit of stability w/ bush...as long as he doesnt tazz out and invade some other country all iwll be well. if i could be any more neutral i would... lol
  22. yea i mena i think its really cool that our friends and family have died over there for ____ reason, even if it is only as many as the number of crack heads and homeless farts(edit) who die in chicago, that makes it cool then. Im sure our dead fellow americans are resting in peace knowing what they died fighting for. And wow, i am so excited about the possibility of Gee Dub reinstating a draft, so i myself might even be able to be forced to go over there and die without even making the choice! Not that kerry is going to magically make everything ok or anything, he has his own flaws which carry quite a bit of weight. however i cant see myself voting to support this madness we call a war. Bush could have done worse with his decisions, but he certainly could have done ALOT better. And the fact that we are still over there in the numbers we are just seems pointless. I cant beleive we do not have more people on the board that have already been and been back from Iraq, i have several close friends who have been, going back or are about to go. Every single one of them is voting for the same person, or should i say against the same person...
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