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Timbo Slice

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Timbo Slice last won the day on July 6 2023

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About Timbo Slice

  • Birthday 05/16/1990

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    Older women.

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    Phoenix, AZ
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  1. Awesome to see this coming together Andy!
  2. I'm assuming you mean the 690 Duke then, the SuperDuke is a 1290. Surprisingly, for being a liter bike, the FZ1 is extremely refined and manageable.
  3. That's more like it. Have you looked at the FZ1? Solid, solid bike.
  4. Thanks man! I ended up with a free weekend so I split out of town early Saturday, rode to Amsterdam to visit my grandmother, raced the sunset from there to Lake Placid and camped for the night. Sunday morning I did a quick climb up Whiteface and then hit the road back to Rochester. Perfect weather, empty roads...it was simply amazing.
  5. SuperDuke I can approve of, but I looked up ZT-09 and this is what I found. I could see you rocking that.
  6. Took mine out of the city for the weekend on what is now tied for the best driving/riding experience I've had my entire life. Did the whole thing solo, packed my tent to camp it, and total cost was about $25 in fuel.
  7. Damn, that's a shame. Glad you're okay.
  8. Looking for something All Season mainly. The car is going to see mild winters shortly and occasional gravel. Just looking for a well balanced tire that is a combo of quiet, comfortable, and long lasting. Side note: http://www.autoblog.com/2017/06/21/volvo-cars-relaunches-polestar-as-standalone-electric-car-brand/
  9. Looking for some tire recommendations for the XC90. All season, mostly road use with a decent bit of gravel track stuff. Does anyone have recommendations?
  10. With a proper exhaust, those SVs can sound so mean
  11. Very cool. And yeah I get the feeling to crank the throttle as well, it's just there and asking to be used. I wonder if they make some type of windscreen you can utilize to cut the wind down without it ruining the look of the bike.
  12. Nice pickup Andy!! Glad to see you starting fresh, hopefully between the old VR and this one you'll build a hell of a machine! Hopefully we can catch up this summer, I'd love to see it.
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