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About pdlarson

  • Birthday June 28

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Volvos, my family, amateur (ham) radio, camping and my dog!

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  • Location
    Billings MT USA
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pdlarson's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. That sounds ridiculous! On another note. Does anyone remember a post here about a pipe mount for storing wheels in a garage?
  2. Is Off Topic: The Thread dead? Man I used to come here every night and read y'all's funny AF comments.
  3. "Appraised at $75,000" lol by the owner I'm sure. Excellent condition minus the torn seat and nowhere near enough pics even for the asking price let alone at $75k car. Joker. To bad after modding a car you don't get the cost or time back, ever. I can hear him telling lookers, I have $$$ into it! Oh and the engine pic does seem to show the hood open further than the pic with the hood only partially opened.
  4. Wow, quite a range of price, $50-75 on fb and there was one that went recently on eBay for $300 BIN. I'll have to unbox mine and take a bunch of pics. I'm trying to remember the details, I picked it up from a SS user in Florida who works at an auto salvage place but I can't remember who that was and I haven't found the PMs about it yet either it was from a low mileage GLT but it should be in very good condition.
  5. What fb groups did you use for BST Volvo stuff?
  6. What is a 16T with angled flange going for these days? I have a low mileage one that has been in a box for a couple years that I don't think I'm going to use.
  7. I totally get the sarcasm, I'm in IT in a school system which means doubly underpaid. I don't oh yeah! about it because some of my fellow school IT peeps have it much worse and teachers would throw a fit if they knew what I got paid but the stress is crazy and not worth it. And yes, working in a closet to keep YouTube running smoothly and it always works so they figure WTF do we need the IT staff for, f$/& 'em! On another note, I ditched the iPhone and picked up a Droid Turbo 64GB. The first couple days were painful, I made the home screens 'kinda laid out like the iPhone icon arrangement (not because it was great but simply for my sanity finding stuff). Now after a few days of figuring and customizing, holy crap, I can customize this thing, wow! Thanks for turning me on the the Droid Turbo guys, it's great so far.
  8. My Brother in law rolled a car; around a corner at high speed, down a bank and into a creek when he was a dumb teenager. No seat belts, broke through the glass sunroof mid-roll and was completely ejected and thrown free. The roof was caved in so badly, the responders told him if he had he stayed in the car, even buckled he'd surely be dead. I've always wondered what that was like being launched out of a rolling car, maybe even seeing it tumbling as your in mid-flight. Maybe busting through the glass, he wasn't conscious, I don't know. We don't talk about it so I assume others in the car weren't as fortunate. This was before I was even dating my now wife so I wasn't privy to the details and she says she doesn't remember.
  9. What high end smartphone models do you like right now? I'm needing to replace a phone and don't care about OS wars or carrier preference. What brand and model of smartphone do you like? Why? I'm thinking 6S or S5. Plus and Note are too big but I will spend money on features and quality. Is S6 edge worth the wait? I actually hate Google and Apple but don't want a Windows Mobile phone, Amazon Fire phone or Blackberry that I can't get any decent apps for. So I don't really give a stuff about if anyone thinks Apple or Droid is better, they both suck and I can adapt to either. Show me your cool phones!
  10. Testicle testicle one.. two.. three!? Is this thing on?
  11. IT Director for a private preK-12 school district. 1000 students, 125 staff, a few hundred mostly Windows stations, 20 or so iMacs, dozens of iPads, about 500 wireless nodes on our wifi all day every school day...
  12. Vehicle brand public PERCEPTION. USA TODAY: Car brands with best, worst image with public http://usat.ly/1na1RuN Spoiler alert: Volvo is #8
  13. In Montana, women used to be charged more based on actual costs but since it targeted women, that was ruled illegal and now insurance companies can't use gender to determine rates so yes, it went up for men to make everyone feel better. Funny, I'm all for equal rights but I never hear women's rights groups demanding to have more women in prison, driving dump trucks or die on the job (I don't advocate for this either of course). Only some things should be fair I guess. I wonder how it would go over for me to get into a women's locker room with a press credential and some cameras???
  14. No salt here either. We have packed powder today and it has decent grip except at some intersections where people can't get going from a stop and polish it to a nice shiny patch of ice with their spinning wheels. In those areas we have trucks that spread sand and that works pretty well. We do have just a few major intersections where they use some awful sodium based liquid that is a oh yeah! to get off of our cars. Salt would just make a mushy mess, and kill fish in our river where it all would drain to. When it is well below freezing for days at a time or below zero for weeks on end, salt doesn't help. Of course an XC with good winter tires is my cure for all the bad conditions. As far as I knew, driving in today in the snow was the same as yesterday on clear roads. Yes I drive more carefully but unless I need to make an emergency maneuver (which I'm always mindful of), I can't tell the diff. I thought I would have had comments on my vulvapedia find in my last post. Imagine my surprise when trying for volvopedia.de and ending up at vulvapedia. Well Google, or G as I call it I guess does know what I want ;)
  15. We get a good LOL out of watching most of the country freak out about 1" of snow and 30 degrees F closing schools. I know they're not used to it and such but still hilarious. We go to school in -20 F, feet of snow, whatever. I've been here since '84 and don't remember school being closed. Our attitude is you're in Montana, it's going to snow and get cold, deal with it! At a recent council meeting, something came up about plowing residential streets and the mayor said, “This is Montana, I think the thought of clearing residential streets is totally out of character.” and I couldn't agree more. Of course two of my three vehicles are AWD with good tires and I know how to dress me and my kids so bring it on. We're expecting more tomorrow. I hope I get to blast through some big drifts! But that's not why I'm here. I was trying to go to volvopedia.de and landed here: http://www.vaginapagina.com/index.php?title=Main_Page
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