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Posts posted by macmom

  1. Wish I ever got a ticket for only 9 over, what the hell are you worried about! My last one was 64 in a 45, just pay it and be done with it.

    Uh, sorry about my math there, still what's the big deal, your time is worth more than that will cost, and trust me traffic court will completely ruin any respect you might have had for the judicial system and for most of the people on the planet.

  2. I was on the highway-60MPH zone, I was going about 66, wnt down a hill, then an unmarked state trooper pulls me over. I got a ticket for 71 in 60. His radar has never been calibrated, would I have any way of fighting for myself? I got the car less than a week ago and I'm not accostomed to the new spped.

    Wish I ever got a ticket for only 9 over, what the hell are you worried about! My last one was 64 in a 45, just pay it and be done with it.

  3. It's not ignorant, it is the truth. No one likes him anymore, he is doing a God aweful job in Iraq, and even Republicans interviewed before the SOTU said they didn't agree. The only ignorant ones are the ones who don't see that anyone would be better, republican or democrat. And yes, we could go into approval ratings (worst since Nixon in 74) but they are not alway accurate, but still... And I have no problem with Hilary. Only really conservative people hate her because they couldn't stand having a Vagina as a President. She wouldn't be my first choice, but I need to look more into her beliefs.


    I happen to be a conservative woman, and I don't want her as president not because she is a woman but because she is a calculating coattail riding oh yeah!. She is a disgusting human being and a disgrace to women everywhere. She stayed with filandering Billy boy so she could get right where she is now. I guarantee she knows every indisgretion he has ever had, she married him to get in the white house plain and simple. She is scarey, if she gets elected we all better put our heads between our legs and kiss our asses and our money good bye.

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